Boost asio post with shared ptr passed as argument with std::move - boost

I am new to boost:asio. I need to pass shared_ptr as argument to handler function.
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, std::move(some_shared_ptr)));
Is using std::move(some_shared_ptr) correct? or should I use as below,
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, some_shared_ptr));
If both are correct, which one is advisable?
Thanks in advance

Bind stores arguments by value.
So both are correct and probably equivalent. Moving the argument into the bind is potentially more efficient if some_argument is not gonna be used after the bind.
Warning: Advanced Use Cases
(just skip this if you want)
Not what you asked: what if function_x took rvalue-reference arguments?
Glad you asked. You can't. However, you can still receive by lvalue reference and just move from that. because:
std::move doesn't move
The rvalue-reference is only there to indicate potentially-moved-from arguments enabling some smart compiler optimizations and diagnostics.
So, as long as you know your bound function is only executed once (!!) then it's safe to move from lvalue parameters.
In the case of shared-pointers there's actually a little bit more leeway, because moving from the shared-ptr doesn't actually move the pointed-to element at all.
So, a little exercise demonstrating it all:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::shared_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
std::shared_ptr<int> arg = std::make_shared<int>(42);
std::weak_ptr<int> observer = std::weak_ptr(arg);
assert(observer.use_count() == 1);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg));
assert(!arg); // moved
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
post(ctx, f);;
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
f(); // still has the shared arg
// but now the last copy was moved from, so it's gone
assert(observer.use_count() == 0); //
f(); // already moved!
argument: 42
argument: 42
already moved!
Why Bother?
Why would you care about the above? Well, since in Asio you have a lot of handlers that are guaranteed to execute precisely ONCE, you can sometimes avoid the overhead of shared pointers (the synchronization, the allocation of the control block, the type erasure of the deleter).
That is, you can use move-only handlers using std::unique_ptr<>:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::unique_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
auto arg = std::make_unique<int>(42);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg)); // this handler is now move-only
assert(!arg); // moved
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
std::move(f)); // move-only, so move the entire bind (including arg);
f(); // already executed
argument: 42
already moved!
This is going to help a lot in code that uses a lot of composed operations: you can now bind the state of the operation into the handler with zero overhead, even if it's bigger and dynamically allocated.


How does C++ store variables captured by a lambda that have gone out of scope?

If a function returns a lambda that captures and mutates a value declared in the scope of the function, where/how is that value stored in memory so the lambda may safely use it?
This example is from listing 6.7 in 'Functional Programming in C++' by Ivan Čukić. It's a utility memoization method that caches results for fast lookup later. The contrived usage computes and then retrieves a cached Fibonacci number:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
template <typename Result, typename... Args>
auto make_memoized(Result (*f)(Args...)) {
std::map<std::tuple<Args...>, Result> cache;
return [f, cache](Args... args) mutable -> Result {
const auto args_tuple = std::make_tuple(args...);
const auto cached = cache.find(args_tuple);
if (cached == cache.end()) {
auto result = f(args...);
cache[args_tuple] = result;
return result;
} else {
return cached->second;
unsigned int fib(unsigned int n) {
return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
int main() {
auto fibmemo = make_memoized(fib);
std::cout << "fib(15) = " << fibmemo(15) << '\n';
std::cout << "fib(15) = " << fibmemo(15) << '\n';
My expectation was that cache would be destroyed when make_memoized returned, so a retrospective call to the lambda would have referred to a value that has gone out of scope. However it works fine (g++ 9.1 on OSX).
I can't find a concrete example of this sort of usage on Any help leading me to the right terminology to search for is greatly appreciated.
The [f, cache] captures the vars by value. Once captured by value, the life of the captured var should be same as the lambda itself.
EDIT: If captured by reference (e.g. [f, &cache]), the life of cache and the lambda are no longer linked. So, while the code will still compile, it is no longer safe to use the returned lambda as cache has already been destroyed by then.

