How to install a Hadoop plugin or patch? - hadoop

Does somebody knows how to install a Hadoop patch like things in ?
I don't know what and how to override the original codes so that the pluggable interface can work.
Could anybody give me a hint?

This is a general, not a Hadoop related problem...
You can apply .patch files using the patch command on your terminal. You can find help to that command with patch --help and man patch


Running apt get in non interactive manner

I've a custom Debian package that has couple of questions like do I overwrite the config file?. I want to run the apt get command with all prompts being answered yes or y automatically. I can't find such an option for apt. Is this possible or do I need to change the Debian file's way of working?
Thanks in advance!!
you can try with expect module.

mapr installation with mapr-setup script

I'm facing issue when installing the MapR installer. It is unable to read from the repository. Please check below link for detailed error. Let me know how to overcome this.
You may try to clean the repo cache. If it is on RedHat run the command "yum clean all" and attemp the install again.

Elasticsearch plugin installation

I have a doubt in install plugin into elastic search. Instruction provided on github is not self explanatory for beginner. Please note that I am from .net background and trying to do setup in windows machine.
I am refering link and and trying to install FS River plug in.
Link says, In order to install the plugin, run:
bin/plugin -install fr.pilato.elasticsearch.river/fsriver/1.3.0
Please let me know where do I write this command and also if any other simple way available, kindly let me know.
it should be ${ES_INSTALLATION}/bin/plugin -install fr.pilato.elasticsearch.river/fsriver/1.3.0.
plugin.bat/ exist under ${ES_INSTALLATION}/bin

apache sqoop installation missing addtowar script

I was installing apache sqoop for hadoop v1. in the installation it says script /bin/ shoudl be in sqoop bin dir but i dont find it.
used web url
Hi I think your missing this command: mv sqoop-(version)-bin-hadoop(hadoop version).tar.gz /usr/lib/sqoop
Please replace that command with this command:: mv sqoop-(version)-bin-hadoop(hadoop version) /usr/lib/sqoop
I think Your problem will solve. is no longer used in the install.
I ran into the same thing, and documented the solution here:

Where is the source code for apache hadoop examples

Can anyone please direct me to the source code for Apache Hadoop Yarn examples. The 2.2.0 distribution comes with a jar names hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.2.0.jar. I am trying to find the source code for the examples.
Any pointer would be helpful...
Did you look at the source code in SVN? Here it is.
Mirror link on Github (for Git users)
Here is the SVN link to get the source code to your local machine.
You can install svn with the below command in Linux.
sudo apt-get install subversion
svn checkout
