what does the down arrow mean in intellisense in VS 2012 - visual-studio

As you can see the little downward arrow in the red rectangle.
Does it mean this method has been obsoleted?
If it is, then what is the update-to-date replacement?
For example, I want to use a textbox on my Razor page, but it seems that all input components have been marked as obsoleted.
It would be better if someone could provide a link which states all these glyphicos on a Microsoft website.
Thank you.

That means the method is an extension method.
You can check the icon meanings here.


How to view overload signatures in Visual Studio 2015's tooltip

Visual Studio 2015 (and older versions) have a tooltip when you hover over various identifiers that will tell you information like the type and method signatures. A screenshot of this functionality is shown below:
When there are overloads, as there is below, I'd like some way to be able to view these overloads. I find this is a somewhat common case as I'd like to identify if an overload might have something closer to what I actually need.
When typing the method for the first time, such is possible and the tooltip has arrows that make it clear that you can do this (the up/down arrow keys switch between overloads here):
I also note that this window has more details, which would be useful to have when hovering. This dialogue isn't so easy to open, however, once the code has already been written (I seem to have to type the method call from scratch).
Is there any way to view the overloads when hovering alone? Or perhaps more ideally, to be able to see the second window when hovering over the identifier?
It doesn't have to be a native feature. A compatible extension would work as well. I'm thinking of C# in particular, but it doesn't have to be just that.
Place the insertion point between the () and press Ctrl+Shift+Space. Then use the arrow keys to navigate.

Does Windows allow to have a window with both the help button and the min/max buttons?

I want to put help buttons on all my windows, like this:
But when I put the help button in, the minimize/maximize buttons disappear. Does Windows forbid having the min/max buttons together with the help buttons? That would be disappointing because that would mean I could put the help button only on dialogs and not on frames.
If Windows does forbid this, it would be nice to see an official Microsoft document which talks about this policy.
It is not possible through setting windows styles. If you really wanted to you could set some hooks that would probably let you do what you want, but I would not recommend doing that. You can mimic the functionality of the help button by sending the WM_HELP message.
According to MSDN, the styles WS_MAXIMIZEBOX and WS_MINIMIZEBOX can not be combined with WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP.
Although it is true what daalbert says, with some effort it is indeed possible to draw just about anything properly on the window frame. Of course this is in no way "official" and the limitation that daalbert mentions still stands.
You can listen for WM_NCPAINT and draw the button yourself with the help of DrawFrameControl with DFC_BUTTON (which makes sure it will look like the real thing). Use WM_NCHITTEST and friends (WM_NC*BUTTON*) to find out whether the button you draw gets clicked.
So yes, it's technically possible to achieve what you want but usually not worth the extra effort.
Just wanted to have this on record for completeness.

ToolTip while Drop Down ComboBox

I have created a combo box in my project which takes a certain amount of numbers from a file.
This Combo drops down the list of the numbers each of represents something.
That something I want to be displayed in a tooltip when the mouse hovers on the combo box.
Until now everything has gone fine.
What I want now is to see the tooltip when the mouse rolls over the list of the dop down combo.
How can I do that? Until now the internet didn't give me something to work on it.
Is there some one to assist me on that?
Is this the sort of thing you're looking for, where a tooltip appears over a ComboBox item you mouse over?
If so take a look at this article on codeproject.com:
A Windows.Forms.ComboBox with Item ToolTips for 32 bit Windows XP (SP2)
It's VB.NET and currently displays a ComboBox item's text when moused over; I'm sure you can adapt it to your specific needs.
Finally I solved the issue with Combo Box which I mentioned on this question.
Of course there is no any solution give it from Microsoft for it, but with a small trick we manage to do what we want to do from one hand, and nobody seams to understand HOW we did it from the other hand.
So if anybody wants to see this solution please set a question and I will try to answer immediately.
For "bad and worst" please put a comment on this question.
My code is in vb.net.

