How to create Web Deploy 2.0 projects in Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

We are using Visual Studio 2010 to publish to IIS using Web Deploy. I have now upgraded to Web Deploy 2.0 on the client, and the server (by uninstalling the old version and installing the new version).
From Visual Studio, it still seams to be creating web deploy 1.0 packages. This is where I am confused. How does Visual Studio integrate with Web Deploy? How do I get Visual Studio to create Web Deploy 2.0 packages?

Thanks for your post.
I just found a doc might help, it illustrates the installation and enabling of web deploy:
Moreover, I think web deploy is more relevant to ASP.Net, and if you can post another thread at:
I believe you can get more useful information.
Hope this can help.

I got it working. The batch file that was being generated by web deploy was checking for v1.1 in the registry. Editing it to check for v2 works on a server that only has v2 installed.
After installing the Visual Studio service pack, I see now that the batch file is different, and no longer does a registry check so works with web deploy clients 1 and 2.


Visual Studio publishing "extra" files with file publish

I use Visual Studio Folder Publish option to publish my Web apps to my IIS server. They are mostly ASP.NET Core 2.0 apps. Before I updated Visual Studio 2017 to the latest version my published web app would look like this in the IIS Site folder: (picture below)
Now that I have updated Visual Studio 2017 to the latest release of 2017, my Core 2.0 apps site folder has tons of files, like this:
I am not sure why, obviously nothing has changed with my app project files that I know of. I also noticed when I publish a newly created ASP.NET Core 2.1 web app, it only publishes the short list of files.
Does anyone know why this happens and if it is possible to fix (or even worth fixing). I haven't noticed any performance difference but my apps are not very performance intensive.

Attach Snapshot Debugger option not available in VS 2017

Trying to enable snapshot debugging on an Azure app service. The option to enable the snapshot debugger is not showing up in Visual Studio 2017. Did install the Snapshot Debugger Extension. Upgraded the Insights SDK on the deployed app service to the latest version (2.4.1).
The Visual Studio version I use is VS 2017 Enterprise 15.5.2.
Is this because snapshot debugging is only available for sites? Early blog posts about this feature seem to suggest this, but I'm not sure this is still the case.
The app service I try to snapshot debug is a Web API (.NET framework version 4.6.1).
Any suggestions about steps I'm missing here?
Unfortunately ASP.NET API apps are not currently covered.
The Snapshot Debugger was made available in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise version 15.5 and greater. VS2017 supported ASP.NET (4.6.1+) and ASP.NET Core (2.0+) running in Azure App Services, however, it currently covers Web UI scenarios.
FYI: VS2019 supports several more Azure scenarios (VM,VMSS,AKS).

How to create web deployment package in Visual Studio 2013

I am now using the Visual Studio 2013, where I want to create a web deployment installer for project like I am doing in Visual Studio 2008.
But I am not getting any option inside Setup and Deployment. Can anybody please guide me how to create the installer package for web application? I have publish folder ready with me. Can I create any installer from VS2008 using this Publish folder?
Visual Studio no longer includes a setup installer out of the box. This was removed in VS2012; the guidance instead is to use a 3rd party option like WiX or InstallShield.
Another option, if you don't need to use an MSI based installer, is to use Web Deploy. A web project in VS can create a deployment package, which can then be published to any number of websites at any time. It can also be customized by configuring parameters and setting their values at deploy time (link). Web Deploy packages can support deploying your web content, IIS settings, and database.
VS2013 will support it again. It will be released in the next update patch of the VS2013.

Cannot build Windows Azure Cloud project in VS 2010 after installing VS 2012 side by side

According to Microsoft the side-by-side installation of Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 is supported (
I already had VS 2010 installed on my system (Windows 7 box) along with the Windows Azure Tools 1.5. I used this configuration to create a cloud project that is hosted on Azure. A few days ago I decided to also put VS 2012 on my system but to do it in a side-by-side manner rather than upgrading (or uninstalling) the VS 2010. The reason why I did not want to uninstall VS 2010 was that I already had some add-ons configured for it for script and css minification and aggregation. I heard that VS 2012 has this functionality built-in but I did not want to touch the dozens of scripts that I had already created using the older method. So I wanted to keep my VS 2010 environment in a pristine, working state in case there was an emergency and I had to publish a patch for my already hosted application. I would use VS 2012 for all the new projects going forward.
However, after I put VS 2012 on my box it also brought down 1.8 version of Azure SDK. As a result, I can no longer successfully build my VS 2010 solution. I have one worker role and one web role in that solution. If I build each one of them individually the builds succeed. But if I then try to build the entire solution or package it, it fails with no message in the log whatsoever. It just shows "Build Failed" in the VS status bar.
Since I was not getting any error in the status bar, I decided to create a "Hello World" application from scratch with only one web role using Windows Azure Cloud project template in VS 2010 hoping to get a better error message. Indeed, when I try to build the entire solution I get an error:
Error 102 WAT080 : Failed to locate the Windows Azure SDK. Please make sure the Windows Azure SDK v1.5 is installed. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Windows Azure Tools\1.5\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets
Clearly the installation of VS 2012 and Azure SDK 1.8 corrupted the older version. Ideally I would like to keep VS 2010 + Azure SDK 1.5 truly side-by-side with VS 2012 + Azure SDK 1.8. Is there a way to do this? If not, then how can I fix the error above? In other words, how can I fix VS 2010 to work with Azure SDK 1.8?
All you help is greatly appreciated.
I solved this by going to Microsoft site and installing Windows Azure SDK for .NET - October 2012 (1.8).
Initially I was a bit afraid and people were saying that it would not work and they encouraged to do a manual one-by-one install. However, I decided to use the Web Platform Installed link from the above page:
All in all, things went smoothly.

Visual Studio 2012 Express MVC 3 deployment

I have developed a a MVC 3 application in Visual Studio 2012 express and I'm trying to create a web deployment package following the documentation in this link:;k(TargetFrameworkMoniker-.NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.0)&rd=true
I have a couple of issues.
1. I cannot select deploy check box in the configuration manager, it is greyed out
2. The zip file is not being created
Is this a limitation of the version of visual studio or am I going about deploying this type of project wrong. Due to the nature of the application the web deployment package is the best deployment option.
