Learning Ruby: recommended blogs to read? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm about to start learning Ruby and would like a bit of reading material to help me into it.
I'm looking for your top 5 blogs, news and any (active) bulletin boards (I can handle newsgroups fine, but I prefer reading in a BB) on Ruby.

Reading blogs isn't the way to learn a programming language. It might be useful after you learn the fundamentals of the language at which point you can:
Actually understand and make use of what you read on the blogs
Have the foundation necessary to weed out the good stuff from the bad stuff
I would recommend a good book to get you started, the recently released The Ruby Programming Language is probably the best one out now.

#Robert I agree with you to stay away from feeds. Its better to read a book and gain some in-depth knowledge....
However here are some that might help (with Rails and Ruby):
http://www.buildingwebapps.com/podcasts (Rails)
http://www.peepcode.com (Rails)
http://www.learningrails.com (Rails)
http://www.railsenvy.com (Rails)
http://www.bofh.org.uk/articles/category/ruby (RUBY specific)
http://www.pragprog.com (ruby)

I assume you already know about why's poignant guide, but just in case, it's a good starting point. That and the pickaxe book.
I know you asked for blogs etc, but those two are pretty much essential reading.

Ruby Flow
Ruby Inside
Those two should get you started. Take the advice from others and grab some books and just start hacking away.

Blogs by Why. Oddball but brilliant:

you can start with the basis here: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/
and then on www.rubyflow.com you will find every day several links to tutorial and news about Ruby.

Not a blog, but a(nother) book. You can read Programming Ruby for free online.

why's poignant guide is great, so is the free online Programming Ruby.
They are what I'm reading right now.

Hard to miss...

If you want to get a good feel for the community (which is the greatest thing about ruby), take a look at the following:
John Nunemaker's Rails Tips (really good blog)
Dr Nic's Blog
Josh Susser's has_many :through
Jamis Buck's the { buckblogs :here}
David Heinemeier Hansson's Loud Thinking
DHH's blog does not really give too much technical insite, but I feel it is really good to read if you want to understand the community. Too many people refer to it when they are writing, plus his posts tend to be interesting (to me).
When bored I like to take a look at Ruby Flow and Ruby Inside, it is a great place to discover new blogs.


Which blogs should I follow to learn TDD? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to learn how to employ Test Driven Development into my coding practices. Are there any blogs out there that anyone can recommend that regularly posts information about using TDD?
Bob Martin blogs here now - well worth following: http://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/archive.html
Also Jason Gorman: http://codemanship.co.uk/parlezuml/blog/
and the Growing Object Oriented Software group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/growing-object-oriented-software
If you are prepared to buy a book Roy Osherove's book 'The Art of Unit Testing' is a great read when starting out with TDD.
Roy also has a blog here.
Uncle Bob has some great blog posts here.
A colleague of mine has some very clear concise blog articles on TDD here.
If you don't know what a code kata is have a look at at the kata catalogue at http://codingdojo.org/. Code kata's are a great way to practice TDD.
I have written a blog post on solving the FizzBuzz kata, it's a very simple kata, but in my post my aim is to demonstrate how to go about doing TDD test first. You can see the blog post here.
There are also some great TDD videos up on PluralSight although you would need to pay for these.
Learning to do TDD is a journey and can be pretty frustrating to get right to start with, but if you do get it right the rewards are massive so I would suggest giving it a real go.

in the middle of finishing rubymonk, what next? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm posting this somewhat in frustration after going through Rubymonk. I've finished Codeacademy and am mid-way through Rubymonk. I feel like I am getting bits and pieces about Ruby but do not feel like I'm getting anywhere near feeling comfortable in building a Ruby program from scratch.
My question is, are there places on the web where I can read source codes for small projects as they progress from easy to hard? or exercises to use some of my knowledge in a progressively more difficult manner? I certainly feel like I should begin by building smaller programs, but still want somewhat of a guidance. Should I just try to build whatever I want to build?
Thank you,
There are lots of great resources for doing this. It sounds like you have some basic programming skills down, but it might not hurt to start with:
the online edition of Chris Pine's "Learn to Program."
Learn Ruby The Hard Way also gets good reviews, and is probably the closest to the spirit of what you're asking.
Code Quizzes has a Ruby track.
Ruby Quiz has a great back log of more complicated puzzle questions.
Project Euler is also a good puzzle problem resource, although it's not specifically for programming. The problems are very solvable with code, though, so it's a great source of inspiration.
Some code schools also have their curriculum online. Epicodus and Portland Code School are the ones I'm familiar with.
Hope that helps!

