How to install Tomcat 7 as a Windows service using command line install - windows

I need to install Tomcat 7 as a Windows service and to start the service manually.
Referring to How to install Tomcat as a Windows service, I believe I would need to specify the following on the command line:
tomcat7 //IS//Tomcat7 --DisplayName="Apache Tomcat 7" --Install="C:\Tomcat7\bin\tomcat7.exe
Do I also need to specify all or some of the following on the command line like in the example? If only some, please specify which ones. If anything in the example is incorrect, please specify.
What I need for sure is to specify the following because I need to tell Tomcat to use a specific java home and not the java home set by the environment variable JAVA_HOME on the server where this will be installed.
--JavaHome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51
The reason: the server already has a different version of Tomcat (5.5) and it uses an older version of the JDK (1.5). I must not change JAVA_HOME on the server. I simply need to ensure Tomcat 7 uses JDK 1.7 and I have tried this line:
C:\tomcat7\bin>tomcat7 //IS//Tomcat7 --DisplayName="Apache Tomcat 7" --Install="C:\Tomcat7\bin\tomcat7.exe" --JavaHome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51"
When I attempt to Start the service, the following error message is displayed:
Windows could not start the Apache Tomcat 7 on Local Computer. For
more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a
non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to
service-specific error code 1.
I had a look at the System Event Viewer and it provides the following information:
The Apache Tomcat 7 service terminated with service-specific error Incorrect function..
I need to figure out these steps because I then need to provide the support team with the information to install this service on the production server. So any help would be greatly appreciated!

Use Chocolatey from Powershell command line:
first install Chocolatey
PS:\> iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
To install Tomcat
PS:\> choco install tomcat
To upgrade
PS:\> choco upgrade tomcat

Seems like a mismatch in your java JVM and tomcat version.
The tomcat7.exe wrapper program actually
"runs" the JVM, it must match the type of JVM that it runs, in terms
of 32bit/64bit version. If you try to start a 64-bit JVM with a 32-bit
tomcat7.exe, it won't work, and vice-versa.

This is because of shortage in physical RAM.
Check the Minimum System Requirements on Tomcat docs and try to close unnecessary programs if possible.

Use Chocolatey from Powershell command line:
PS> iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
To install Tomcat:
PS> choco install tomcat
To upgrade:
PS> choco upgrade tomcat


Changing the SDK in WebSphere Application Server 8.5

When I try to start the the deployment manager in WebSphere Application Server I'm getting the following error:
00000001 SDKUtils
A ADML0004E: An exception occurred when attempting to expand variable $(JAVA_HOME)
UndefinedVariableException: Undefined variable JAVA_HOME
First of all you cannot set third party Java SDK for traditional WebSphere Application Server. For WAS 8.5.5.x you can only select from IBM Java 6 and IBM Java 7 which must be downloaded from IBM and installed via Installation Manager. So don't play with JAVA_HOME variable manually.
Once you install Java 7 for WAS, you can use managesdk command line tool to switch Java for given profile and server.
See also:
Java 7.1 in IBM Websphere
managesdk command
since we can not start the deployment manger or default server, there is a way to solve this problem that is add the JAVA_HOME into varibles.xml file which is under server folder. path : Installserver/profile/config/node/cell/server
Please give some more information like OS, windows, or linux, or what.
If I understand correctly you'll use the jdk of the WAS installation elsewhere?
Under Windows set JAVA_HOME accordingly within the System environment properties. logout / login after this may be a good idea.
Under linux use: export JAVA_HOME=/opt/ibm/pathtoWAS/java
I would do this within .profile and maybe it's helpful to set the PATH to the jdk too!

How do I upgrade Apache Tomcat from 6.0.20 to 6.0.24?

Our security team has scanned our production server and identified vulnerabilities with Apache Tomcat server v 6.0.20.
They have recommended that Apache be upgraded to 6.0.24. Reading through the forums, I believe this is the process to do so
Take a backup of httpd.conf file
Using add remove programs, uninstall version 6.0.20
Install 6.0.24
But, I have some questions depending on a quick test I did to install 6.0.20 and upgrade it to 6.0.24
Where do I get Tomcat administrator login information?
Is it enough just to backup the HTTPD.CONF file? I was thinking to back up everything in the Apache folder instead.
Is it possible not to upgrade 6.0.20 to 6.0.24 by running the MSI installer over the same Apache folder? Is it due to the HTTP/1.1 Connector Port being busy/used that doesn't allow an update of Tomcat on the same port?
Is a restart of the server required after upgrade?
Last but not the least, I am using these executables to test the upgrade. 6.0.20 gets installed fine but when I run 6.0.24, it prompts me for the JRE path and directing it to 6.0.20 JVM Path gives me a message that "JVM is not found". The JVM info on the Apache manager is in this directory
What am I missing here?
I need your thoughts and advice to make this as easy as possible since this is a production server.

