What is JMS?XML in JMS [closed] - jms

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a very basic question.Please help me in understanding this.
What is actually JMS? How we need to configure it ?
Recently I heard from one of my colleague that in JMS,the XML tags will not be represented as "<" and ">" rather it would be as "ampersand+lt;" and "ampersand+gt;". Is that true?
I have tried to understand JMS concepts.But could not get a clear picture.
Could someone explain in simple way.

Well you have got the concept wrong, which is already pointed out in the comments... Anyway, you can put XML in a JMS message body and send that JMS message to a messaging engine. XML could be put in the JMS text message as is and no changes are required, like the one you have mentioned.
One of the reasons your colleague could have told you this is because the receiver of the JMS message might want the XML is some format.
JMS is a messaging API and XML is a markup language.


What exactly is Hawtio? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I don't understand what exactly Hawtio does.
If you could give an introduction to Hawtio:
What exactly is it?
What added value does it gives me as a Camel\ Spring developer?
Please explain what Hawtio is.
Hawtio a monitoring web console for java application. its popular usage is with apache camel . It visualizes the data it receives from jmx. Jolokia takes over the process of getting the data from jmx and acts as a new bridge. With Hawtio you can do the following items and much more.
How many times has the route worked (live reload)?
Show Jvm parameters
Heap objects and count
How many errors were received?
How many transactions were successful?
Eip of java code
Changing log level
Changing camel component attribütes

Dynamic data exchange (DDE) link termination [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am reading about the Dynamic Data Exchange protocol on MSDN. It uses global atom tables to share data between applications.
My questions are:
What would happen if a DDE link between two application is interrupted or terminated? If it was interrupted, can we continue it with the same link? Would data be lost?
When a DDE connection is closed, what would happen to the atom table created to exchange data?
It would be great if someone can explain, or direct me to an article to read and further understand the DDE protocol.
If you still want to use DDE you should use DDEML. With this functions you get handles or ids to registered objects.
MS always recommended to use DDEML after it was introduced and to not use the pre DDE interface. If connections got broken, you have to reconnect.
If you allocate/register/aquire elements you have to free them, even if things fail. This includes also the complete internal string handling.

Is it a good idea to use a message queue as websocket server in production (instead of Java EE #ServerEndpoint)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it a good idea to use a message queue as websocket server in production (instead of Java EE #ServerEndpoint)?
It would establish a loose coupling towards the JS client and perhaps reduce the load from the application, but are there major disadvantages? Should one really expose a MQ over the web?
One can send messages to websocket clients from within a java web application without the help of a message queue. And this is a good enough solution as long as you do not need the additional features that message queues have to offer (QoS 1/2, Retained messages, Last Will and Testament, ... for some more benefits of using a mq see for example: http://www.hivemq.com/mqtt-over-websockets-with-hivemq/)

Mikrotik - How to add Simple Load Balancing in Mikrotik [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have to WAN connected to mikrotik routerboard, named ppoe-WAN1 and ppoe-WAN2
I want to add simple load balancing to using tow internet connection for all lan users
the simplest way is that add new route with 2 gateway like image below,
Note that if before add this route you must delete all route with distance 1 that does not contains routing marks
and disable Add default Route from pope connections
Having two gateways for the same destination will just put the other in redundancy. It is better that you decide on one of the following:
1. Policy based routing (PBR)
2. Per connection classifier (PCC)

How to send SMS in my application with Spring? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I wanna send SMS with JMS and Spring ,How can I do this ?
Could you give me tutorial or sample ,may be?
Before starting JMS and Spring you should probably check if it would work out at all.
Unless you have a JMS-to-SMS gateway programming won't help at all. First you have to find a reseller or provider for your SMS service. Afterwards check what APIs they provide.
If they happen to provide a JMS gateway start reading the Spring JMS manual.
You would probably need some JMSs provider as well. Check MQ or some smaller implementation like ActiveMQ.
First of all read this. It is important that you first under stand the beans that are required and there roles.
If your searching for samples you need to find out what JMS technology your going to be using:
Tibco, MQ etc. If this a test your going to run locally then ActiveMQ can get you up and running quickly:
MQ Tutorial 101
