mustache/hogan i18n and taking word-order into account - internationalization

Found a couple of questions (and answers) on this: How is internationalization configured for Hogan.js?
but non in particular that take word order into account. I need the ability to:
step 1. given a key -> lookup a sentence in a particular language.
step 2. this sentence may contain {{var}} , which need to be
substituted by json-values.
step 2. alone is general mustache-templating.
step 1. alone could be done with several techniques, but I prefer techniques that don't involve any specialized code outside of the Mustache/Hogan engine (in combination with a i18n-resource bundle of course) . Hogan seems to support this with something like: (from url above)
var template = "{{#i18n}}Name{{/i18n}}: {{username}}",
context = {
username: "Jean Luc",
i18n: function (i18nKey) {return translatedStrings[i18nKey];}
However to combine 1. and 2. in this example I would want translatedStrings[i18nKey] to return a string which potentially contains {{<some expansion>}} as well.
Someone knows of an elegant way to do this?
Often languages differ a lot in word order, etc. which makes for complex templates without this ability.

The latest version of Hogan.js will handle Mustache tags inside the result returned from a lambda. One minor change to the code in your question however, is that the result of the lambda should be a function in order to modify the string:
var translatedStrings = { name: "Nom {{rank}}" };
var template = "{{#i18n}}name{{/i18n}}: {{username}}",
context = {
username: "Jean Luc",
rank: 'Captain',
i18n: function() {
return function (i18nKey) {return translatedStrings[i18nKey];};
document.write(Hogan.compile(template).render(context));​ // Nom Captain: Jean Luc
I created a jsfiddle that demonstrates this with the latest version.


Any ar js multimarkers learning tutorial?

I have been searching for ar.js multimarkers tutorial or anything that explains about it. But all I can find is 2 examples, but no tutorials or explanations.
So far, I understand that it requires to learn the pattern or order of the markers, then it stores it in localStorage. This data is used later to display the image.
What I don't understand, is how this "learner" is implemented. Also, the learning process is only used once by the "creator", right? The output file should be stored and then served later when needed, not created from scratch at each person's phone or computer.
Any help is appreciated.
Since the question is mostly about the learner page, I'll try to break it down as much as i can:
1) You need to have an array of {type, URL} objects.
A sample of creating the default array is shown below (source code):
var markersControlsParameters = [
type : 'pattern',
patternUrl : 'examples/marker-training/examples/pattern-files/pattern-hiro.patt',
type : 'pattern',
patternUrl : 'examples/marker-training/examples/pattern-files/pattern-kanji.patt',
2) You need to feed this to the 'learner' object.
By default the above object is being encoded into the url (source) and then decoded by the learner site. What is important, happens on the site:
for each object in the array, an ArMarkerControls object is created and stored:
// array.forEach(function(markerParams){
var markerRoot = new THREE.Group()
// create markerControls for our markerRoot
var markerControls = new THREEx.ArMarkerControls(arToolkitContext, markerRoot, markerParams)
The subMarkersControls is used to create the object used to do the learning. At long last:
var multiMarkerLearning = new THREEx.ArMultiMakersLearning(arToolkitContext, subMarkersControls)
The example learner site has multiple utility functions, but as far as i know, the most important here are the ArMultiMakersLearning members which can be used in the following order (or any other):
// this method resets previously collected statistics
// this member flag enables data collection
multiMarkerLearning.enabled = true
// this member flag stops data collection
multiMarkerLearning.enabled = false
// To obtain the 'learned' data, simply call .toJSON()
var jsonString = multiMarkerLearning.toJSON()
Thats all. If you store the jsonString as
localStorage.setItem('ARjsMultiMarkerFile', jsonString);
then it will be used as the default multimarker file later on. If you want a custom name or more areas - then you'll have to modify the name in the source code.
3) 2.1.4 debugUI
It seems that the debug UI is broken - the UI buttons do exist but are nowhere to be seen. A hot fix would be using the 'markersAreaEnabled' span style for the div
containing the buttons (see this source bit).
It's all in this glitch, you can find it under the phrase 'CHANGES HERE' in the arjs code.

How do I create a compound multi-index in rethinkdb?

