How to view overload signatures in Visual Studio 2015's tooltip - visual-studio

Visual Studio 2015 (and older versions) have a tooltip when you hover over various identifiers that will tell you information like the type and method signatures. A screenshot of this functionality is shown below:
When there are overloads, as there is below, I'd like some way to be able to view these overloads. I find this is a somewhat common case as I'd like to identify if an overload might have something closer to what I actually need.
When typing the method for the first time, such is possible and the tooltip has arrows that make it clear that you can do this (the up/down arrow keys switch between overloads here):
I also note that this window has more details, which would be useful to have when hovering. This dialogue isn't so easy to open, however, once the code has already been written (I seem to have to type the method call from scratch).
Is there any way to view the overloads when hovering alone? Or perhaps more ideally, to be able to see the second window when hovering over the identifier?
It doesn't have to be a native feature. A compatible extension would work as well. I'm thinking of C# in particular, but it doesn't have to be just that.

Place the insertion point between the () and press Ctrl+Shift+Space. Then use the arrow keys to navigate.


In Visual Studio Code, is it possible to Edit the MiniMap View with settings

I'm updating some legacy code, because of my unfamiliarity to it, Its very difficult to find structures, especially if I step away for a week for other projects.
To alleviate this problem I've gone back to my old-school roots and started adding ascii text-art as comments above sections of code, using this tool:
This allows me to see via my MiniMap the titles of functions or sections of code I might need to come back to
The Thought then occured.. well surely someone else has this problem, and since VSCode seems to be written by the community, maybe someone has already written a plugin that would search the code for function titles (like Javadocs?) and display the title in a readable size?
If not, would it be easily coded? i.e. is the minimap just a very shrunk down copy(not easy) or is it structured and can be parsed and tweaked?
As long as your language plugin supports it, you can use cmd + shift + o to go to function definition.
All functions should also be listed in the Side Bar under "Outline"

racket/gui: responding to double-click and hover events

I'd like to be able to double-click an item in a list-box% to bring up an editor, or hover over things to display tooltips, but mouse-event% only covers 'enter' and 'left-up and I'd rather not have to start comparing event timestamps just to detect hover/double-click. keymap% looks like it might be able to handle the double-click but that seems to be designed for use with editors. Is there a way to connect a keymap% to other control types as well?
As for tooltips, it looks like they were going to implement them a few years ago but there's no evidence that anything actually happened...
For double click, control-event% has a list-box-dclick type.
tooltip-mixin in gui-widget-mixins seems like what you need.

what does the down arrow mean in intellisense in VS 2012

As you can see the little downward arrow in the red rectangle.
Does it mean this method has been obsoleted?
If it is, then what is the update-to-date replacement?
For example, I want to use a textbox on my Razor page, but it seems that all input components have been marked as obsoleted.
It would be better if someone could provide a link which states all these glyphicos on a Microsoft website.
Thank you.
That means the method is an extension method.
You can check the icon meanings here.

How can I know who calls the method in Xcode?

Does Xcode have a way to show the caller function of a method? I want to know all of the calling functions of a method in a class. A solution would be to find the method in the project, but sometimes different classes have methods with the same name - That could find us a method we're not looking for..
Many other IDEs have this capability, such as Visual C++ 2003/2005/2008,Eclipse ...
Can you do this in XCode?
Xcode 4.4 intrudced this functionality:
New Features in Xcode 4.4 (Scroll down to 'Find and Search Additions')
Move your cursor on top of the function you are interested in
Open the Assistant editor(⌃ +⌘+Enter)
On the top of the assistant editor, Select 'Callers'
You will see a list of all the function that's calling your function
Not the as effective as other IDEs, but does the job.
Yes. Set a breakpoint inside your method, then when it breaks, there are two spots to see a stack. First is in Xcode's "console" area (usually the bottom middle), there is a top-bar which may not immediately appear to be navigable, but it is a select-style UI control which has the entire stack in it. Selecting a different level shows you that scope's variables, etc. and pops your editor to that exact file (where you can mouse-over variables to see their in-memory real-time values). Second is in the left-hand area (where you normally browse files). There is another tab there (besides the file browser) for exactly this purpose. There is a slider at the bottom which controls how many "steps" in the stack you see; clicking on one has a similar affect.
For simple refactoring such as method re-naming, you can use the contextual-menu when you right-click a selected method-name, and Xcode will replace all identical selectors in your project. However, this does not address what you mentioned about different classes having methods with the same signature. It does, however, give you a very nice interface for reviewing the changes in-context and easily accepting or rejecting them one at a time.
It might be noted, however, that changing method signatures often may be a sign of poor design, and particularly if you have to do it with methods which have the same signature on different classes (which are not "siblings" and therefore should both get the rename)

How Imitate a [Ctrl+Left mouse click] on the center of the form or open another program and type in a word?

Babylon dictionary and a couple of other dictionaries allow to click on any word in any windows program
and automatically recognize the word under the cursor, and at once open the dictionary window while searching for that word in installed dictionaries.
You can on the other hand open your dictionary, type in your word and press Enter, the result will be the same.
There's a Delphi form, containing a text label, for example with the word "Automaton".
My question is:
How to send a word from my Delphi application right into the dictionary window, as if you typed it manually and pressed Enter?
The best solution is to send some message through the Windows mechanism, but if it is too complicated, there's another solution, and so the second answer: as I described, we need to model a [Ctrl+left mouse] click on a form where this word is displayed on a form [ a visual label on the screen of my Delphi application], to be exact, on some central pixel of this label.
Could you kindly give an advice how to do one thing or another in Delphi ?
** edit:
The problem with AppActivate is this: Babylon dict has a daemon part that seats in the tray.
In the task manager a real window where the text should be input also is named 'Babylon'.
So AppActivate('Babylon') tries to bring to front the non-visual part of the application.
Do you have any suggestion how to determine the windows handle or something of a real visual part of the application? In the task manager, I repeat both visual and non-visual parts are named 'Babylon'.
I cannot offer an answer so much as some insight and advice...
There are certain applications which "intercept" keyboard and mouse instructions, and essentially "nullify" them if they are being immitated by software. Generally-speaking, you'd only see this in proper AntiVirus software such as Kaspersky by design... however:
The way some (not many, but some) programs hook keyboard and mouse inputs, as a side-effect, behave the same way. If you have attempted all of the advice given as comments above, and cannot get Babylon to trigger an action as a result, it is likely Babylon behaves as I have described.
If what I suspect is true, then the method you are attempting is simply not possible (at least, not using any simple Pascal code on its own... ASM might be able to do it but that's beyond my knowledge).
A better solution may be to do a little research to see if any of the following options are available to you:
1) Does Babylon have a Pipeline or API you can use to interface your application(s) with it?
2) Is the particular functionality you require of Babylon accessible through one (or more) DLL files distributed as part of Babylon?
3) Is there an alternative to using Babylon for your needs?
I know it's not an answer as such (certainly not one you'd want to hear), but it may point you in a better direction.
