Server issue when searching Oracle database - oracle

I have a JEE application searching a large Oracle databse for data. The application uses JDBC to query the database.
The issue I am having is that the results page is unable to be displayed. I get the following error:
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
This happens after 60 seconds. When I run the sql query manually using a SQL client, the results return in 3 seconds.
I have checked the logs and there are no exceptions that I can see.
Do any of you know the best way to find what is causing the connection to be reset? If I break my search date range into 2, and search both ranges individually, both return results. So it seems that it's the larger result set causing the issue.
Any help is welcome.

You are probably right about the larger result set. Often when running a query from a SQL client, you'll get the first set of records right away. If you page down to force pull of all records, then it bogs down. Perhaps your hitting the same issue with JDBC client where it takes more than 60 sec to get all the rows. I've not done JDBC in a while, but can you get it to stream the result set?
All views are mine ...


Impala query with LIMIT 0

Being production support team member, I investigate issues with various Impala queries and while researching on an issue , I see a team submits an Impala query with LIMIT 0 which obviously do not return any rows and then again without LIMIT 0 which gives them result. I guess they submit these queries from IBM Datastage. Before I question them why they do so.. wanted to check what could be a reason for someone to run with LIMIT 0. Is it just to check syntax or connection with Impala? I see a similar question discussed here in context of SQL but thought to ask anyway in Impala perspective. Thanks Neel
I think you are partially correct.
Pls note, limit will process all the data and then apply limit clause.
LIMIT 0 is mostly used to -
to check if syntax of SQL is correct. But impala do fetch all the records before applying limit. so SQL is completely validated. Some system may use this to check out the sql they generated automatically before actually applying it in server.
limit fetching lots of rows from a huge table or a data set every time you run a SQL.
sometime you want to create an empty table using structure of some other tables but do not want to copy store format, configurations etc.
dont want to burden the hue/any interface that is interacting with impala. All data will be processed but will not be returned.
performance test - this will somewhat give you an idea of run time of SQL. i used the word somewhat because its not actual time to complete but estimated time to complete a SQL.

Long Running Query on MSSQL

In my team, we need to connect to Oracle, Sybase and MSSQL very frequently... We use Oracle's SQLDeveloper 3.3.2 Version to connect all 3 (using third party libs). This tool often has a problem that select queries never ends... Even if we get the results, it will keep on running... And because of this we receive database alerts for long running queries...
Select * from products
If products has million records, then SQLDeveloper will show top records but in background the query will keep on running.
How Can this problem be solved?
Is there a better product which can fulfill our need.
Your query - select * from products - is asking the database engine to send millions of records to your client application (SQLDeveloper in this case).
While SQLDeveloper (and many other GUIs of a similar design) will show you the first 30 (or 50, or 100, etc) rows, as far as the database engine is concerned you're still asking to see millions of rows hence your query continues to 'run' in the database engine.
For example, in Sybase ASE the query will show up with a status of 'send sleep' meaning the database engine is waiting for the client application to request the next batch of records to send down the connection.
To 'solve' this issue you have a few options:
using SQLDeveloper: scroll through (ie, display on your monitor) the
rest of the multi-million row result set [likely not what you want to
do; likely you don't have the time/desire to hit the 'Next' button
100's of thousands of times]
kill off your query after you've received/viewed the first set of
records [not recommended as there will likely be times when you
'forget' to kill of your query, thus earning the wrath of your DBA]
write your query to pull back only the records you REALLY want/need to see (eg, add a WHERE clause to limit the set of rows)
see if SQLDeveloper has any sort of configuration option to
auto-kill any 'long running' queries [I have no idea if this is even
doable in a client application]
see if the DBA can configure your login with a resource limit (eg,
auto-kill queries if they run for more than XX seconds)

Oracle Apex Interactive Report bad performance while loading

I have an interactive report in one of my APEX application. The SQL query used in the IR runs pretty fine when executed in SQL Developer.
But, at times in the application it gets stuck and requires more time than usual to load the IR. (Usually it takes less than 5 secs to load but at times more than 50 secs).
What might be the possible reasons for it to load slow ?
The query is well tuned and IR has default settings with no modification. I have also checked the stats on the tables and it is fresh.
The SQL query used in IR fetches 10k records.
If you go into Component View and then click Interactive Report under Regions, there is a setting near the bottom under the Performance heading called Maximum Rows To Process. Also limiting the number of rows to display sped things up for me.
Sorry but i can't write comments. Is there any database view in your query?
I have similar situation where query from database view with 6 mil. records take around 3 min to complete in Oracle Apex IR and 10-15 seconds in SQL Developer. So after some research i try to put sql from view directly into IR and result was almost same as this in SQL Developer.
Also You can remove pagination from IR or change it from "x to y from z" to be only "x to y".
I hope this can help you.
Query response time in SQL Developer versus any other Web browser cannot be compared directly. Some of the reasons for its slugishness could be related to server setup, server load, current user traffic, page load processes, page and region rendering, number of regions,components and plugins, navigation menu query, report query, number or columns and rows being displayed, row content length, apex items especially LOV with SQL queries, etc.
From your question, it looks like performance issue is not consistent and so, I think issue may be related to server setup or traffic. Try to check if you see any difference in load time after bouncing the server, if that's an option. Try to isolate the problem and if the issue is specific to interactive report, build a classic report and compare times.
Another thing that has helped me in past is to compare and verify compute times using APEX Debugger, here is the screenshot.
Also look at network and timeline tabs in Chrome debugger,
Implement indexes on your tables
Verify with your DBA if you have database locks
Verify the amount of logs in Database
Switch to classic reports.

DB2 Query Timeout issue - How to handle

This may have been asked numerous times but none of them helped me so far.
Here's some history:
QueryTimeOut: 120 secs
App Server: JBoss
Framework: Struts 2
I've one query which fetches around a million records. Yes, we need to fetch it all at once for caching purpose, sadly can't change the design.
Now, we've 2 servers Primary and DR. In DR server, the query is getting executed within 30 secs, so no timeout issue there. But in Primary serverit is getting time out due to some unknown reason. Sometimes it is getting timed out in and sometime in pstmt.executeQuery().
All DB indexes, connection pool etc are in place. The explain plan shows, there are no full table scan as well.
My Analysis:
Since query is not the issue here, there might be issue in Network delay?
How can I get the root cause behind this timeout. How can I make sure there are no connection leakage? (Since all connection are closed properly).
Any way to recover from the timeout and again execute the query with increased timeout value for e.g: pstmt.setQueryTimeOut(600)? <- Note that this has no effect whatsoever. Don't know why..!
Appreciate any inputs.
Thank You!

Hibernate with Oracle JDBC issue

I have a select query which takes 10 min to complete as it runs thru 10M records. When I run thru TOAD or program using normal JDBC connection I get the results back, but while running a Job which uses Hibernate as ORM does not return any results. It just hangs up ...even after 45 min? Please help
Are you saying you trying to retrieve 10M records using an ORM like hibernate?
If this is the case you have one big problems, you need to redesign your application because this is not going to work, and about why it hangs up, well, I bet is because it runs out of memory.
Have you enabled SQL output for Hibernate? You need to set hibernate.show_sql to true in order to do that.
Once that's done, compare the generated SQL with the one you're been running through TOAD. Are they exactly the same or not?
I'm going to venture a guess here and say they're not because once SQL is generated Hibernate does nothing fancy - connection is taken from a pool; prepared statement is created and executed - so it should be no different from JDBC.
Thus the question most likely is how can your HQL be optimized. If you need any help with that you'll have to post the HQL in question as well as appropriate mappings / table schemas. Running explain on query would help as well.