I am using Rethinkdb 1.10.1 with the official python driver. I have a table of tagged things which are associated to one user:
"id": "PK",
"user_id": "USER_PK",
"tags": ["list", "of", "strings"],
// Other fields...
I want to query by user_id and tag (say, to find all the things by user "tawmas" with tag "tag"). Starting with Rethinkdb 1.10 I can create a multi-index like this:
r.table('things').index_create('tags', multi=True).run(conn)
My query would then be:
res = (r.table('things')
.get_all('TAG', index='tags')
.filter(r.row['user_id'] == 'USER_PK').run(conn))
However, this query still needs to scan all the documents with the given tag, so I would like to create a compound index based on the user_id and tags fields. Such an index would allow me to query with:
res = r.table('things').get_all(['USER_PK', 'TAG'], index='user_tags').run(conn)
There is nothing in the documentation about compound multi-indexes. However, I
tried to use a custom index function combining the requirements for compound
indexes and multi-indexes by returning a list of ["USER_PK", "tag"] pairs.
My first attempt was in python:
lambda each: [[each['user_id'], tag] for tag in each['tags']],
This makes the python driver choke with a MemoryError trying to parse the index function (I guess list comprehensions aren't really supported by the driver).
So, I turned to my (admittedly, rusty) javascript and came up with this:
"""(function (each) {
var result = [];
var user_id = each["user_id"];
var tags = each["tags"];
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
result.push([user_id, tags[i]]);
return result;
This is rejected by the server with a curious exception: rethinkdb.errors.RqlRuntimeError: Could not prove function deterministic. Index functions must be deterministic.
So, what is the correct way to define a compound multi-index? Or is it something
which is not supported at this time?
Short answer:
List comprehensions don't work in ReQL functions. You need to use map instead like so:
lambda each: each["tags"].map(lambda tag: [each['user_id'], tag]),
Long answer
This is actually a somewhat subtle aspect of how RethinkDB drivers work. So the reason this doesn't work is that your python code doesn't actually see real copies of the each document. So in the expression:
lambda each: [[each['user_id'], tag] for tag in each['tags']]
each isn't ever bound to an actual document from your database, it's bound to a special python variable which represents the document. I'd actually try running the following just to demonstrate it:
q = r.table('things').index_create(
lambda each: print(each)) #only works in python 3
And it will print out something like:
<RqlQuery instance: var_1 >
the driver only knows that this is a variable from the function, in particular it has no idea if each["tags"] is an array or what (it's actually just another very similar abstract object). So python doesn't know how to iterate over that field. Basically exactly the same problem exists in javascript.

Generate HTML documentation for a FreeMarker FTL library

I've a FreeMarker library that I want to ship with my product, and I'm looking for a way to generate a HTML documentation for it based on the comments in the FTL file (in a Javadoc fashion).
For example, a typical function in my library is written like:
MyMacro: Does stuff with param1 and param2.
- param1: The first param, mandatory.
- param2: The second param, 42 if not specified.
<#macro MyMacro param1 param2=42>
I didn't find anything on that subject, probably because there is no standard way of writing comments in FreeMarker (Such as #param or #returns in Javadoc).
I don't mind rolling my own solution for that, but I'm keen on using an existing system like Doxia (since I'm using Maven to build the project) or Doxygen maybe, instead of writing something from scratch.
Ideally I'd like to write the comment parsing code only, and rely on something else to detect the macros and generate the doc structure.
I'm open to changing the format of my comments if that helps.
In case you decide to write your own doc generator or to write a FTL-specific front-end for an existing document generator, you can reuse some of FreeMarker's parsing infrastructure:
You can use Template.getRootTreeNode() in order to retrieve the template's top level AST node. Because macros and the responding comments should be direct children of the this top level node (IIRC), iterating over its children and casting them to the right AST node subclass should give you almost everything you need with respect to FTL syntax. To illustrate the approach I hacked together a little "demo" (cfg is a normal FreeMarker Configuration object):
Template t = cfg.getTemplate("foo.ftl");
TemplateElement te = t.getRootTreeNode();
Enumeration e = te.children();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
Object child = e.nextElement();
if(child instanceof Comment) {
Comment comment = (Comment)child;
System.out.println("COMMENT: " + comment.getText());
} else if(child instanceof Macro) {
Macro macro = (Macro)child;
System.out.println("MACRO: " + macro.getName());
for(String argumentName : macro.getArgumentNames()) {
System.out.println("- PARAM: " + argumentName);
produces for your given example macro:
MyMacro: Does stuff with param1 and param2.
- param1: The first param, mandatory.
- param2: The second param, 42 if not specified.
MACRO: MyMacro
- PARAM: param1
- PARAM: param2
How you parse the comment is then up to you ;-)
Update: Found something called ftldoc in my backups and uploaded it to GitHub. Maybe this is what you are looking for...

