Recaptcha v3 issue - recaptcha

Suddenly Recaptcha V3 stopped working. I am getting error.
Could not connect to the reCAPTCHA service. Please check your internet connection and reload to get a reCAPTCHA challenge..
But internet is fine. On investigation found that
is throwing 404 error. This gets added by recaptcha js on the page. The strange thing is api2 is twice in the url, if I remove one it returns 200 and loads the recaptcha logo.

You might want to check that no 3rd party library or your own JavaScript files are fiddling with String.prototype. Some String methods have been added to the ECMAScript 2015 specification and old scripts are still containing these. Just search for occurrences of String.prototype. At least that fixed it for me.


Google Recaptcha - Safari browser getting 0.1 score

I have implemented Google Recaptcha V3 on my site login page, I am getting success status as true and score 0.9 in the Google Chrome browser.
But in the Safari browser, I am always getting a score of 0.1.
I am using this URL: from the server side for site verify.
How to overcome this issue with Safari and all browsers?
I having same problem, but can't find any help too. I think this is a problem with v3. In other similar problems that I found googling, one person told that is necessary some time for v3 to learning behavoir and automated tuning it. So, is necessary that your website goes live for some time to work correctly. And, he sugest to use v2 first and changing versions until all goes fine.

Google's ReCaptcha Suddenly Stopped Working For All Sites

I've been using Google's Recaptcha in conjunction with Tectite FormMail on all of my sites and have noticed that it's suddenly stopped working on all sites.
I've checked the code and everything seems fine.
I've tried regenerating keys.
I'm using V2.0
Is any one aware of a problem with the recaptcha service and is there anywhere that you can check the status?
To address this problem, Tectite have released an updated version of Formmail - version 9.14 - and advise that the MAXSTRING setting be changed to 2048.

Recaptcha 404s Errors

What could I do to try and troubleshoot a re-captcha that had previous been working but now returns a 404 when trying to access the javascript file.
I don't think it's a coding issue because they were up this afternoon.
For what it's worth both my sites using re-captcha have the same issue.
I believe the reCaptcha service may be experiencing issues. I have multiple websites that are all receiving 404 errors. I know for sure at least 2 of them were working a couple of hours ago.
This is the error I am seeing:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
I've also just found a few other posts with people experiencing the same issue.
It appears to be a global problem at the moment. Twitter feed for reCaptcha has many, many tweets.
For a quick fix, using Chrome's console I went to the "Sources" tab and edited the URL. Just change recapcha_1-XXXXXXXX.js to recapcha_ajax.js and save the change.
Please, make sure that you have version 2 in web config recaptcha api.
Version one doesn't run properly
add key="recaptchaApiVersion" value="2"

SignalR across domains

I'm trying to get a basic sample across domains working, but I just cannot get it to work. According to someone here he got it to work by adding a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
Basically, I've added a hub to an mvc 3 application, added the above header in the web.config, and created a page to send a message. This setup works fine.
Next, I've created a different web application using the same client javascript on a page, but setting the url to a different server using:
$.connection.hub.url = '';
As soon as I use a remote url it stops working.
How can I get SignalR to work across domains?
Some added information, the above approach works for chrome and firefox, but IE9 is not liking it...
I got it working using a simple test project and Internet Explorer 9, but it wasn't easy and first I was hung on the same problems you described. I think you are almost there and you are only missing the following line in your JavaScript: = true;
which tells jQuery to do cross domain calls. Seems simple, but was really hard to find ;-)
I explained all the steps I did in a blog post since I didn't find any existing information on this topic so far.
Tell me if there are any more problems. I have a working test project running in Internet Explorer 9 which I can send you.

FTP deployed Microsoft MVC3 website. POST protocol ISN'T working. GET protocol IS working

I am developing a website using Microsoft MVC3, and have built it upon the default MVC3 Application template. It accesses an external database and works on localhost.
I have deployed it to a shared server I rent from storminternet via the publish tool using ftp method (storminternet do not yet support web deploy), and it runs well. It accesses the database okay and get requests work fine.
However, any form that submits via POST protocol returns page not found error 404 (this is on actions where I have asserted [HttpPost]).
Storm internet assure me that POST and GET are allowed by default, and since the helpdesk are not developers, I'm unsure who to turn to. I don't have an excellent understanding of web.config, although I can read and understand xml and see what's going on by reading through and googling. I have tried adding the protocols to the root web.config, and I think I might be barking up the wrong tree.
Has anyone else had this problem, or might anyone know how to help me?
To replicate my error, my site is here...$sitepreview/ (sorry it isn't blue. The dollar gets parsed to % something)
and the quickest route to a POST request is to click 'Add Building' at the top of the left-hand side and then click 'Save' at the top of the dialogue box.
Any help will be gratefully received. I've been stuck on this for days without luck.
Best Regards
It turned out to be a known issue with sitepreview. Switching to the proper domain sorted everything.
I have noticed that you have some 404 javascript errors when performing your AJAX requests. For example you have a request to:$sitepreview/
instead of:$sitepreview/
Notice how /Dev is missing. That's because in your javascripts you have hardcoded your urls instead of using url helpers to generate them. For example you wrote something like this:
url: '/BuildingManager/Employees/2',
which works fine on localhost because you don't have a virtual directory name but doesn't work when you deploy on your server because now the correct path is:
url: '/Dev/BuildingManager/Employees/2',
For this reason you should absolutely never hardcode urls like that.
And when I try to POST the form in tries to post to which seems a very weird url as it is missing the whole beginning. Once again: never hardcode urls. Always use url helpers.