Can I find another course similar to this UC Berkeley course [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been looking online to learn how the current crop of web applications manage their data, on both the server side and client side.
Like, I'm intrigued by Google Suggest, personal recommendations based on my "likes", etc.
So, while I searched for content where I could learn such data structures and algorithms, I came across this course provided by UC Berkeley - http://extension.berkeley.edu/cat/course460.html
The description of this course matches exactly with what I really want to learn.
Study the algorithms that provide the
power behind many of the most
effective Web applications. Where do
the phases come from for lists like
Google suggests? What techniques can
generate personal recommendations? How
do social networking, mash-ups, and
mixed-media sites select and
categorize similar groupings of binary
content? In this course, you gain a
solid understanding of current
algorithms and data structures for
search, recommendations, groupings,
classifications, and combinations of
However, there seems to be no way to find more details about this course.
Can someone here help me find a book / online course / site where I could learn more on this subject ?
Rex Griffiths and I just launched a video podcast about all this stuff this week. You can find it over at http://StatCasts.com. We should bring along the funny as well as teach something. You can follow us on twitter (#StatCastsCom), where we try to link to cool things we're seeing on this front in real time, or just go to the show. We'll have a lot of links for other people's stuff. Plus, Rex and I are both active developers and have quite a bit of open source software that we give away for this kind of thing.
There is the Stanford Course on Machine Learning which is really interesting, but a little hard to follow without some of their offline discussion.
Outside of courses, you could look at software packages or books and the communities that surround them. They tend to fill in the gaps about this sort of thing. So, here's a list of some what's out there:
Mahout, a machine learning library for Hadoop. There's a Manning book out on this as well. This is a good solution if you want to learn how to do this stuff with Big Data.
Modeling with Data, a great book by Ben Klemens who works at the Brookings Institute and explains a really good foundation for this kind of thing.
Weka and a book called Data Mining. This is a great way to get involved without getting lost. Weka has an easy-to-use interface that isn't much harder than a spreadsheet to use.
The R language is an amazing place to go for this kind of thing. You'll usually find anything analytical you want to do in this package. I have a few books kicking around here for that. The R Book is my favorite, though it's a bit expensive.
Octave is the GNU response to MatLab (commercial software). They both have incredible resources behind them.
I think Ben Mabey put together a pretty good pinboard full of good teaching links for this kind of thing.
Finally, my stuff is Fathom, an open source framework for solving these kinds of problems and http://openmobi.us, a website that implements the Fathom library for people that want to get straight to it. With those projects, I'm trying to make it easy for people to get involved with building their own models and using them for their businesses or education.

Good tutorials to understand Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) from the scratch , to start a survey thesis [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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My thesis topic is about Domain Specific languages in general, I want to focus on design or implementation for external or internal DSLs but I can't even think or start because I am facing problems with understanding the concept of DSLs ..
I have read and collected so many papers and surveys about this issue but all of them I consider as advanced.. I need a good tutorial ( for beginners ) to understand the whole concept and phases for DSLs from the scratch ..
I have read the first chapter for DSL by Martin Fowler , Fowler started with state machines and hard programming codes from the first page of his book and the problem is that I am not very good in programming in general, I have no experience, my thesis will be a survey about DSLs with no programming work. Until now I don't know what to focus on because the survey should be specific on on area like designing techniques or comparisons in designing or implementing , but because I cant get the big picture I can't even decide. Any suggestions about this issue also I will really appreciate that.
Please help me and thank you very much. I always look at the questions and answers in this great website and I believe that I will find a solution for my nightmare problem here!
Thanks a lot
This book is Bible for DSL's in my opinion. This book used to be free when it was in draft. You can also find other learning resources there.
Go through this post to find successful DSL's. This post might help you in identifying various flavors and various domains where they are being used.
It will be a lot of work for you if you want to understand it, so if you are not skillful with programming, learn it or choose easier thesis.
I wrote my thesis about model driven software development and domain specific languages withouth even a basic knowledge about modeling etc. It can be done, but I spent much time reading (which I enjoyed).
For the most basic introduction I would recommend se-radio.net podcast episodes 5 and 6 (...and there are many more about more advanced topics on MDSD/DSLs).
I'd read James Neighbors thesis, after reading his executive summary. He's the guy that defined the terms "domain analysis" and "domain engineering" in the context of defining "domain specific languages". And he shows a program generation system, Draco, that generates an astonishing variety of complex application codes based on these ideas. (The thesis is a lot more readable than you might expect, but expect to see some real code!).
You can read some history on this topic, too, and once again, how those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.

What's the best way to learn more advanced Ruby OOP constructs? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
So I've become a reasonably proficient Rails developer, and I'm finding that my bottleneck is now my lack of understanding of more complex Ruby constructs. I'm trying to build some plugins, and looking at some complex ones out there, their OOP wizardry is Greek to me. (I never had much formal OOP training so that's part of the problem.)
I want to better understand:
Sending methods from one place to another (include, extend, etc...)
Metaprogramming & overriding methods (super)
Class inheritance, modules, etc
Serious Ruby tomes seem like too much. Is there a pragmatic way to learn this stuff that will extend my powers without overwhelming me in the inner workings of the language?
The best way is to use it and learn by looking at code from others.
I don't think that there's a better place to start than the official documentation page.
Sorry if I've disappointed you, but there's no easy way to learn all those constructs.
You can also take a loot at some books, for example, the Pickaxe:
Take a special look at the OOP and metaprogramming sections.
I've found the ruby quiz to be a terrific resource to sharpen your knowledge of ruby. You can buy the book version or just use the entries at the site. Different problems will lend themselves to using different parts of the language.
I found these screencasts by Dave Thomas to be great for that, besides, it has pragmatic in the title so you can't miss :D
This Peepcode plugin patterns pdf actually answered all my questions; what I was trying to do was write a plug-in so it was exactly the information I needed.
the best way to start is understanding how class hirarchies really work internally so you know what gets call when. in otherwords you need to understand metaclasses.
here are the two resources that helped me the most to understand the concept: why´s explenation and another one
you could also try these ruby plus screencasts. there are alot about other topics you seem to be intrested in
You can also try and learn the basics of another langauge (Java or C# for instance).
I think learning a new language can be a very efficient and fun way to familiarize yourself with different approaches to solving problem (in your case object-oriented programming concepts).
Once you know how to code, learning the basics of a new language is both relatively easy and extremely entertaining, so you tend to make progress extremely fast at the beginning
And when you're trying to grasp concepts that are new to you, it might be easier to understand them in a framework that's also new. That way you can focus on the concepts you're trying to learn, and not on the way you could solve this problem differently in your language, etc...