How to make client side I18n with mustache.js

i have some static html files and want to change the static text inside with client side modification through mustache.js.
it seems that this was possible Twitter's mustache extension on github:
But lately the specific I18n extension has been removed or changed.
I imagine a solution where http:/server/static.html?lang=en loads mustache.js and a language JSON file based on the lang param data_en.json.
Then mustache replaces the {{tags}} with the data sent.
Can someone give me an example how to do this?
You can use lambdas along with some library like i18next or something else.
{{#i18n}}greeting{{/i18n}} {{name}}
And the data passed:
name: 'Mike',
i18n: function() {
return function(text, render) {
return render(i18n.t(text));
This solved the problem for me
I don't think Silent's answer really solves/explains the problem.
The real issue is you need to run Mustache twice (or use something else and then Mustache).
That is most i18n works as two step process like the following:
Render the i18n text with the given variables.
Render the HTML with the post rendered i18n text.
Option 1: Use Mustache partials
<p>{{> i18n.title}}</p>
{{#somelist}}{{> i18n.item}}{{/somelist}}
The data given to this mustache template might be:
"amount" : 10,
"somelist" : [ "description" : "poop" ]
Then you would store all your i18n templates/messages as a massive JSON object of mustache templates on the server:
Below is the "en" translations:
"title" : "You have {{amount}} fart(s) left",
"item" : "Smells like {{description}}"
Now there is a rather big problem with this approach in that Mustache has no logic so handling things like pluralization gets messy.
The other issue is that performance might be bad doing so many partial loads (maybe not).
Option 2: Let the Server's i18n do the work.
Another option is to let the server do the first pass of expansion (step 1).
Java does have lots of options for i18n expansion I assume other languages do as well.
Whats rather annoying about this solution is that you will have to load your model twice. Once with the regular model and second time with the expanded i18n templates. This is rather annoying as you will have to know exactly which i18n expansions/templates to expand and put in the model (otherwise you would have to expand all the i18n templates). In other words your going to get some nice violations of DRY.
One way around the previous problem is pre-processing the mustache templates.
My answer is based on developingo's. He's answer is very great I'll just add the possibility to use mustache tags in the message keycode. It is really needed if you want to be able the get messages according to the current mustache state or in loops
It's base on a simple double rendering
info.i18n = function(){
return function(text, render){
var code = render(text); //Render first to get all variable name codes set
var value = i18n.t(code)
return render(value); //then render the messages
Thus performances aren't hit because of mustache operating on a very small string.
Here a little example :
Json data :
array :
{ name : "banana"},
{ name : "cucomber" }
Mustache template :
description_banana = "{{name}} is yellow"
description_cucomber = "{{name}} is green"
The result is :
banana is yellow
cucomber is green
[Edit] : As asked in the comment follows an example with pseudo-code of plural handling for english and french language. Its a very simple and not tested example but it gives you a hint.
description_banana = "{{#plurable}}a {{name}} is{{/plurable}} green" (Adjectives not getting "s" in plurals)
description_banana = "{{#plurable}}Une {{name}} est verte{{/plurable}}" (Adjectives getting an "s" in plural, so englobing the adjective as well)
info.plurable = function()
//Check if needs plural
//Parse each word with a space separation
//Add an s at the end of each word except ones from a map of common exceptions such as "a"=>"/*nothing*/", "is"=>"are" and for french "est"=>"sont", "une" => "des"
//This map/function is specific to each language and should be expanded at need.
This is quite simple and pretty straightforward.
First, you will need to add code to determine the Query String lang. For this, I use snippet taken from answer here.
function getParameterByName(name) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)')
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
And then, I use jQuery to handle ajax and onReady state processing:
var possibleLang = ['en', 'id'];
var currentLang = getParameterByName("lang");
console.log("parameter lang: " + currentLang);
console.log("possible lang: " + (jQuery.inArray(currentLang, possibleLang)));
if(jQuery.inArray(currentLang, possibleLang) > -1){
console.log("fetching AJAX");
var request = jQuery.ajax({
processData: false,
cache: false,
url: "data_" + currentLang + ".json"
console.log("done AJAX");
console.log("got data: " + data);
var output = Mustache.render("<h1>{{title}}</h1><div id='content'>{{content}}</div>", data);
console.log("output: " + output);
});, textStatus){
console.log("error: " + textStatus);
For this answer, I try to use simple JSON data:
{"title": "this is title", "content": "this is english content"}
Get this GIST for complete HTML answer.
Make sure to remember that other languages are significantly different from EN.
In FR and ES, adjectives come after the noun. "green beans" becomes "haricots verts" (beans green) in FR, so if you're plugging in variables, your translated templates must have the variables in reverse order. So for instance, printf won't work cuz the arguments can't change order. This is why you use named variables as in Option 1 above, and translated templates in whole sentences and paragraphs, rather than concatenating phrases.
Your data needs to also be translated, so the word 'poop', which came from data - somehow that has to be translated. Different languages do plurals differently, as does english, as in tooth/teeth, foot/feet, etc. EN also has glasses and pants that are always plural. Other languages similarly have exceptions and strange idoms. In the UK, IBM 'are' at the trade show whereas in in the US, IBM 'is' at the trade show. Russian has several different rules for plurals depending on if they are people, animals, long narrow objects, etc. In other countries, thousands separators are spaces, dots, or apostrophes, and in some cases don't work by 3 digits: 4 in Japan, inconsistently in India.
Be content with mediocre language support; it's just too much work.
And don't confuse changing language with changing country - Switzerland, Belgium and Canada also have FR speakers, not to mention Tahiti, Haiti and Chad. Austria speaks DE, Aruba speaks NL, and Macao speaks PT.

