std::unique_ptr<T> without allocating memory on heap - c++11

I wrote accidentally a statement like
std::unique_ptr<Thing> m_thing;
instead of
std::unique_ptr<Thing> m_thing(new Thing);
the first example compiles and run, which doesn't make any sense to me because m_thing is not pointing to any object. Here a slightly bigger code example.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Thing
~Thing(){ std::cout << "destructor of class Thing\n"; }
void DoStuff(){ std::cout << "doing stuff\n"; }
void Foo()
std::unique_ptr<Thing> m_thing;
m_thing->DoStuff(); //why does this work, since i suppose m_thing to be empty?
int main()
std::cout << "after Foo()\n";
return 0;
Why can the "empty" m_thing unique_ptr invoke the DoStuff()-Method of the Thing-class?
i noticed also, that the destructor of Thing-class never gets invoked when declaring m_thing
std::unique_ptr<Thing> m_thing;
instead of
std::unique_ptr<Thing> m_thing(new Thing);
I didn't found any explanation of this behaviour via google, so i hope maybe someone can explain to me what is happening here behind the curtains.

Your program exhibits undefined behavior. "Seems to work" is one possible manifestation of undefined behavior. It's morally equivalent to
Thing* p = NULL;
which I predict would also compile and run. DoStuff is called with NULL for this pointer - but it doesn't actually use this, that's why it doesn't crash and burn as you expect.

DoStuff isn't virtual and doesn't access any members of your object, so you can get away with calling it (I'm pretty sure this is unspecified behavior though). The default constructor for unique_ptr initializes it to nullptr, so it doesn't allocate any memory on its own.
Oh, and the destructor of course doesn't get called because unique_ptr doesn't invoke its deleter on nullptrs.


Boost asio post with shared ptr passed as argument with std::move

I am new to boost:asio. I need to pass shared_ptr as argument to handler function.
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, std::move(some_shared_ptr)));
Is using std::move(some_shared_ptr) correct? or should I use as below,
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, some_shared_ptr));
If both are correct, which one is advisable?
Thanks in advance
Bind stores arguments by value.
So both are correct and probably equivalent. Moving the argument into the bind is potentially more efficient if some_argument is not gonna be used after the bind.
Warning: Advanced Use Cases
(just skip this if you want)
Not what you asked: what if function_x took rvalue-reference arguments?
Glad you asked. You can't. However, you can still receive by lvalue reference and just move from that. because:
std::move doesn't move
The rvalue-reference is only there to indicate potentially-moved-from arguments enabling some smart compiler optimizations and diagnostics.
So, as long as you know your bound function is only executed once (!!) then it's safe to move from lvalue parameters.
In the case of shared-pointers there's actually a little bit more leeway, because moving from the shared-ptr doesn't actually move the pointed-to element at all.
So, a little exercise demonstrating it all:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::shared_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
std::shared_ptr<int> arg = std::make_shared<int>(42);
std::weak_ptr<int> observer = std::weak_ptr(arg);
assert(observer.use_count() == 1);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg));
assert(!arg); // moved
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
post(ctx, f);;
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
f(); // still has the shared arg
// but now the last copy was moved from, so it's gone
assert(observer.use_count() == 0); //
f(); // already moved!
argument: 42
argument: 42
already moved!
Why Bother?
Why would you care about the above? Well, since in Asio you have a lot of handlers that are guaranteed to execute precisely ONCE, you can sometimes avoid the overhead of shared pointers (the synchronization, the allocation of the control block, the type erasure of the deleter).
That is, you can use move-only handlers using std::unique_ptr<>:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::unique_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
auto arg = std::make_unique<int>(42);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg)); // this handler is now move-only
assert(!arg); // moved
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
std::move(f)); // move-only, so move the entire bind (including arg);
f(); // already executed
argument: 42
already moved!
This is going to help a lot in code that uses a lot of composed operations: you can now bind the state of the operation into the handler with zero overhead, even if it's bigger and dynamically allocated.

C++ why overloading (T&) in template with (T*)

in C++, if a method is accepting left reference + pointer only,
it seems it suffices if we only have a template method with T& as its parameter, why we usually overload with test(T* ) as well ?
proof of concept: left reference method can take pointer argument.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
void test(T& arg) {
T value = arg;
cout << *value << endl;
int main() {
int b = 4;
int* a = &b;
test(a); // compiles and runs without issue.
return 0;
Why [do] we usually overload with test(T* ) as well?
I am not sure that we usually do anything of the sort, but if one were to overload for a pointer, it would be because pointers behave differently than object types. Remember, a pointer in fact is not an object but an address to an object.
The reason that test(a) compiles and runs without issue is because it is accepting a reference to a pointer to an object as its parameter. Thus, when the line cout << *value << endl; executes, the pointer is dereferenced back to an object and we see 4 printed to standard out.
As #HolyBlackCat mentioned, we usually want do different things for T& and T*.
As indicated in the example, for test(T&) we usually need to manually do dereference, this would result in the difference in the behavior, so it makes sense to have a overload like this.

Why does making this virtual destructor inline fix a linker issue?

