I've been scouring the blogs and MS docs to no avail.
I'm trying to set up scheduled data refresh but the connection string (OleDb) from Excel is 1906 chars long and the Power BI Admin connection string text box only allows 500 chars.
Is this a Power BI problem or am I doing something wrong?
It is a limitation in current Power BI design.
1) Would you mind sharing the connection string with us to review for future improvement?
2) Meanwhile have you tried setup using option with connection properties instead of connection string?
Best Regards.
I set up a CockroachDB cluster for a school project. The only thing I have done is created 1 database with 1 table with 1 instance of 6 rows, but when I look at the dashboard I have already used 500K RUs. This seems like a huge amount to me, but I'm new to cloud databases so I don't know if this is normal behavior or not. I'm just worried I will run out of RUs without doing anything on the database. In this image the graph of the RU usage can be seen when there are no connections and when the hub wasn't opened. Can anyone maybe clarify this for me?
I think this explanation is more likely to be the reason:
To summarize, the monitoring console uses up some RUs. So if you have a browser tab open with the console, it will use RUs even if you don't have any connections open.
As that FAQ says, this can use ~8 RUs per second. Over 19 hours, that is about ~540,000 RUs total. The solution is to not leave the console open.
On the stats point, note that auto-stats collection is only triggered when data in the table changes.
I believe what you're seeing is the Automatic Metric collection. You can read more about it on this FAQ.
We have a B4ms VM running a SQL server (as well as web server). We have installed Power BI Gateway on it to make reports with on-prem data.
Basically the user can sign to the server and view power bi reports in the browser.
I find it a bit dumb that the user has to query Power BI for the data, that in turn gets it from the machine, but perhaps there is no other way.
The issue we are running into is that some visuals take a huge performance hit when loading. Some even seem to exceed the resources.
I know it's somewhat of a broad question to ask, but maybe specifically - is there a way to improve the connection between the VM and the PBI server?
It will depend on the type of query that you are doing/sending down to the SQL Server, for a number of projects that I have deployed, I have used Direct Query to sit over data sources that have been at least 50-100GB, however these have been mostly standard Star Schema data warehouses, or a defined reporting table, both will have the relevant indexes, covering indexes, or Column Store Indexes to allow more efficient retrieval of data. These have been on Azure SQL and On-Prem SQL Instances.
Direct Query Mode will slow down due to the number of query's that it has the do on the data source based on the measure, relationships and the connection overhead. Another can be the number of visuals on page, as each visual is a query and each one has to run on the data source.
One other method to increase the speed of Direct Query would be to use Aggregations in Power BI, to store an imported subset of data in Power BI. If the query can be answered by the aggregation layer then it will be answered quicker. Microsoft demonstrated this with the 'Trillion Row Demo'
In terms of the Power BI Direct Query Issues, from the range of clients that I interact with, those that do have issues with Direct Query, have a mash up of tables in an inefficient schema, running sub optimal query's on the data source, with a number of data transformations in DAX, and DAX measures that have been badly written, for example lots of DISTINCT COUNTS & SWITCH.
For the connection make sure you have the latest Data Gateway Installed/Update as optimizations to the Mash Up engine can make it faster. Another option would be to shift the DB to Azure SQL Database and remove the need for the gateway.
For DirectQuery reports you need to examine the generated SQL and evaluate the execution at SQL Server. You can use the Performance Analyzer in Power BI Desktop to capture the DAX and SQL generated as your DirectQuery model interacts with SQL Server, and then use SQL Server Management Studio and the Query Store to examine the Execution Plans and indexing options.
I am currently working on a stupid system where I have given no direct DB access but a weird SQL Workbench which can not do most of the things apart from some basic stuff. So for some reason I need to do a SELECT * on one of the tables which have 174 columns. And whenever I try that it gives me the following error:
"ERROR: Error -27 was encountered whilst running the SQL command. (-3)
Error -3 running SQL : ORACLE Driver Error [-27]: Selected data too
large for SQL Workbench"
Quick googling gave me nothing apart from (in one of the oracle documents):
In the SQL Editor, the maximum length of one row of the formatted
result is 8190 bytes. When this length is exceeded, the ORA connector
generates the above error
Now, I was wondering if anyone could give me a solution that would be a great help. One of the solution I am thinking is to increase the Maximum Length for Ora Connector/Driver. But I am novice in Oracle and do not know anything apart from querying. So haven't been able to change the Maximum Length yet.
So, please if anybody could help me out with this, that would be great.
Thanks a lot guys
Being asked to do database work trough the Uniface SQL Workbench is not a good situation. It is only a very simple thing that you can use in an emergency if nothing else is available.
You could run a couple of queries, each time with the primary key and a bunch of fields and stitch the result together in Excel.
If you have access to the Uniface Development Environment you can use it to convert your Oracle data to, for example, XML. Instructions are in the Uniface helpfile ulibrary.chm, see command line switch /cpy.
You cannot change the maximum record length of the Uniface Oracle Connector.
I have a JEE application searching a large Oracle databse for data. The application uses JDBC to query the database.
The issue I am having is that the results page is unable to be displayed. I get the following error:
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
This happens after 60 seconds. When I run the sql query manually using a SQL client, the results return in 3 seconds.
I have checked the logs and there are no exceptions that I can see.
Do any of you know the best way to find what is causing the connection to be reset? If I break my search date range into 2, and search both ranges individually, both return results. So it seems that it's the larger result set causing the issue.
Any help is welcome.
You are probably right about the larger result set. Often when running a query from a SQL client, you'll get the first set of records right away. If you page down to force pull of all records, then it bogs down. Perhaps your hitting the same issue with JDBC client where it takes more than 60 sec to get all the rows. I've not done JDBC in a while, but can you get it to stream the result set?
All views are mine ...
Does anyone know how one can get the total number of calls to an MSSQL2000 server during a specified time, let’s say 24 hours?
We want figures of how many calls our production machine gets per day, but we can’t find any good tools/strategies for this.
Best regards
You could use SQL Profiler?
I think using SQL Profiler here is overkill in this situation, particularly as it can create a substantial load on the server depending on what you trace. SQL Server exposes the raw values used for its performance counters via the sysperfinfo system table; you should just be able to run this query once each day and subtract the values to work out how many SQL requests you received for the day:
SELECT cntr_value
FROM sysperfinfo
WHERE object_name = 'SQLServer:SQL Statistics'
AND counter_name = 'Batch Requests/sec'
This will obviously only work if the server is up for the whole day; restarting will reset the number.
I sloved this another way (all calls are "routed" thru an IIS cluster and I where able to analyze their logs).