Google AJAX Transliteration API: Is it possible to make all input fields in the page transliteratable?

I've used "Google AJAX Transliteration API" and it's going well with me.
Currently I've a project that I need all input fields in every page (input & textarea tags) to be transliteratable, while these input fields differs from page to page (dynamic).
As I know, I've to call makeTransliteratable(elementIds, opt_options) method in the API call to define which input fields to make transliteratable, and in my case here I can't predefine those fields manually. Is there a way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
Rephrasing what you are asking for: you would like to collect together all the inputs on the page which match a certain criteria, and then pass them into an api.
A quick look at the API reference says that makeTransliteratable will accept an array of id strings or an array of elements. Since we don't know the ids of the elements before hand, we shall pass an array of elements.
So, how to get the array of elements?
I'll show you two ways: a hard way and an easy way.
First, to get all of the text areas, we can do that using the document.getElementsByTagName API:
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
Getting the list of inputs is slightly harder, since we don't want to include checkboxes, radio buttons etc. We can distinguish them by their type attribute, so lets write a quick function to make that distinction:
function selectElementsWithTypeAttribute(elements, type)
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
if (elements[i].getAttribute("type") == type)
return results;
Now we can use this function to get the inputs, like this:
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input")
var textInputs = selectElementsWithTypeAttribute(textInputs, "text");
Now that we have references to all of the text boxes, we can concatenate them into one array, and pass that to the api:
var allTextBoxes = [].concat(textareas).concat(textInputs);
makeTransliteratable(allTextBoxes, /* options here */);
So, this should all work, but we can make it easier with judicious use of library methods. If you were to download jQuery (google it), then you could write this more compact code instead:
var allTextBoxes = $("input[type='text'], textarea").toArray();
makeTransliteratable(allTextBoxes, /* options here */);
This uses a CSS selector to find all of the inputs with a type attribute of "text", and all textareas. There is a handy toArray method which puts all of the inputs into an array, ready to pass to makeTransliteratable.
I hope this helped,
