bundle display name is not changing in my game - xcode

I want to change my app display name. I already changed the name from old to new in info plist and general tab.
But it is still showing old name.
I dont know from where it is showing.
please help me

If you double-click the project or workspace in the Project Navigator, and change the name there, Xcode will show you a panel of where it's going to automatically change the name. You shouldn't have to change it in info.plist.


Is there a way to change the name of a Safari app extension in Xcode?

I have created a Safari app extension through an Xcode target that I want to change the name of. Initially, when creating the Xcode target, I simply called it "Safari Extension", thinking that I would be able to change it easily later. I thought changing it would be as easy as changing the "Bundle display name" in the Info.plist file in the target folder, as shown here:
However, I tried this and built the app, but nothing changed. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the extension and even the entire app, to no avail. If anyone has a way to rename the Safari app extension, please let me know. Thanks so much!
You can rename an extension quite easily. In the target, select the extension you need and go to Info. Change the Bundle Display name.
You need to edit the "extension_name" key in the extension's messages.json file under Resources/_locales.en/messages.json
Try creating a new scheme: click on the top-left 'Messenger Black' in your image and choose 'New scheme...' and put the new name in here. Save the scheme and this should then work okay.

iOS - Using Base localization pane is always empty

In Xcode have added two localizations, German and English. I am following documentation on Apple regarding "Use Base Internationalization" which is obtained by going to the project, clicking Info and pressing on the checkbox.
If I do this, it launches a pane or page which is empty.
How do I get it to be populated, or otherwise be in a situation to select the relevant resource file?
The answer is to localize your storyboards. Go to storyboard, there is a button called localize. If you do this, the pane is no longer empty.
Check the answer from hassan83 (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1586924/hasan83) in another question. It solved my problems.
"This could happen if Base Internationalization was active before then disabled and files deleted manually.
Create Base.lproj folder in your project folder using the finder.
Move your main story board to it also using the finder.
Fix the reference to it from Xcode.
Remove app from device, clean & build
your project.
All will be back to normal."

Asset Catalog Compiler Error - none of the input catalogs contained a matching app icon set named "AppIcon"

Asset Catalog Compiler Error - none of the input catalogs contained a matching app icon set named "AppIcon"
I had a similar problem and I think it was because I accidentally deleted the AppIcon in Images.xcassets. So I will explain what I did.
Open the Images.xcassets in the current project.
Resize the window and move the window(Xcode) to the right.
Start a new project in Xcode(a temporary one). Name it something like "temporaryApp".
Open the Images.xcassets in the temporaryApp. Here, you can see AppIcon.
Click and drag this to Images.xcassets of our previous app, that is placed at the right-hand side of the screen.
And voila, Build Succeeded.
Hope this works for you
Please verify your settings is correct.
I had a same issue and I solved this way.
For me, I added Apple Watch extension within this project and deleting them got me into this trouble.
In the Images.xcassets, I do have "icon" and "info", but the error message was exactly same as yours but for "icon" set.
So I searched within xCode project which contains "icon". and found xcodeproj file > build settings > Asset Catalog Compiler - Options with app icon set name as "icon".
So I deleted icon leave it blank and build again, IT WORKS.
This once happened to me, and I solve it correctly with an easy way :->
choose the file "Images.xcassets", if your project does not have such a resource file, create it.
click your mouse's right key in the blanket, and choose "New App Icon"
build your project again, everything works fine now.
IF NOT, check the project's "Build Settings", and find property "Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name" to see if it was "AppIcon".
You have probably deleted the Appicon in a Assets.xcassets, you can fix it by going to Assets.xcassets -> hitting the + -> App Icons & Launch Image -> New iOS App Icon.
Here's an Image
For whoever comes across this issue in the future. Verify That App Icons-> Source is set to AppIcons, and not "None". See pic
Here is a simple solution
Go to assets
Right click -> IOS -> add AppIcon
This problem might be solved by removing the reference of .xcassets file and adding it back if the AppIcon and info is already setup. It worked for me when i removed the reference to Images.xcassets and then added it to project again from Xcode.
On Xcode 13+
Go to your app info -> General
You will see " App Icon and launch Image", be sure to target the right folder in my case AppIcon.
Screen general app info
If you deleted it, simply go to your "Asset", then click on the plus on the top right of your screen and search for missing folder like "AppIcon" or "AccentColor"
Screen explanation to search for elements
Have a great day 👩🏻‍💻
In my case I run Flutter debug app on IOS Simulator. It took me up to 3 days and I still can't run it. Finally the solution that can get it working again is simply restarting my Macbook.
For me - it was assets catalog (that contained the app icon) had no target membership set.
Please make sure you had that set to appropriate target.
For me the target membership was not set on the icons.

App Name Not Changing for iOS Localization

I am dumbfounded as to why my icon/app name will not change on the iPhone home screen when I change languages in the settings.
I have the proper code in my French info.plist for example
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Your_Product_Name";
"CFBundleName" = "Your_Product_Name";
But it still won't change.
The only way I've been able to change it is under Build Settings -> Product Name. But that shows the same name across all languages.
Any idea how to get the proper name for the correct language? Thanks!
You're on the right way, but still missing a step before getting it working :)
You need to add a setting in your "app"-Info.plist:
Add the "Application has localized display name" setting and set it to YES.
Assuming you have created your InfoPlist.strings correctly (you should have one InfoPlist.strings in your fr.lproj directory, and another one in the en.lproj directory, each of them containing the appropriate CFBundleName and CFBundleDisplayName settings), your app name should now be translated according to the device's language settings.
You can also check this pretty good tutorial about iOS localization to get you started: http://www.raywenderlich.com/2876/localization-tutorial-for-ios

Standard way to rename xcode project

After I create a project name for example Proj11, I'd like to change the name to Proj12.
So I use Project->Rename, then the name of the project to Proj12
But the project still contains several folders name Prlj11, and after I change the folders' name, the project can't been loaded.
So what is the standard way to rename my project as well as folder name.
Click on the project folder (blue folder with your app name on the top of the project navigator). Pull up the utilities (right pane), then file inspector. Your project name is there, change it to whatever you want. Then it will ask to save, keep all the files it selected for you selected, then press rename
The best answer I found was on the apple developer site. Imagine that? You can follow the link below, but essentially it is:
1) click on the target in xcode, on the right in "Identify and Type" under name change the name and press the ENTER button on your keyboard.
2)a window will appear confirming the change and what it will change. Once you confirm it will make the changes.
left-click on the name project and rename. As soon as you rename it will ask you if you want to rename:
The folders you see in XCode navigators are not an actual folder/directories, these are virtual folders only to group your files.
And the folders you see in Finder, the path you manually set for the project, you need to rename them manually.
