Need more about magento basic - magento

I'm new to magento. Need basic knowledge about magento programming, and magento customization.
Struggle to print content inside frontend.
I followed below site to print content but error shows inside layout,where the content displayed.
Can help me what is what in magento

You can easy learn i have searched it
It's a great and simple tutorial which help you step by step(After covering this tutorial you will be able to handle admin panel of the magento)


How to add simple custom form to magento admin panel

First of all let me clear what i want to do, here is my problem. I have my magento project running on server. Now my client is asking me to add a module like this, please have a look
Also he want that he can manage images and color codes from the Magento Admin panel. I have not much experience in magento extension development.
Please provide me reference if there is any magento extension already exist so that i can use that other wiase how to do it.
If you want a Magento frontend view which is admin manageable (with your own custom database tables) try this piece I wrote: link. Hope it suits you.
You should add a custom module to add that.
Check this link

Magento: Adding admin page to 'Admin_Hello' example

OK, I know this is probably stupid. I have followed Alan Storm's excellent "Admin Hello" tutorial (How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?), as well as the updated version on his own site ( I have used this as a framework to create a new admin module. But the example does NOT have a front end, ie, a related admin page.
How do I add a new html form that will allow me to collect inputs, and display outputs from my admin module? I have looked at tutorials for creating new blocks, themes, CMS pages, and the like. But none of them seem to address now to create a new admin page, and integrate it with a custom admin module.
Thanks all! -Don! Briggs
This tutorial doesn't follow all of the best practices, but it is an example of what you're looking for. Even shows you how to implement the grid in admin:

Magento Custom Module Creation

I want to build a custom interface (See PSD) for the user to add social urls and display an icon if not empty. I did something similar in WP but no idea how to do it in Magento. I was wondering if someone can help or point to a tutorial. Thanks a lot
You can read this series by Alan Storm:
"Magento For PHP MVC Developers"

development magento form for frontend

I am developing an extension for magento. I want to add a form in frontend to add "title" and "description". I searched a lot but failed to find good magento module development tutorial
Someone please guide me how to add form and its validation for magento
See below your it is very help full to you.
Custom Module with Custom Database Table
Front-End Editor Extension for Magento Commerce
please see above the URL and let me know if not working.

How to show newsletter signup in a lightbox popup in Magento?

I´m not a coder and come here to ask for help. I need a way to show newsletter signup in a lightbox for example or this when the pages load or after some seconds in magento. I have searched for all the web and found some scripts, but as I´m said, I´m not a coder and couldn´t find any kind of module that do this.
I can understand, You want to show popup for news latter subscription after magento home page load. In magento many extension available, Here i share one free magento extension which all cover your requirement.
Please Let me know if you have any query
