how can i change the name of my mobile app using xcode7 - xcode

My app is currently called a silly name. Does anyone know how to change it using xcode7?. By app name i mean when you see the little app icon on the home screen with the apps name below it.
i have looked at other answers but they are only explained using Xcode 4-6.
xcode7 only!

Well, if you want to simply change your app's name in Springboard (aka Home screen), without renaming your project, targets and etc (which is always a lot of pain), you can just change "display name" in your app's Info.plist.
More info here:
As far as I know, it applies to all versions of Xcode.

This did not change at all for quite a long time, so any older Xcode version answer does still apply:
In Project Navigator select your project > select your build target >
go to Build settings > Product name

Just change product name for your target.


Xcode - How to change the display name of an app for macOS?

The product name of the app is the name of your app as it will appear to customers and you choose it in the Xcode Assistant when starting a new project, but what if you would like to change it?
It seems a trivial question but I tried searching and I find old answers like this one Changing Cocoa display name in the app? (seven years ago) or this one How to change the name of a Mac application in the build settings? which assumes you have a MainMenu.xib file, or answers that refer to iPhone as for example this answer (nine years ago) How to change the name of an iOS app? or this Apple's Technical note for iOS.
Because many things may have changed in Xcode since seven or more years and macOS is different from iOS, I'm afraid to create some trouble, or to change the name that appears in some parts, but forget the old name in another place.
What is the correct way to change the name that the user sees in an app for Mac?
There are several ways to change the name of the app, after you have created the project:
You can rename the target (Double click on the name) because by default Xcode uses the target name as product's name (see next screenshot).
You can set the product name directly in the build settings or via xcconfig files. I actually prefer this way because you can create different names for different build configurations, e.g., "MyApp Debug", "MyApp Beta", "MyApp". So just replace the $(TARGET_NAME) with the name of your app.
If you only want to change the display name of the app in Finder and at runtime, but not its actual file path, this answer might be what you are looking for. Using the localized app name in that way also affects the app's title as displayed in Notification Center.

iOS - Using Base localization pane is always empty

In Xcode have added two localizations, German and English. I am following documentation on Apple regarding "Use Base Internationalization" which is obtained by going to the project, clicking Info and pressing on the checkbox.
If I do this, it launches a pane or page which is empty.
How do I get it to be populated, or otherwise be in a situation to select the relevant resource file?
The answer is to localize your storyboards. Go to storyboard, there is a button called localize. If you do this, the pane is no longer empty.
Check the answer from hassan83 ( in another question. It solved my problems.
"This could happen if Base Internationalization was active before then disabled and files deleted manually.
Create Base.lproj folder in your project folder using the finder.
Move your main story board to it also using the finder.
Fix the reference to it from Xcode.
Remove app from device, clean & build
your project.
All will be back to normal."

iOS 8 Today widget does not appear when running the project

I have an app with 2 targets and added a today widget. When I run it it doesn't appear on the today notifications Edit/ in the "Do not include" section, where it normally appears the first time with my other apps. Any idea what could be going wrong? I get the entitlements missing warning for the extension but i get this for the ones that work too ( have tried adding one, doesn't help).
Also if i try attach it as a process under the debug menu, it does not appear there at all/
I have tried deleting app from simulator and resetting etc, I have tried with another app that has multiple targets as i thought this may be the problem but the other one works.
Anyone else have a similar experience or can suggest anything?
Edit 6 Oct 2014: I still haven't found a solution, but my project does not use arm64. Could this be the issue ? i have tried removing arm64 from other projects but I think Xcode 6 doesn't allow it so I can't test it, does anyone know if this is a possibility?
In my case, the reason for the widget not being shown in the list of widget was a too high deployment target number. For the widget, I had 9.0. However, I downgraded my iPhone from 9.0 to 8.4 and forgot to change it for the widget.
After changing it to 8.4, the widget immediately appeared on the iPhone.
Make sure you're running the containing app not the extension in the simulator.
I have seen this issue when there is a mismatch in the bundleID between the app and the extension.
Example (Correct):
App bundleid: com.yourcompany.myapp
Ext bundleid: com.yourcompany.myapp.myextension
The extension needs to have the entire bundleID of the app, followed by its own name.
Make sure:
"Deployment Target" is same to containing app's (#vomako 's answer);
Bundle ID follows correct format: "com.yourcompany.myapp.myextension", while your containing app's is "com.yourcompany.myapp" (#RohitGupta 's answer);
While debugging, you need to run widget/extension scheme (not containing app's scheme here. But if archive to submit to App Store, use containing app's scheme);
"Build Settings"'s "WRAPPER_EXTENSION" is "appex".
Point 4 was not mentioned in all answers (even official doc), but happened in my case.
I created Today Widget for my existing project in a workspace, not works at all. However, when I create pure new project with Today Widget, it works well. Then I compare the Build Setting one by one and found this difference: The one created for my existing project is "app", not "appex".
After changing it to "appex", works.
Also, as tips, in order to pass App Review, you must:
Include the arm64 (iOS) or x86_64 architecture (MacOS) in widget/extension's Architectures build settings;
Specify “iPhone/iPad” (sometimes called universal) as the targeted device family for your app extension, no matter which targeted device family you choose for your containing app;
A containing app that links to an embedded framework must include the arm64 (iOS) or x86_64 (OS X) architecture build setting;
Always choose “Frameworks” as your Copy Files build phase destination (do not choose the “SharedFramework” destination instead).
In my case the Build phase "Embed App Extensions" of the app target was missing the appex file:

Generic archive created when updating an existing Mac app?

I've made an update to my existing Mac app and went to archive it.
In Organizer it came up as a new entry and not under the previous releases I had. This new entry appears generic, ie. no app icon, no version or identifier info, just the name of the app came through. What happened? How do I troubleshoot?
In the update I added a UTI and also copied a plug-in into my bundle. Could those things have something to do with it?
Got it. My problem was related to dependency targets. Here's the solution:
(Excerpt added 2012-12-18; see blog post for screenshots and background info)
… Select dependent project(s) in the Project Navigator
Find “Skip Install” and set to YES.
If you have more dependent project, repeat these steps for all of them (i.e. at static library projects).
The app is expected to be deployed so do not change the Skip Install’s No to YES there. Change at the dependent projects only.

iPhone Simulator starts wrong project

I have an old iPhone application that copied to a new location in order to reuse it.
So I
- copied the project directory to a new folder
- created a new xCode project and linked all copied files to edit
- edited the frameworks and plist files to point to the new project name.
The project compiles and can be run, but when I click "Build & run" in xCode, xCode builds the new project and executes the original project.
Am running xCode3.2 with iOS4.2
Any ideas ???
When Xcode requests that the simulator launch something, it seems to do it by product name only. Something that has happened to me more than once is that I've changed the bundle identifier on my project, subsequent builds have led to two products with the same product name on the device, then I've become a bit confused when changes I'm making don't seem to take effect.
Solutions are either to delete the older product from the simulator (which works the same as on a real device; tap and hold) or to change your product name. I have to admit that I've not tested changing the product name and the bundle display name so that the app has the same visible name on the device but a different .app name.