What does unique_ptr<T>::operator= do in terms of deallocation

I'm having troubles understanding fully the assignment operator for unique_ptr. I understand that we can only move them, due to the fact that copy constructor and assignment operators are deleted, but what if
a unique_ptr which contains already an allocation is overwritten by a move operation? Is the content previously stored in the smart pointer free'd?
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class A{
A() = default;
virtual void act() const {
std::cout << "act from A" << std::endl;
virtual ~A() {
std::cout << "destroyed A" << std::endl;
class B : public A {
B() : A{} {}
void act() const override {
std::cout << "act from B" << std::endl;
~B() override {
std::cout << "destroyed from B " << std::endl;
int main() {
auto pP{std::make_unique<A>()};
==================== ! =======================
pP = std::make_unique<B>(); // || std::move(std::make_unique<B>())
==================== ! =======================
return 0;
When I do
pP = std::make_unique<B>();
does it mean that what was allocated in the first lines for pP (new A()) is destructed automatically?
Or should I opt for:
pP = std::make_unique<B>();
Yes, see section 20.9.1, paragraph 4 of the C++11 draft standard
Additionally, u can, upon request, transfer ownership to another unique pointer u2. Upon completion of
such a transfer, the following postconditions hold:
u2.p is equal to the pre-transfer u.p,
u.p is equal to nullptr, and
if the pre-transfer u.d maintained state, such state has been transferred to u2.d.
As in the case of a reset, u2 must properly dispose of its pre-transfer owned object via the pre-transfer
associated deleter before the ownership transfer is considered complete
In other words, it's cleaning up after itself upon assignment like you'd expect.
Yes, replacing the content of a smart pointer will release the previously-held resource. You do not need to call reset() explicitly (nor would anyone expect you to).
Just for the sake of this particular example. It seems polymorphism in your example didn't allow you to draw clear conclusions from output:
act from A
destroyed A
act from B
destroyed from B
destroyed A
So let's simplify your example and make it straight to the point:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
struct A {
explicit A(int id): id_(id)
std::cout << "destroyed " << id_ << std::endl;
int id_;
int main() {
std::unique_ptr<A> pP{std::make_unique<A>(1)};
pP = std::make_unique<A>(2);
which outputs:
destroyed 1
destroyed 2
I hope this leaves no room for misinterpretation.

std::string::assign vs std::string::operator=

I coded in Borland C++ ages ago, and now I'm trying to understand the "new"(to me) C+11 (I know, we're in 2015, there's a c+14 ... but I'm working on an C++11 project)
Now I have several ways to assign a value to a string.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main ()
std::string test1;
std::string test2;
test1 = "Hello World";
test2.assign("Hello again");
std::cout << test1 << std::endl << test2;
return 0;
They both work. I learned from that there are another ways to use assign . But for simple string assignment, which one is better? I have to fill 100+ structs with 8 std:string each, and I'm looking for the fastest mechanism (I don't care about memory, unless there's a big difference)
Both are equally fast, but = "..." is clearer.
If you really want fast though, use assign and specify the size:
test2.assign("Hello again", sizeof("Hello again") - 1); // don't copy the null terminator!
// or
test2.assign("Hello again", 11);
That way, only one allocation is needed. (You could also .reserve() enough memory beforehand to get the same effect.)
I tried benchmarking both the ways.
static void string_assign_method(benchmark::State& state) {
std::string str;
std::string base="123456789";
// Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly
for (auto _ : state) {
str.assign(base, 9);
// Register the function as a benchmark
static void string_assign_operator(benchmark::State& state) {
std::string str;
std::string base="123456789";
// Code before the loop is not measured
for (auto _ : state) {
str = base;
Here is the graphical comparitive solution. It seems like both the methods are equally faster. The assignment operator has better results.
Use string::assign only if a specific position from the base string has to be assigned.

std::condition_variable::wait_for exits immediately when given std::chrono::duration::max

