An annoying problem many chemists are faced with is to convert CAS registry numbers of chemical compounds (stored in some commercial database that is not readily accessible) to Pubchem identifiers (openly available). Pubchem kind of supports conversion between the two, but only through their manual web interface, and not their official PUG REST programmatic interface.
A solution in Ruby is given here, based on the e-utilities interface:
Does anybody know how this would translate into R?
EDIT: based on the answerbelow, the most elegant solution is:
CAStocids=function(query) {
xmlresponse = xmlParse( getURL(paste("",query,sep="") ) )
cids = sapply(xpathSApply(xmlresponse, "//Id"), function(n){xmlValue(n)})
> CAStocids("64318-79-2")
[1] "6434870" "5282237"
This how the Ruby code does it, translated to R, uses RCurl and XML:
> xmlresponse = xmlParse( getURL("") )
and here's how to extract the Id nodes:
> sapply(xpathSApply(xmlresponse, "//Id"), function(n){xmlValue(n)})
[1] "6434870" "5282237"
wrap all that in a function....
convertU = function(query){
xmlresponse = xmlParse(getURL(
sapply(xpathSApply(xmlresponse, "//Id"), function(n){xmlValue(n)})
> convertU("64318-79-2")
[1] "6434870" "5282237"
> convertU("64318-79-1")
> convertU("64318-78-2")
> convertU("64313-78-2")
[1] "313"
maybe needs a test if not found.
I think you should still be able to convert CAS numbers to PubChem ID's using the PUG where instead of the name of the compound you enter the CAS number. Of course this might not be as specific if the CAS numbers overlap. I haven't tested it.
An example with aspirin
I have a condition where in my lua script I want to use enum like for SUCCESS I can give 1 and for FAILURE I can give 0
I am using lua version 5.2.4
Can anyone please help me on how to use enum
I want to use enum
elseif(cc_config_cmd == "DELETE" and file_found==1)then
api:executeString("callcenter_config queue unload " .. queue_name)
There are no enums in Lua.
Simply define variables.
Or put it into a table which would be quite similar to enum style syntax.
Result = {SUCCESS = "1", FAILURE = "0"}
As far as I know, there is no enums in Lua, you can use strings such as your current code. The strings will be interned inside the Lua Virtual Machine, so in the memory the strings will not be duplicated.
Another option will be to use numbers in place of strings.
local COMMAND_TEST_1 = 2
local COMMAND_TEST_2 = 3
Other options would be to use a third-party package such as the enum package or maybe go further and use a Lua Preprocessor
Recently, I started to study owlready, and faced with much problem.
I defined a PropertyChain as follows.
class friend(Person >> Person, SymmetricProperty):
class potentialFriend(Person >> Person):
# potentialFriend := friend o friend
equivalent_to = PropertyChain([friend, friend])
I tried to get person.potentialFriend.indirect(), but failed. I read the source codes, since the doc on web is too simple, and found that PropertyChain works like a list, I thought it returned a Property. How do I compliment what I want?
How do you use PropertyChain? Is there some concrete examples.
PS: The source codes(.py files) indent with only two whitespaces, :o!
You can use:
P.property_chain.append(PropertyChain([P1, P2]))
...where P1 and P2 are already created ObjectProperties. In your case, P is potentialFriend. P1 and P2 are both friend.
For the reasoner to infer the property chain, don't forget to set its parameter infer_property_values to True :
sync_reasoner(infer_property_values = True)
After that, the reasoner manages to infer the property and you can get it with person.potentialFriend.indirect().
Here is my original string:
"Chassis ID TLV\n\tMAC: 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\nPort ID TLV\n\tIfname: Ethernet1/3\nTime to Live TLV\n\t120"
and i want the string to be formatted as :
"Chassis ID TLV;00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\nPort ID TLV;Ethernet1/3\nTime to Live TLV;120"
so i used following ruby string functions to do it:
y = x.gsub(/\t[a-zA-Z\d]+:/,"\t")
y = y.gsub(/\t /,"\t")
y = y.gsub("\n\t",";")
so i am looking for a one liner to do the above. since i am not used to regex, i tried doing it sequentially. i am messing it up when i try to do all of them together.
