I am dumbfounded as to why my icon/app name will not change on the iPhone home screen when I change languages in the settings.
I have the proper code in my French info.plist for example
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Your_Product_Name";
"CFBundleName" = "Your_Product_Name";
But it still won't change.
The only way I've been able to change it is under Build Settings -> Product Name. But that shows the same name across all languages.
Any idea how to get the proper name for the correct language? Thanks!
You're on the right way, but still missing a step before getting it working :)
You need to add a setting in your "app"-Info.plist:
Add the "Application has localized display name" setting and set it to YES.
Assuming you have created your InfoPlist.strings correctly (you should have one InfoPlist.strings in your fr.lproj directory, and another one in the en.lproj directory, each of them containing the appropriate CFBundleName and CFBundleDisplayName settings), your app name should now be translated according to the device's language settings.
You can also check this pretty good tutorial about iOS localization to get you started: http://www.raywenderlich.com/2876/localization-tutorial-for-ios
I have created a Safari app extension through an Xcode target that I want to change the name of. Initially, when creating the Xcode target, I simply called it "Safari Extension", thinking that I would be able to change it easily later. I thought changing it would be as easy as changing the "Bundle display name" in the Info.plist file in the target folder, as shown here:
However, I tried this and built the app, but nothing changed. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the extension and even the entire app, to no avail. If anyone has a way to rename the Safari app extension, please let me know. Thanks so much!
You can rename an extension quite easily. In the target, select the extension you need and go to Info. Change the Bundle Display name.
You need to edit the "extension_name" key in the extension's messages.json file under Resources/_locales.en/messages.json
Try creating a new scheme: click on the top-left 'Messenger Black' in your image and choose 'New scheme...' and put the new name in here. Save the scheme and this should then work okay.
I want to change my app display name. I already changed the name from old to new in info plist and general tab.
But it is still showing old name.
I dont know from where it is showing.
please help me
If you double-click the project or workspace in the Project Navigator, and change the name there, Xcode will show you a panel of where it's going to automatically change the name. You shouldn't have to change it in info.plist.
The product name of the app is the name of your app as it will appear to customers and you choose it in the Xcode Assistant when starting a new project, but what if you would like to change it?
It seems a trivial question but I tried searching and I find old answers like this one Changing Cocoa display name in the app? (seven years ago) or this one How to change the name of a Mac application in the build settings? which assumes you have a MainMenu.xib file, or answers that refer to iPhone as for example this answer (nine years ago) How to change the name of an iOS app? or this Apple's Technical note for iOS.
Because many things may have changed in Xcode since seven or more years and macOS is different from iOS, I'm afraid to create some trouble, or to change the name that appears in some parts, but forget the old name in another place.
What is the correct way to change the name that the user sees in an app for Mac?
There are several ways to change the name of the app, after you have created the project:
You can rename the target (Double click on the name) because by default Xcode uses the target name as product's name (see next screenshot).
You can set the product name directly in the build settings or via xcconfig files. I actually prefer this way because you can create different names for different build configurations, e.g., "MyApp Debug", "MyApp Beta", "MyApp". So just replace the $(TARGET_NAME) with the name of your app.
If you only want to change the display name of the app in Finder and at runtime, but not its actual file path, this answer might be what you are looking for. Using the localized app name in that way also affects the app's title as displayed in Notification Center.
My app is currently called a silly name. Does anyone know how to change it using xcode7?. By app name i mean when you see the little app icon on the home screen with the apps name below it.
i have looked at other answers but they are only explained using Xcode 4-6.
xcode7 only!
Well, if you want to simply change your app's name in Springboard (aka Home screen), without renaming your project, targets and etc (which is always a lot of pain), you can just change "display name" in your app's Info.plist.
More info here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1823/_index.html
As far as I know, it applies to all versions of Xcode.
This did not change at all for quite a long time, so any older Xcode version answer does still apply:
In Project Navigator select your project > select your build target >
go to Build settings > Product name
Just change product name for your target.
I am using Xcode 4.4.
As you may all know, there is an easy option to localize resource files in Xcode. You can also internationalize your plist Files, which is my approach.
But since 4.4 it doesn't seem to work properly anymore.
All you have to do is the following:
In <project>-Info.plist file add key "Localization" which adds a subarray where you add your country codes as items
now you can localize you resource file (like Localizable.strings) i.e. like so: followed by a modal screen where you're able to choose the languages defined in plist file
Enter! The resource file now lives in <country identifier>.lproj folder.
In Xcode 4.4 you cannot choose your language, defined in plist file. Only English.
I tried everything. Don't want to localize manually.
Also in Xcode versions below 4.4 it was possible to add new languages with a '+'-button. It is not possible:
Look at this:
Any suggestions. Or do I do it just the wrong way?
Here is how you localize your recources in Xcode 4.4+ :
Click on your project (navigator)
On 'Info' tab under your project you'll see the 'Localizations' section
Click on + to add a language
Choose the files you want to localize in the sheet that will be displayed
Now Xcode will automatically create and put your files under the respective language folders.
Finally if you want to localize other sources (such as image files), click on your file, bring the file inspector pane and click 'Make Localized...' button under 'Localization' section. Xcode will fire up another sheet with the available languages, choose the language and you're ready. I hope that this makes sense.
The question is, too, how to localize multiple Info.plist files for multiple targets.
This is done very easily. Just add the languages you want your localization in to the projectile, as described above.
Then you click your several Info.plist Files, each for each target.
Open up the Utilities sidebar
Click "Make localized"
Then choose between the in the project-file setup languages and you're done.