I have a wrapper around std::queue using C++11 semantics to allow concurrent access. The std::queue is protected with a std::mutex. When an item is pushed to the queue, a std::condition_variable is notified with a call to notify_one.
There are two methods for popping an item from the queue. One method will block indefinitely until an item has been pushed on the queue, using std::condition_variable::wait(). The second will block for an amount of time given by a std::chrono::duration unit using std::condition_variable::wait_for():
template <typename T> template <typename Rep, typename Period>
void ConcurrentQueue<T>::Pop(T &item, std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> waitTime)
std::cv_status cvStatus = std::cv_status::no_timeout;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_queueMutex);
while (m_queue.empty() && (cvStatus == std::cv_status::no_timeout))
cvStatus = m_pushCondition.wait_for(lock, waitTime);
if (cvStatus == std::cv_status::no_timeout)
item = std::move(m_queue.front());
When I call this method like this on an empty queue:
ConcurrentQueue<int> intQueue;
int value = 0;
std::chrono::seconds waitTime(12);
intQueue.Pop(value, waitTime);
Then 12 seconds later, the call to Pop() will exit. But if waitTime is instead set to std::chrono::seconds::max(), then the call to Pop() will exit immediately. The same occurs for milliseconds::max() and hours::max(). But, days::max() works as expected (doesn't exit immediately).
What causes seconds::max() to exit right away?
This is compiled with mingw64:
g++ --version
g++ (rev5, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 4.8.1
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
To begin with, the timed wait should likely be a wait_until(lock, std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + waitTime);, not wait_for because the loop will now simply repeat the wait multiple times until finally the condition (m_queue.empty()) becomes true. The repeats can also be caused by spurious wake-ups.
Fix that part of the code by using the predicated wait methods:
template <typename Rep, typename Period>
bool pop(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> waitTime, int& popped)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_queueMutex);
if (m_pushCondition.wait_for(lock, waitTime, [] { return !m_queue.empty(); }))
popped = m_queue.back();
return true;
} else
return false;
On my implementation at least seconds::max() yields 0x7fffffffffffffff
§30.5.1 ad 26 states:
Effects: as if
return wait_until(lock, chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time);
auto time = steady_clock::now() + seconds::max();
std::cout << std::dec << duration_cast<seconds>(time.time_since_epoch()).count() << "\n";
On my system, prints
Using date --date='#265521' --rfc-822 told me that that is Sun, 04 Jan 1970 02:45:21 +0100
There's a wrap around bug going on for GCC and Clang, see below
Live On Coliru
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
std::mutex m_queueMutex;
std::condition_variable m_pushCondition;
std::deque<int> m_queue;
template <typename Rep, typename Period>
bool pop(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> waitTime, int& popped)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_queueMutex);
if (m_pushCondition.wait_for(lock, waitTime, [] { return !m_queue.empty(); }))
popped = m_queue.back();
return true;
} else
return false;
int main()
int data;
using namespace std::chrono;
pop(seconds(2) , data);
std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase << seconds::max().count() << "\n";
auto time = steady_clock::now() + seconds::max();
std::cout << std::dec << duration_cast<seconds>(time.time_since_epoch()).count() << "\n";
pop(seconds::max(), data);
The reason for the problem is this nasty bit in the description for rel_time parameter:
Note that rel_time must be small enough not to overflow when added to std::chrono::steady_clock::now().
So when you do m_pushCondition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds::max()); the parameter overflows inside the function. In fact, if you enable undefined sanitizer, (e.g. -fsanitize=undefined option for GCC and Clang), and run the app, you may see the following runtime warning:
/usr/include/c++/9.1.0/chrono:456:34: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 473954758945968 + 9223372036854775807 cannot be represented in type 'long int'
Worth noting though that for some reason I did not have this warning for the actual app I was working on, probably a sanitizer bug. Anyway.
So what you can do. First: do not try to work around that by simply using the wait_for() overload with predicate because you gonna make yourself a bad spinlock burning your CPU core. Second: substracting max() - now() doesn't seem to work because it changes the type.
One way to work that around is using conditionally condition_variable::wait() and condition_variable::wait_for().
Another one may be to just declare declare big timespan, and use it. E.g.:
// This is a replacement to chrono::seconds::max(). The latter doesn't work with
// `wait_for` call because its `rel_time` parameter description has the following
// sentence: "Note that rel_time must be small enough not to overflow when added to
// std::chrono::steady_clock::now()".
const chrono::seconds many_hours = 99h;
// …[snip]…
m_pushCondition.wait_for(lock, many_hours);
// …[snip]…
You probably can tolerate a "spurious" wakeup once a 99 hours :)

why does `vector<int> v{{5,6}};` work? I thought only a single pair {} was allowed?

Given a class A with two constructors, taking initializer_list<int> and initializer_list<initializer_list<int>> respectively, then
A v{5,6};
calls the former, and
A v{{5,6}};
calls the latter, as expected. (clang3.3, apparently gcc behaves differently, see the answers. What does the standard require?)
But if I remove the second constructor, then A v{{5,6}}; still compiles and it uses the first constructor. I didn't expect this.
I thought that A v{5,6} would be the only way to access the initializer_list<int> constructor.
(I discovered this while playing around with std::vector and this question I asked on Reddit, but I created my own class A to be sure that it wasn't just a quirk of the interface for std::vector.)
I think this answer might be relevant.
Yes, this behaviour is intended, according to § Initialization
by list-initialization
When objects of non-aggregate class type T are list-initialized (8.5.4), overload resolution selects the constructor in two phases:
— Initially, the candidate functions are the initializer-list constructors (8.5.4) of the class T and the argument list consists of
the initializer list as a single argument.
— If no viable initializer-list constructor is found, overload resolution is performed again, where the candidate functions are all
the constructors of the class T and the argument list consists of the
elements of the initializer list.
In gcc I tried your example. I get this error:
error: call of overloaded 'A(<brace-enclosed initializer list>)' is ambiguous
gcc stops complaining if I use three sets of brace. i.e.:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <initializer_list>
struct A {
A (std::initializer_list<int> il) {
std::cout << "First." << std::endl;
A (std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<int>> il) {
std::cout << "Second." << std::endl;
int main()
A a{0}; // first
A a{{0}}; // compile error
A a2{{{0}}}; // second
A a3{{{{0}}}}; // second
In an attempt to mirror the vector's constructors, here are my results:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <initializer_list>
struct A {
A (std::initializer_list<int> il) {
std::cout << "First." << std::endl;
explicit A (std::size_t n) {
std::cout << "Second." << std::endl;
A (std::size_t n, const int& val) {
std::cout << "Third." << std::endl;
A (const A& x) {
std::cout << "Fourth." << std::endl;
int main()
A a{0};
A a2{{0}};
A a3{1,2,3,4};
A a4{{1,2,3,4}};
A a5({1,2,3,4});
A a6(0);
A a7(0, 1);
A a8{0, 1};
main.cpp:23:10: warning: braces around scalar initializer
A a2{{0}};
1 warning generated.
