Elasticsearch plugin installation - elasticsearch

I have a doubt in install plugin into elastic search. Instruction provided on github is not self explanatory for beginner. Please note that I am from .net background and trying to do setup in windows machine.
I am refering link https://github.com/dadoonet/fsriver/tree/es-1.x/#choose-scanned-directory and http://www.pilato.fr/fsriver/#autogenerated-mapping and trying to install FS River plug in.
Link says, In order to install the plugin, run:
bin/plugin -install fr.pilato.elasticsearch.river/fsriver/1.3.0
Please let me know where do I write this command and also if any other simple way available, kindly let me know.

it should be ${ES_INSTALLATION}/bin/plugin -install fr.pilato.elasticsearch.river/fsriver/1.3.0.
plugin.bat/plugin.sh exist under ${ES_INSTALLATION}/bin


Install Influxdb 1.8.3 from tar.gz on Mac

Hi there I want to install an old version of InfluxDB on a Mac. I have found what I think is the right tar.gz file on GitHub (at https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.8.3_darwin_amd64.tar.gz), downloaded and unzipped it. But with no configure or make file that I can find I don’t know how to install it as all the instructions I can find seem to reference those executables.
As someone who is learning as I go along any help would be much appreciated!
You can use homebrew to install influxdb v1 on macOS,
brew update
brew install influxdb#1
Refer to official docs for the detail.

How to install logstash-input-jmx in RHEL?

Has anyone installed logstash-input-jmx (or any other "community" plugin for Logstash) in RHEL?
How did you manage the Ruby/gem dependencies?
After installing a recent version of Ruby, RubyGems, and Rails, the development/runtime gem dependencies have to be resolved, but attempting to install any of the gems mentioned in here, would lead to endless missing dependencies ...
Are there any packaged versions of Logstash JMX plugin around?
Welcome to the house of fun. What I did was, which may be out of your scope but it might help....
$logstash_location/bin/logstash-plugin list
(as you might expect this shows what can be installed to your instance)
$logstash_location/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-jmx
The plugin itself should resolve its own dependencies. I was having all sort of problems in Docker, but I had to build my Logstash tarball external to the machine. Make sure connectivity is ok too. It's a service, not local to your machine.
This post clearly describes the steps required to install a "community" logstash plugin, and can be used to install jmx plugin on RHEL. I've tried it on RHEL 7.3.
The main thing to consider is that in RHEL 7.3 the logstash can be found under /usr/share/logstash/ rather than /opt/logstash

Elasticsearch 2.1: Cannot install Marvel into Kibana

I am a newbie to the ES world and just trying to get my local environment set up.
I am using a Mac and I used Homebrew to install Elasticsearch and Kibana.
Now I want to add Marvel to Kibana but it fails with the following error:
user :/usr/local/opt/kibana/(master)$ bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
Installing marvel
Attempting to extract from https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/marvel/marvel-latest.tar.gz
Downloading 3843924 bytes....................
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Cannot find module 'bluebird'"
Unfortunately I haven't found any solution yet.
Maybe you guys have an idea how to solve this?
I met the same problem and solved by installing kibana not from homebrew.
--> Check here: https://github.com/elastic/sense/issues/93

mapr installation with mapr-setup script

I'm facing issue when installing the MapR installer. It is unable to read from the repository. Please check below link for detailed error. Let me know how to overcome this.
You may try to clean the repo cache. If it is on RedHat run the command "yum clean all" and attemp the install again.

Grails Mac OSX Install via Brew Restarting terminal

I've been trying to get past step one of installing grails, which is bad i know. But the issue im having is getting grails to work via the OSX terminal. similar to node using brew I type the command
brew install grails
this retrieves grails and installs it, simple. to see if its installed correctly you type grails -version
However when i do that it's as though my terminal restarts. Its a hard thing to describe so here is a link to a youtube video that shows you what happens. I have JAVA installed and working. Anyone have an idea?
As this is the first excursion I have had into any Java related development. I made a rookie mistake and was unaware of vital piece of information. You do not need Java to run Grails you need the Java Development Kit (JDK). Which is a different thing completely apparently.
Available here
Once installed run this command in the terminal /usr/libexec/java_home -V This will show you all of the current Java Virtual Machines installed. In my case
Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):
1.8.0_11, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home
You then need to set your JAVA_HOME Environment variable to point to your JVM. Like so export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) use /usr/libexec/java_home rather than the true location as this will specifi the version set in Java Preferences for the current user. The source for that nice little trick is here http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-set-java_home-environment-variable-on-mac-os-x/
Once you've done that you can type the command brew install grails or gvm install grails which is what i should probably use rather than brew as "SurrealAnalysis" rightly pointed out in one of the answers.
moment of truth grails -version and i got a response Grails version: 2.4.3... sweet.
Thank you all for the replies and help.
Following previous post, GVM it is not available in Homebrew, because of this.
GDK is also now officially SDKMAN!.
So, the steps would be:
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
source "/Users/{YOUR_USER_NAME}/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
sdk install groovy
Hope it helps! :)
