How to create web deployment package in Visual Studio 2013 - visual-studio

I am now using the Visual Studio 2013, where I want to create a web deployment installer for project like I am doing in Visual Studio 2008.
But I am not getting any option inside Setup and Deployment. Can anybody please guide me how to create the installer package for web application? I have publish folder ready with me. Can I create any installer from VS2008 using this Publish folder?

Visual Studio no longer includes a setup installer out of the box. This was removed in VS2012; the guidance instead is to use a 3rd party option like WiX or InstallShield.
Another option, if you don't need to use an MSI based installer, is to use Web Deploy. A web project in VS can create a deployment package, which can then be published to any number of websites at any time. It can also be customized by configuring parameters and setting their values at deploy time (link). Web Deploy packages can support deploying your web content, IIS settings, and database.

VS2013 will support it again. It will be released in the next update patch of the VS2013.


Latest version Visual Studio doesn't support Setup project

I have just updated my Visual Studio to the version 16.8.5.
I create some add-in for Office and distribute them via ClickOnce to my organization. When I opened my solutions, the setup projects are not supported anymore because incompatible.
I tried to add a new setup project but I can't find any.
How can I create setup now?
For same reason, I must reinstall the plugin Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects although the plugin is installed and activated.

Visual Studio 2010 setup project for VS 2012 Windows Service

Is it possible to use VS 2010 to create a Setup project for a C# VS 2012 Windows Service?
I clicked Add Project Output and in the popup there is no where i can attach the 2012 service project.
Is there any tutorial i can find where it shows how to do this ?
Thanks !
VS2012 does not support the project setups that VS2010 has. you can however enable installsheild LE (Lite Edition) for VS2012 and do it this way:
How do i create an InstallShield LE project to install a windows service?
I am not sure how involved your project is and what Framework it is targeting. You will not be able to use the Wizard, or add a 2012 Project Output in VS2010 because it will not recognize it. You should be able to create a blank installer and add the executable and all ancillary files to it, and it should work. I would be more likely to invest the time to learn WIX or another installer that will be supported.

MSBuild calling the Package Target of Web Project

Does anyone know the components that need to be installed in order to make the Package Target available via MSBuild.
It's possible to Package using MSBuild on a machine with Visual Studio installed, but not on a build server with only the .NET 4 SDK and Web Deploy 2.0 installed, which results in the following error:
msbuild "Package" does not exist in the project.
It partly comes down to the following missing files on the server:
c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\*.*
This can of course be resolved by copying the contents of the MSBuild VisualStudio folder to the equivalent directory on the build server, but this is not a manageable solution for server configuration.
All the answers I've read involve having Visual Studio installed or copying the files. Surely it's possible to compile the Web Deploy package without installing Visual Studio?
I have a TeamCity CI server without VS installed building a Web Project configured to also create a deployment package on successful build. However, for the life of me I can't recall if I copied those files manually or if they were installed by some component.
The relevant components I have installed are the following, if you want to give it a shot:
.NET 4.0 SDK;
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated) Redistributable Package;
Visual Studio 2010 SDK; (Not the VS 2010 SDK SP1)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Visualization & Modeling SDK;
Web Deploy 2.0;
I installed the VS Shell in order to be able to install the VS 2010 SDK which in turn was required in order to install the Visualization & Modeling SDK so that I was able to run T4 transformations on the build server.
With this components and configuring the following MSBuild properties DeployOnBuild=true;DeployTarget=Package to create the deploy package I had no problems, but as I said earlier I may have copied the files manually after giving up all hope of finding a more cleaner solution and now my brain is blocking any memory of such ill action.

Doubts about Visual Studio 2010 Setup Project

I'm developing my first win app and I have some doubts about setup project.
I'm using LinqToSql with a local database file. I know that must add this database to the setup project.
But, if I install this app in another machine, this machine must have sql server express installed to run my app?
I've user 4.0 framework. Do I have to add the 4.0 installer to the setup project as well?
If your application needs SQL Server Express and .NET Framework to run, you can add them as prerequisites to your installer. Visual Studio setup project should have them in the predefined prerequisites list.

How to create Web Deploy 2.0 projects in Visual Studio 2010?

We are using Visual Studio 2010 to publish to IIS using Web Deploy. I have now upgraded to Web Deploy 2.0 on the client, and the server (by uninstalling the old version and installing the new version).
From Visual Studio, it still seams to be creating web deploy 1.0 packages. This is where I am confused. How does Visual Studio integrate with Web Deploy? How do I get Visual Studio to create Web Deploy 2.0 packages?
Thanks for your post.
I just found a doc might help, it illustrates the installation and enabling of web deploy:
Moreover, I think web deploy is more relevant to ASP.Net, and if you can post another thread at:
I believe you can get more useful information.
Hope this can help.
I got it working. The batch file that was being generated by web deploy was checking for v1.1 in the registry. Editing it to check for v2 works on a server that only has v2 installed.
After installing the Visual Studio service pack, I see now that the batch file is different, and no longer does a registry check so works with web deploy clients 1 and 2.
