I'm facing issue when installing the MapR installer. It is unable to read from the repository. Please check below link for detailed error. Let me know how to overcome this.
You may try to clean the repo cache. If it is on RedHat run the command "yum clean all" and attemp the install again.
I am trying to setup HDP sandbox and work on a big data project.But when trying to do yum install, I am getting below error
http://s3.amazonaws.com/dev.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos6/2.x/BUILDS/ [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden"
Trying other mirror.
To address this issue please refer to the below knowledge base article
If above article doesn't help to resolve this issue please open a ticket with Red Hat Support.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: AMBARI. Please verify its path and try again
I tried below instructions:
in /etc/yum.repos.d/sandbox.repo, updated the enabled=0
yum clean all
yum update
But yum update gives me this error.I cannot even install any python related libraries to proceed with my work.Can someone give me solution for this error.
I had the same problem, and in order to solve it, I backed up the repositories:
then I removed them from the /yum.repos.d folder.
Then I ran the following command:
yum clean all
After that the yum update worked, and I managed to install the things I needed.
** What I noticed, is that whenever I tried to use any YUM command, it gave preference to these repositories that I mentioned.
I'm having trouble setting up 2 factor authentication in Ubuntu Server 18.04.
I'm following this tutorial: http://www.ubuntuboss.com/how-to-set-up-2-factor-authentication-in-ubuntu-server-18-04/
But on the first step when I try to install the package I get the package not found error as seen in the title.
sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator
I have looked around to see if the package has been updated and goes by a different name and I am sure I have the most recent version of the package manager.
Has the package changed or is there anyway around this problem.
Had the same problem. Turned out it's because Ubuntu Server doesn't include the Universe Repository.
Add this line
sudo add-apt-repository universe
Then run the command again and it will install.
I found a way round this issue,
/tmp$ wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/326531917/libpam-google-authenticator_20170702-1_amd64.deb
I was able to manually install it via this link and installed the missing dependencies the same way and was able to finish the tutorial as normal.
I installed Jenkins with brew on mac. But it occurs some problem, I want to re-install it. Previously, at the first time I access http://localhost:8080, the page guides you to install some plugins and need you to input the password. But when I use 'brew uninstall jenkins' command and install again, the page will not show. I don't remember the previous default admin passsword. So I can't access the jenkins now. I delete the homebrew cache as well, it not worked.
Is there any solutions to uninstall Jenkins completely? I just want to start from the beginning of the installation.
In terminal, write and execute
$/Library/Application\ Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command
Note If you installed it with sudo, then use this:
$sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command
Then follow the instructions.
Remove the hidden .jenkins directory in your home directory that contains the configuration.
Removing the .jenkins file is actually an answer, depending how Jenkins was installed. For example, the homebrew installation does create instance-specific work area in $HOME/.jenkins
If you have the jenkins instance already running, go to $JENKINS_BASE_URL/configure and check the value of 'Home directory' - that is the place where all user-specific data is stored, like the jobs.
PS: BTW - can't get away from SO stupidity. This is a comment to the answer by Ayobi, but don't have reputation to comment.
To uninstall Jenkins service from your Mac OS X computer, execute uninstall script from terminal:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
/Library/Application Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command
I installed Jenkins as pkg from jenkins.io. There was some issue and I wanted to delete it. I couldn't find Jenkins folder or Uninstall Command in Library, so this is what I did,
Go to /Applications --> Delete the Jenkins folder
Delete /Users/Shared/Jenkins
Delete Jenkins (there will be a standard user with no name username for the first time when jenkins is installed) from "Users & Groups"
After this I re-installed Jenkins and it seem to work.
brew uninstall jenkins-lts
rm -r /Users/admin/.jenkins
I have a doubt in install plugin into elastic search. Instruction provided on github is not self explanatory for beginner. Please note that I am from .net background and trying to do setup in windows machine.
I am refering link https://github.com/dadoonet/fsriver/tree/es-1.x/#choose-scanned-directory and http://www.pilato.fr/fsriver/#autogenerated-mapping and trying to install FS River plug in.
Link says, In order to install the plugin, run:
bin/plugin -install fr.pilato.elasticsearch.river/fsriver/1.3.0
Please let me know where do I write this command and also if any other simple way available, kindly let me know.
it should be ${ES_INSTALLATION}/bin/plugin -install fr.pilato.elasticsearch.river/fsriver/1.3.0.
plugin.bat/plugin.sh exist under ${ES_INSTALLATION}/bin
I am using Ubunt 12.04. My project was running fine till yesterday and today when i open the springtoolsuit and start tomcat (i am using tomcat 7.0), a pop up opens and says:
In details it says :
An internal error occurred during: "Starting tomcat_server_name**".
Can i be issue due to ubuntu updates ??
** Tomcat_server_name is the name of my tomcat server.
Kindly help me, as i searched google alot but could not found any solution.
Answering my own question as it may help some one like me facing the same problem.
sudo apt-get --reinstall install tzdata-java
solve the problem.
Got solution from
For Windows users, there is another solution. Open eclipse.ini in the Eclipse installation folder and add -Dcom.ibm.icu.util.TimeZone.DefaultTimeZoneType=ICU as the last line of that file
If you're on 16.04, there is no tzdata-java package. I guess it got rolled in to tzdata, but reinstalling it does not fix this problem. I fixed it by downgrading tzdata to the last version that was accompanied by tzdata-java, then reinstalling tzdata-java.
tzdata: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/tzdata/2016c-0ubuntu1
tzdata-java: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/tzdata-java/2016c-0ubuntu1
I have to keep using the old version for Tomcat7 to work, so did this to prevent Ubuntu from updating the file:
sudo apt-mark hold tzdata
re-installing and selecting JDK 1.8 worked for me in Xubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config java