in the middle of finishing rubymonk, what next? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm posting this somewhat in frustration after going through Rubymonk. I've finished Codeacademy and am mid-way through Rubymonk. I feel like I am getting bits and pieces about Ruby but do not feel like I'm getting anywhere near feeling comfortable in building a Ruby program from scratch.
My question is, are there places on the web where I can read source codes for small projects as they progress from easy to hard? or exercises to use some of my knowledge in a progressively more difficult manner? I certainly feel like I should begin by building smaller programs, but still want somewhat of a guidance. Should I just try to build whatever I want to build?
Thank you,

There are lots of great resources for doing this. It sounds like you have some basic programming skills down, but it might not hurt to start with:
the online edition of Chris Pine's "Learn to Program."
Learn Ruby The Hard Way also gets good reviews, and is probably the closest to the spirit of what you're asking.
Code Quizzes has a Ruby track.
Ruby Quiz has a great back log of more complicated puzzle questions.
Project Euler is also a good puzzle problem resource, although it's not specifically for programming. The problems are very solvable with code, though, so it's a great source of inspiration.
Some code schools also have their curriculum online. Epicodus and Portland Code School are the ones I'm familiar with.
Hope that helps!


books / ways to learn data structures and algorithms? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a self taught Ruby on Rails engineer, and I'm looking to improve my CS understanding. However, most books about data structures and algorithms are written in Java/C/C++/etc, which I don't know. Is there text on these topics using Ruby? Or do you feel Java is similar enough to Ruby that I could survive through a book?
Is there any recommended text for someone coming from my background?
P.S. Recently I've been looking at Objective C, so I'm not completely blind to statically typed languages.
There's a bunch of books on algorithms that are not tied to specific language. Check
I also recommend fundamental, still non-finished classics
If you are jumping into Obj-C it might actually be very worth your time to learn C first. Objective C is very closely related to C minus the odd syntax of Obj-C. In that case you may want to consider K and R which is considered the bible of C to learn that first which will get you started with it to teach you the basics of C and data structures you can later expand on. Also, in case you are learning Objective C to program iOS you may want to be on the cutting edge and learn Swift since Apple is moving to Swift for the future. It is much easier actually and closer to Ruby!
Good luck.

Which blogs should I follow to learn TDD? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to learn how to employ Test Driven Development into my coding practices. Are there any blogs out there that anyone can recommend that regularly posts information about using TDD?
Bob Martin blogs here now - well worth following:
Also Jason Gorman:
and the Growing Object Oriented Software group:!forum/growing-object-oriented-software
If you are prepared to buy a book Roy Osherove's book 'The Art of Unit Testing' is a great read when starting out with TDD.
Roy also has a blog here.
Uncle Bob has some great blog posts here.
A colleague of mine has some very clear concise blog articles on TDD here.
If you don't know what a code kata is have a look at at the kata catalogue at Code kata's are a great way to practice TDD.
I have written a blog post on solving the FizzBuzz kata, it's a very simple kata, but in my post my aim is to demonstrate how to go about doing TDD test first. You can see the blog post here.
There are also some great TDD videos up on PluralSight although you would need to pay for these.
Learning to do TDD is a journey and can be pretty frustrating to get right to start with, but if you do get it right the rewards are massive so I would suggest giving it a real go.

Reviewing Data Structures and Algorithms [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering if anyone had knew of a website that provides a great review of data structures and algorithms. I would like it to specifically geared towards interview questions with regards to data structures and algorithms. Would implementation of all of these data structures be something good to review?
This page is a good starting point:
This webpage covers the space and time Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science. When preparing for technical interviews in the past, I found myself spending hours crawling the internet putting together the best, average, and worst case complexities for search and sorting algorithms so that I wouldn't be stumped when asked about them. Over the last few years, I've interviewed at several Silicon Valley startups, and also some bigger companies, like Yahoo, eBay, LinkedIn, and Google, and each time that I prepared for an interview, I thought to msyelf "Why oh why hasn't someone created a nice Big-O cheat sheet?". So, to save all of you fine folks a ton of time, I went ahead and created one.

Are there any code DRYer tools out there? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a large code base and there is lots of repeated, or nearly repeated code all over the place, it's about as unDRY as code can get, but tracking the "duplicates" is hard, so I was wondering if there are any tools for finding potential DRYable code, something like a diff tool or a Hamming distance analizer, don't need language specific knowledge or anything like that.
So any clues as too a tool like this?
Clone Detective for Visual Studio
If you're working in ruby, then you can try this.
Duplo (open source) works in C, C++, Java, C# and
VB.Net. I tried it once, and it found enough duplicated code to keep me employed for a long time.
I've heard of Simian (commercial) but have not tried it.
I use Simian in VS. It's pretty good, not great.
Clone Dr from Semantic Designs is a commercial product that finds duplicate code in a large number of different programming languages.
Large companies can afford this product. Individuals ... not so much. I wish there were some open source projects out there like this. Might be a fun project to work on. If we only knew of a community of programmers with some time on their hands ...
Semantic Designs' CloneDR find exact and near-miss duplicate clones based on the langauge structure, so it isn't fooled by whitespace changes or line breaks, inserted/changed comments, or even modified variable names.
It leverages production parser front ends to work with C, C++, C#, Java, COBOL, PHP, Python, Fortran, Ada, ...
There are a number of example Clone analysis reports at the web site for various languages.

Learning Ruby: recommended blogs to read? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm about to start learning Ruby and would like a bit of reading material to help me into it.
I'm looking for your top 5 blogs, news and any (active) bulletin boards (I can handle newsgroups fine, but I prefer reading in a BB) on Ruby.
Reading blogs isn't the way to learn a programming language. It might be useful after you learn the fundamentals of the language at which point you can:
Actually understand and make use of what you read on the blogs
Have the foundation necessary to weed out the good stuff from the bad stuff
I would recommend a good book to get you started, the recently released The Ruby Programming Language is probably the best one out now.
#Robert I agree with you to stay away from feeds. Its better to read a book and gain some in-depth knowledge....
However here are some that might help (with Rails and Ruby): (Rails) (Rails) (Rails) (Rails) (RUBY specific) (ruby)
I assume you already know about why's poignant guide, but just in case, it's a good starting point. That and the pickaxe book.
I know you asked for blogs etc, but those two are pretty much essential reading.
Ruby Flow
Ruby Inside
Those two should get you started. Take the advice from others and grab some books and just start hacking away.
Blogs by Why. Oddball but brilliant:
you can start with the basis here:
and then on you will find every day several links to tutorial and news about Ruby.
Not a blog, but a(nother) book. You can read Programming Ruby for free online.
why's poignant guide is great, so is the free online Programming Ruby.
They are what I'm reading right now.
Hard to miss...
If you want to get a good feel for the community (which is the greatest thing about ruby), take a look at the following:
John Nunemaker's Rails Tips (really good blog)
Dr Nic's Blog
Josh Susser's has_many :through
Jamis Buck's the { buckblogs :here}
David Heinemeier Hansson's Loud Thinking
DHH's blog does not really give too much technical insite, but I feel it is really good to read if you want to understand the community. Too many people refer to it when they are writing, plus his posts tend to be interesting (to me).
When bored I like to take a look at Ruby Flow and Ruby Inside, it is a great place to discover new blogs.