Replace the following construct
[\n\r]\t(?:\w+: )?
with ;, see a demo on
I'd tackle it as a few smaller steps:
input = "Chassis ID TLV\n\tMAC: 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\nPort ID TLV\n\tIfname: Ethernet1/3\nTime to Live TLV\n\t120"
input.split(/\n\t?/).map { |s| s.sub(/\A[^:]+\:\s*/, '') }.join(';')
# => "Chassis ID TLV;00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;Port ID TLV;Ethernet1/3;Time to Live TLV;120"
That way you have control over each element instead of being entirely dependent on the regular expression to do it as one shot.
I am trying to click an element that changes per each order like so
xxx = any three numbers
I have tried using regex like so:
#driver.find_element(:css, "#edit_order_#{\d*} > div.submit > button[name=\"commit\"]").click
#driver.find_element(:xpath, "//*[(#id = "edit_order_#{\d*}")]//button").click
Is this possible? Any other ways of doing this?
You cannot use Regexp, like the other answers have indicated.
Instead, you can use a nifty CSS Selector trick:
#driver.find_element(:css, "[id^=\"edit_order_\"] > div.submit > button[name=\"commit\"]").click
^= indicates to find the element with the value beginning with your criteria.
*= says the criteria should be found anywhere within the element's value
$= indicates to find the element with with your criteria at the end of the value.
~= allows you to find the element based on a single criteria when the actual value has multiple space-seperated list of values.
Take a look at for some more info on other neat CSS tricks you should add to your utility belt!
You have no provided any html fragment that you are working on. Hence my answer is just based on the limited inputs provided your question.
I don't think WebDriver APIs support regex for locating elements. However, you can achieve what you want using just plain XPath as follows:
//*[starts-with(#id, 'edit_div_')]//button
Explanation: Above xpath will try to search all <button> nodes present under all elements whose id attribute starts with string edit_div_
In short, you can use starts-with() xpath function in order to match element with id format as edit_div_ followed by any number of characters
No, you can not.
But you should do something like this:
function hasClass(element, className) {
var re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)');
return re.test(element.className);
This worked for me
#driver.find_element(:xpath, "//a[contains(#href, 'person')]").click
Found a couple of questions (and answers) on this: How is internationalization configured for Hogan.js?
but non in particular that take word order into account. I need the ability to:
step 1. given a key -> lookup a sentence in a particular language.
step 2. this sentence may contain {{var}} , which need to be
substituted by json-values.
step 2. alone is general mustache-templating.
step 1. alone could be done with several techniques, but I prefer techniques that don't involve any specialized code outside of the Mustache/Hogan engine (in combination with a i18n-resource bundle of course) . Hogan seems to support this with something like: (from url above)
var template = "{{#i18n}}Name{{/i18n}}: {{username}}",
context = {
username: "Jean Luc",
i18n: function (i18nKey) {return translatedStrings[i18nKey];}
However to combine 1. and 2. in this example I would want translatedStrings[i18nKey] to return a string which potentially contains {{<some expansion>}} as well.
Someone knows of an elegant way to do this?
Often languages differ a lot in word order, etc. which makes for complex templates without this ability.
The latest version of Hogan.js will handle Mustache tags inside the result returned from a lambda. One minor change to the code in your question however, is that the result of the lambda should be a function in order to modify the string:
var translatedStrings = { name: "Nom {{rank}}" };
var template = "{{#i18n}}name{{/i18n}}: {{username}}",
context = {
username: "Jean Luc",
rank: 'Captain',
i18n: function() {
return function (i18nKey) {return translatedStrings[i18nKey];};
document.write(Hogan.compile(template).render(context)); // Nom Captain: Jean Luc
I created a jsfiddle that demonstrates this with the latest version.