Visual Studio - Splitting so that Design mode is on top

VS2008 seems to have a new feature that allows one to split a website into the source code and design aspects on the same page. This feature seems great, however it defaults to having the design part on the bottom half of the screen and the code part on the top half.
Unfortunately, my brain doesn't work this way and it ends up being more of a hassle than to just continue switching back and forth when needed like I've done in the past.
Is there a way to swap them so that the design part is on the top and the code part on the bottom? Most other tools in VS are drag and droppable, so I can't see why not, but I'm not finding the setting anywhere. I did a quick google search and found a way to make the split vertical, but thats not what I'm looking for. I'm just looking for the same horizontal split with the design part on top.
Here's an alternative approach that may help. If it's a traditional .aspx page (one that has a codebehind), you can open both documents simultaneously. Then right click one in the tab area at the top and select New Horizontal Tab Group. You can manipulate it so that the design window is on top of the code window.
I would be very surprised if this possible, since I have never seen a window configuration that changes the vertical alignment of the Objects and Events drop-down-lists.
I could be wrong, though.
It does seem rather strange - in the xaml designer you can split the screen whichever way you want as there is a button to switch the position of the panes. The options for the html designer only seem to allow a vertical or horizontal split though, there isn't anything in there specifying whether to have code or design at the top, it does seem a little backwards as I imagine most people find it more natural to have the visual designer at the top with the code below.

How to draw a grid in SketchFlow?

Since there is no grid asset in SketchFlow, what is the best way to represent one? Does everyone just use the rectangle asset?
At the time the question was posed, there were workarounds and kludges. But now--with the advent of the just-released (June 7, 2010) SketchFlow/Blend version 4 there is a great solution: Sketchables from Philipp Sumi. This add-on to SketchFlow 4 lets you use concise markup to customize and tailor a control to display sophisticated output--including the SketchableDataGrid.
Sketchables is a completely new package, due to be released the week of June 21, 2010, according to his blog. He has a startling demo video on his site, though. For a snapshot of the SketchableDataGrid take a look at Figure 12 in my just-published article Creating WPF Prototypes with SketchFlow, June 18, 2010.
(I have no connection with Philipp Sumi other than admiration for his Sketchables product.:-)
There should be a DataGrid Asset (defined in System.Windows.Control.Data.dll -Might need to add a reference?) which I think is what you're looking for.
The first thing you need to do is create a datasource.
You can create a data source by choosing the data tab in the top right corner and clicking on the "define new sample data" icon. Under the collection you should be able to add/edit the field properties for the data source. The data source will have auto-generated data for you (a very cool feature!). This can be replaced by selecting the "Edit Sample Values" icon beside the collection if desired.
Next you can drag a data grid onto your screen and set the data source by choosing the ItemsSource property on the grid (the data binding option should be chosen). On the data field tab you can choose your data source. Make sure to select the actual "Collection(array)" option on the right hand side. By default it should auto generate the columns for you. This can be changed if you want more control the column header names, etc.
Hope this helps.
I did it using a ListBox-Sketch.
Check it out here.
There isn't a 'sketch' style grid, so you have 2 options:
Use a list box and edit the template to be a grid / horizontal stack panel with borders etc.
Use the standard grid, you can still make the text 'Buxton Sketch' font so it still looks pretty good, but it does have some chrome effects breaking the 'pure sketch' look
Use what suits you best.
First of all, if you are using Silverlight based sketch, you have a datagrid available otherwise if you are working with WPF you could use WPF Toolkit which includes one.
To make a Silverlight datagrid "sketchy" please take a look at the sample at:
I think this sample also applies to a WPF based sketch with a datagrid from WPF toolkits with only minor adjustments...
Good luck
I am not 100% clear on what you are trying to do. You could use the SketchBorderUC or a Rectangle-Sketch.
What visual representation are you trying to achieve that you would use a grid for?
