Magento: Adding admin page to 'Admin_Hello' example - magento

OK, I know this is probably stupid. I have followed Alan Storm's excellent "Admin Hello" tutorial (How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?), as well as the updated version on his own site ( I have used this as a framework to create a new admin module. But the example does NOT have a front end, ie, a related admin page.
How do I add a new html form that will allow me to collect inputs, and display outputs from my admin module? I have looked at tutorials for creating new blocks, themes, CMS pages, and the like. But none of them seem to address now to create a new admin page, and integrate it with a custom admin module.
Thanks all! -Don! Briggs

This tutorial doesn't follow all of the best practices, but it is an example of what you're looking for. Even shows you how to implement the grid in admin:


Need more about magento basic

I'm new to magento. Need basic knowledge about magento programming, and magento customization.
Struggle to print content inside frontend.
I followed below site to print content but error shows inside layout,where the content displayed.
Can help me what is what in magento
You can easy learn i have searched it
It's a great and simple tutorial which help you step by step(After covering this tutorial you will be able to handle admin panel of the magento)

Magento - Allow user to manage social media URLs

Ok so I’m trying to implement social media into the footer. However, they are images that change color when hovered over that I’m working into the CSS.
But my question is, if the end user changed their Facebook URL, how will they update the url? I obviously can’t just put it directly into the theme because then the end-user will know how to program and where to look just to change the URL.
How do I go about implementing this the right way so the end-user can update their social media URLs to their Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Etc easily..?
What do you mean by saying "user changed their Facebook URL"?
You talking about customer or administrator?
If you mean administrator, then the you can create custom settings for social media links
For customers store theirs social uids
In order to do this, you will need to create an extension, albeit not a very complicated one. If you've never done this before, Alan storm wrote an excellent tutorial.
One file that is often included in extensions (but seems not to be mentioned in the above mentioned tutorial) is etc/system.xml. This file lets you define a new page in the System->Configuration section of the Magento admin panel. Magento provides a good tutorial on writing those.
Any fields you put in etc/system.xml will be modifiable in the Magento admin panel, and you can access them anywhere in your code with Mage::getStoreConfig('your extension's name/the name of the field'), e.g., Mage::getStoreConfig('facebook/enabled');

Magento Custom Module Creation

I want to build a custom interface (See PSD) for the user to add social urls and display an icon if not empty. I did something similar in WP but no idea how to do it in Magento. I was wondering if someone can help or point to a tutorial. Thanks a lot
You can read this series by Alan Storm:
"Magento For PHP MVC Developers"

How to Develop Codeigniter Admin Panel

Hi i'm new to codeigniter.
I have developed this website using CI.
Now i want to create the admin panel for this website.
I want the url like this to access the admin panel.
First i thought adding a admin controller and proceed with that.
But my back-end will have around 25 pages.
I don't think adding 25 functions in the single controller is not
good idea.
I searched and got some tutorial but i'm not clear with that.
So can any one help me to config the admin panel for my website?
Thanks to all and sorry for if my english is not good.
create fattto/admin folder in controller view and module and set all code in this folder
when u write it open admin panel whatever code u write
You could organise your controllers into sub-folders, which would give you the desired effect.
The use of Routing could also help you achieve what you want, which will allow you to map a URL to a particular controller/method.

Joomla administration user level

In my website project, three people are assigned to write new articles for the website. They write their own articleS and cannot view their fellows' articles. We have one supervisor who is supposed to view, edit, and manage all articles.
Can Joomla! or any free extension make this possible?
The core Joomla install does NOT do what you have requested but by adding a component called JUGA, you can easily configure exactly what you want.