If I have a pure virtual class InterfaceA that consists solely of a pure virtual destructor, why do I have to define the destructor as inline? I I don't I get an error when I try to link it.
Below is an admittedly contrived example, however it illustrates the point. The point does not compile for me using cmake and g++. However, if I change the InterfaceA destructor definition as follows - inline InterfaceA::~InterfaceA(){}; then it compiles.
Why is this? What does the inline keyword do?
// InterfaceA.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
class InterfaceA
virtual ~InterfaceA() = 0;
// A.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
#include "InterfaceA.h"
class A : public InterfaceA
A(int val)
: myVal(val){};
int myVal;
// AUser.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
#include "InterfaceA.h"
class AUser
AUser(InterfaceA& anA)
: myA(anA){};
int getVal() const;
InterfaceA& myA;
// AUser.cpp
#include "AUser.h"
#include "A.h"
int AUser::getVal() const
A& anA = static_cast<A&>(myA);
return anA.myVal;
// main.cpp
#include "AUser.h"
#include "A.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(){
A anA(1);
AUser user(anA);
std::cout << "value = " << user.getVal() << std::endl;
return 0;
You have to use the inline keyword when defining functions in header files. If you do not, and the file is included in more than one translation unit, the function will be defined twice (or more times).
The linker error is probably something like "Symbol ... is multiply defined" right?
If you defined the member function in the body of the class, it would be implicitly inline and it would also work.
See this answer
To answer the question "What does the inline keyword do?":
In the old days it would be used to ask the compiler to inline functions i.e. insert the code whenever the function is used instead of adding a function call. Eventually it turned into a simple suggestion since compiler optimizers became more knowledgeable about which functions were inline candidates. These days it is used almost exclusively to define functions in header files that must have external linkage.
inline means that compiler is allowed to add code directly to where the function was called. It also removes function from external linkage, so both your compile units would have local version of.. pure destructor.
// InterfaceA.h, include guards ommitted for clarity
class InterfaceA
virtual ~InterfaceA() = 0;
You declare destructor virtual, so compiler almost never would make it inline. Why? because virtual functions are called through vtable - a internal working of virtual functions system, vtable most likely implemented as an array of pointers to member functions. If function is inlined, it would have no address, no legal pointer. If attempt to get address of function is taken, then compiler silently disregards inline keyword. The other effect will be still in place: inlined destructor stops to be visible to linker.
It may look like declaring pure virtual destructor looks like oxymoron , but it isn't. The pure destructor is kind of destructor that would be always called without causing UB. Its presence would make class abstract, but the implicit call in sequence of destructor calls would still happen. If you didn't declare destructor body, it would lead to an UB, e.g. purecall exception on Windows.
If you don't need an abstract base class, then inline definition will suffice:
class InterfaceA
virtual ~InterfaceA() {}
that is treated by compiler as inline as well, but mixing inline definition and pure member declaration is not allowed.

How to sink rvalue in a path where it's not used

When a function takes an rvalue reference which it doesn't use in some branches, what should it do with the rvalue to maintain the semantic correctness of it's signature and to be consistent about the ownership of the data. Considering the sample code below:
#include <memory>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
struct Packet {};
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Packet>> queue;
void EnQueue(bool condition, std::unique_ptr<Packet> &&pkt) {
if (condition) queue.push_back(std::move(pkt));
else /* How to consume the pkt? */;
int main()
std::unique_ptr<Packet> upkt1(new Packet());
std::unique_ptr<Packet> upkt2(new Packet());
EnQueue(true, std::move(upkt1));
EnQueue(false, std::move(upkt2));
std::cout << "raw ptr1: " << upkt1.get() << std::endl;
std::cout << "raw ptr2: " << upkt2.get() << std::endl;
return 0;
The signature of the Enqueue function indicates that it will take ownership of the data passed to it but this is only true if it hits the if path, instead if it hits the else path the function effectively doesn't use the rvalue and the ownership is returned back to the caller, which is illustrated by the fact that upkt2.get is not NULL after returning from the function. The net effect is that the behaviour of EnQueue is inconsistent with it's signature.
The question now is - whether this is an acceptable behaviour or should the EnQueue function be changed to be consistent, if so how?
I see three ways of dealing with this.
Document that after the function exits, "pkt is left in a valid, but unspecified state." That way, the caller cannot assume anything about the parameter afterwards; if they need it cleared no matter what, they can do it explicitly. If they don't, they will not pay for any internal cleanup they would not use.
If you want to make the signature 100% clear on accepting ownership, just take pkt by value instead of rvalue reference (as suggested by #Quentin in comments).
Construct a temporary from pkt:
if (condition) queue.push_back(std::move(pkt));
else auto sink(std::move(pkt));

Getting c++11 auto initialization syntax right

I am newbie programmer in C++ (but a veteran programmer in other languages) and I am trying to use "Modern C++" in my code.
I am wondering what I am doing wrong here, trying to initialize an istream from a boost::asio::streambuf:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio/streambuf.hpp>
class A {
void foo();
boost::asio::streambuf cmdStreamBuf_{};
void A::foo() {
std::istream is1{&cmdStreamBuf_}; // works
auto is2 = std::istream{&cmdStreamBuf_}; // does not compile
I get this error:
try.cpp:13:41: error: use of deleted function 'std::basic_istream<char>::basic_istream(const std::basic_istream<char>&)'
I am not trying to copy; I thought I was constructing an std::istream!
Since all the answers were in the comments, I thought I'd finish this off by doing an official answer myself.
I am using a c++ library that doesn't have movable streams, and this matters because
auto is2 = std::istream{&cmdStreamBuf_};
creates a new std::istream and then initializes is2 with that rvalue (temporary object). It initializes it by calling the copy constructor or the move constructor. My c++ library apparently does not have either of these constructors, therefore the call fails.
I had originally thought that
auto varname = typename{...};
was the conceptually the same as
typename varname{...};
but it is not. So, this is an instance where you can't use auto to create a variable.
(sigh) And I was really hyped on using auto everywhere.