Error in sonar startup, Unable to start JVM: No such file or directory (2)

I am facing strange issue with sonarqube 5.0.1 , one one of the machine it is not starting. Here is the error log - sonar.log -
--> Wrapper Started as Daemon
Launching a JVM...
Unable to start JVM: No such file or directory (2)
JVM exited while loading the application.
JVM Restarts disabled. Shutting down.
<-- Wrapper Stopped
Machine is x86_64 GNU/Linux - Centos 5.1.
this box has java installed -
$java -version
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
The same sonarqube package works on another machine.
Any idea what could be the issue here?
Issue was in the wrapper.conf where the java wrapper command was not getting resolved. It worked if I give the absolute path - ‘’
This could be an issue with an environment on a host.. not sure.
Few things that helped me in troubleshooting this -
log level changed to DEBUG in wrapper.conf
comments given in the wrapper.conf!
Thanks all for chiming in! Appreciate your inputs.
1.Just close all running jvm from task manager
2. Change the port of the sonar runner from the properties
I had the same symptoms (wrapper starts then immediately stops).
I tried these steps and finally succeeded (on a windows 10 pc):
1) in wrapper.conf, specified the java command:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7...\bin\java.exe
That did not help.
2) Finally this fixed the problem. In the windows Services, open the Sonar service and then open Log On tab.
Changed the Log On to myself as follows:
I was facing the same issue on sonar startup. After reading this post , i modified the JDK path in below file and it works.
Modify the JDK path in wrapper.conf
Install jdk 11
sudo yum install java-11-openjdk -y
sudo alternatives --config java
Select the JDK 11 version
Set the JDK 11 version in wrapper.conf
vi /opt/sonar/conf/wrapper.conf
Could you verify the Java version on the machine starting?
Java 6 is no more supported but from your error message, I don't know if this is the problem you meet.
Solution 1
Set java path globally
Solution 2
Go to sonarqube-{version}/conf directory
Edit wrapper.conf file
Replace with {path-to-your-java-bin-directory}/java
Try using a relative path, if your Sonar Folder is located in the same root folder as your jdk. For me my sonar and jdk are both under "Program Files", which has restrictive permission, hence the error.

Install Liferay as Windows 2012R2 service

I am a newbie on Liferay and furthermore 100% Windows infrastructure knowledge based. I installed Liferay 6.2 on my Windows 2012R2 server together with Java jdk-8u5 version. All is running perfect as long as I am logged in as user on the Server via remotedesktop having open the tomcat startup.bat window.
What have I to do exactly to start Liferay and/or tomcat as service?
Thanks in advance for your efforts.
Configuring liferay or tomcat to run as a service on a windows server doesn't differ that much.So in order to do that you have to add some files to the LIFERAY_HOME\tomcat\bin directory.
To get those files you have to download a full version of 64-bitWindows tomcat from here :
Extract the zip and go to the bin directory, copy service.bat , tomcat7.exe and tomcat7w.exe to this location : LIFERAY_HOME\tomcat\bin
Setting Up the service
Open the commad prompt (Make sure you have admin rights or run the command prompt as administrator),In Command Prompt go to LIFERAY_HOME\tomcat\bin and Execute the following command
service.bat install tomcat7
This will install the tomcat6 service in windows.
Now execute following commond to setup additional configuration for the service
tomcat7w.exe ES tomcat7.exe
2 . Extra configuration :
and make sure to provide enough memory for your service by setting the initial memory pool and the maximum one.
Either go with Rafik Beldi's answer (quite an effort, wow) or just go to tomcat's documentation in case you're still missing some information
I had to delete what was in Java Options completely or it wouldn't start: and then I entered:
note that where I am: America/New_York allows for both EST and EDT

How to enable JMX on tomcat7 running as Windows service?

I have googled this extensively before posting it here. I've been trying to find out a way to enable JMX Access on a Tomcat instance installed as Windows service. Its quite straightforward when Tomcat is invoked via the startup.bat script, one just needs to set the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable to something like ""
But how do i get the Tomcat Windows service to read these options? I tried this:
C:>tomcat\server\bin> service.bat install #install the Tomcat7 windows service
C:>tomcat\server\bin> tomcat7.exe //US//Tomcat7 ++JvmOptions "$INSTDIR\server\temp;-XX:MaxPermSize
thenticate=false;" --JvmMs 256 --JvmMx 1
024 #update the installed service using the //US switch; set tmpdir, JMX access and heap size
When i start the service from Services panel, the service fails to start and i get the following error on the logs\tomcat7-stderr-yyyy-mm-dd.log file:
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Commons Daemon procrun stderr initialized
Error: Invalid number: 8090
I don't have a Java background, am i trying to achieve something outlandish here? Please advise.
Answering my own question; turned out to be easier than i thought.
Following needs to be done, for enabling JMX access for Tomcat installed as a Windows service, that has a name "ApacheTomcatWindowsServer" for example:
Install Tomcat as Windows service, either using the command (first cd into \bin\ )
service.bat install
or your custom scripts.
Enable Apache Service Manager for the installed service using the following command:
tomcat7w.exe //MS//ApacheTomcatWindowsServer
This should start Apache Service Monitor program on your system tray. Click on its icon. select 'Configure', click on the 'Java' tab and append the following on the 'Java Options' text box, one option per line:
Save and exit and restart the service.
To connect to the JMX console, fire jconsole from your JDK installation, click 'New Connection', specify 'Remote Process' and enter hostname:8090.
you can also uninstall the service by
service.bat remove
then edit the service.bat and add the parameters in your StartPath and add the options;;;
here is the sample StartPath in my file
--StartPath "C:\tomcat7\" --Startup auto --JvmOptions "-Dcatalina.home=%CATALINA_HOME%;-Dcatalina.base=%CATALINA_BASE%;-Djava.endorsed.dirs=%CATALINA_HOME%\endorsed;\temp;-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager;-Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CATALINA_BASE%\conf\;-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=;;;;" %JAVA_OPTS% ^
re-install the service by
service.bat install
then start Tomcat to apply changes
