Recaptcha 404s Errors - recaptcha

What could I do to try and troubleshoot a re-captcha that had previous been working but now returns a 404 when trying to access the javascript file.
I don't think it's a coding issue because they were up this afternoon.
For what it's worth both my sites using re-captcha have the same issue.

I believe the reCaptcha service may be experiencing issues. I have multiple websites that are all receiving 404 errors. I know for sure at least 2 of them were working a couple of hours ago.
This is the error I am seeing:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
I've also just found a few other posts with people experiencing the same issue.

It appears to be a global problem at the moment. Twitter feed for reCaptcha has many, many tweets.

For a quick fix, using Chrome's console I went to the "Sources" tab and edited the URL. Just change recapcha_1-XXXXXXXX.js to recapcha_ajax.js and save the change.

Please, make sure that you have version 2 in web config recaptcha api.
Version one doesn't run properly
add key="recaptchaApiVersion" value="2"


Google drive image gives 403 forbidden error

I am using google drive to show images on a website.
I'm using the following url to show the images:{fileId}
It works fine on most occasions, but some users don't see the images and get the following error message:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
The image files and folders on the google drive are shared with everybody with a link to see.
The problem does not seem browser related.
Anyone an idea how to fix this? Are there some things I forgot to do (do I need some kind of API key in the link)?
I've dealt with this problem working with Ionic Angular, in the lastest versions you should use{img-ID} as Edso said and it solves the problem. Consider that the images will only load if you have a logged google account, otherwhise the status of the response will be 302 and image will never load.
ok i know i am late... and my answer may not work for you but it did for me.
i was getting the 403 forbidden error when i used this link{file-id}
the problem wasn't with the link. but with the file access. so, earlier when i viewed the file access it was like this
and the response in html file was like this
but if i just click on restricted and change it to anyone, the html was able to fetch it and it worked.
and then the html response was able to fetch it with a couple of redirects which were automatic
make sure public access is set to viewer or anyone who knows how to open devtools will be able to comment or edit your file.also i have shared original link as i have already deleted the file on that link before publishing this answer.
As of today I have the same issue. (just like a few months back when Google ended the classic sites, which I (mis)used as an image repository.)
After I cleared all cookies from the browser, the images were visible again.
So that solved this problem.
If your problem persists, you should change the URL.
This URL gives a 403 err:{img-ID}
Change that to:{img-ID}
For example: setting a favicon in a WebApp:
return template.evaluate()

Heroku Dashboard bug

Is anyone else having this issue with Heroku?
Something went wrong. If you're using an ad-blocker, please try disabling it. You can also check the Heroku Status site to see if there are any incidents impacting our service.
And in the top corner shows Unknown error
Screenshot of the issue
I was using my dashboard normally until 2 days ago, then I started getting this splash and even disabling my adblocker this still remains. And in Firefox I get an eternal loading page (after authentication).
I'm pretty new using Heroku, but it seems that a free user just can't create a ticket or email them anyway... LOL
I'm being able to do what I need through terminal/cmd by now, but eventually a dashboard would be great!
One possibility is that the site is experiencing some sort of problem. It is the website itself and not you.
You can check in Status to see if there is a real problem reporting (but if the problem just happened, it may not happen so quickly)
I suggest that if you really have a question, you write an email to ask.
Their reply is very fast (my experience is that they reply after 2 minutes), here is their reply
We're seeing similar reports and looking into this, possibly an incident brewing. We should have a status post shortly:

I can't access the download page of the spring framework

I am trying to access the download page , but I ALWAYS get 404 error using VPN and different computers. Since no one seems to have problems accessing the page I am going insane right now. Can you guys access the page and what problem could cause a 404 error on my browser?
Your URL is wrong and that's the reason it responds with 404. In my computer is a 404 also without using any kind of VPN.
Try locating what you want manualy from the base path, although what I think that you need is here

Recaptcha v3 issue

Suddenly Recaptcha V3 stopped working. I am getting error.
Could not connect to the reCAPTCHA service. Please check your internet connection and reload to get a reCAPTCHA challenge..
But internet is fine. On investigation found that
is throwing 404 error. This gets added by recaptcha js on the page. The strange thing is api2 is twice in the url, if I remove one it returns 200 and loads the recaptcha logo.
You might want to check that no 3rd party library or your own JavaScript files are fiddling with String.prototype. Some String methods have been added to the ECMAScript 2015 specification and old scripts are still containing these. Just search for occurrences of String.prototype. At least that fixed it for me.

Google in-page analytics doesn't work in my ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor website

We've recently launched a new website and since the launch I've been unable to get in-page analytics working on the website. Google also claims that my tracking code is not working but I think this is a misnomer.
Whenever I attempt to load in-page analytics I receive the error:
We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics.
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google.
If you host the Google tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly. If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll have to manually check it is being loaded correctly.
I've simply copy and pasted the tracking code on to the website and haven't done anything out of the ordinary. I've also checked to make sure that under Web Property Settings my Web property name and default URL is
Any ideas you guys have really would be welcomed.
EDIT: Added screenshot of Google Analytics error
Thanks in advance
Well there's whole buncha people in the web complaining about the same issue.
I've noticed something funny.
Most of developers love to exclude Analytics tracking code for logged in administrators and trying to check out In-Page Analytics while they're logged in. So there's really no any ga.js.
In my experience, this occurred when I hadn't set my default URL to exactly match the URL set in the profile.
P.S. Someone beat me to your source!
Got the same problem on Magento Enterprise, but solution was pretty simple: GA code just need to be placed before <head> tags. After this simple fix In-Page tracking works perfectly.
Also, be sure you have no framekiller installed in your site.
