Oracle Uniface - selected data too large for SQL Workbench - oracle

I am currently working on a stupid system where I have given no direct DB access but a weird SQL Workbench which can not do most of the things apart from some basic stuff. So for some reason I need to do a SELECT * on one of the tables which have 174 columns. And whenever I try that it gives me the following error:
"ERROR: Error -27 was encountered whilst running the SQL command. (-3)
Error -3 running SQL : ORACLE Driver Error [-27]: Selected data too
large for SQL Workbench"
Quick googling gave me nothing apart from (in one of the oracle documents):
In the SQL Editor, the maximum length of one row of the formatted
result is 8190 bytes. When this length is exceeded, the ORA connector
generates the above error
Now, I was wondering if anyone could give me a solution that would be a great help. One of the solution I am thinking is to increase the Maximum Length for Ora Connector/Driver. But I am novice in Oracle and do not know anything apart from querying. So haven't been able to change the Maximum Length yet.
So, please if anybody could help me out with this, that would be great.
Thanks a lot guys

Being asked to do database work trough the Uniface SQL Workbench is not a good situation. It is only a very simple thing that you can use in an emergency if nothing else is available.
You could run a couple of queries, each time with the primary key and a bunch of fields and stitch the result together in Excel.
If you have access to the Uniface Development Environment you can use it to convert your Oracle data to, for example, XML. Instructions are in the Uniface helpfile ulibrary.chm, see command line switch /cpy.
You cannot change the maximum record length of the Uniface Oracle Connector.


SSIS can't convert lob fields to varchar

We've had some success with removing lob fields and avoiding row-by-row processing but with hadoop we can't seem to get around this. In some cases, the fields in question are less than 10 characters yet ssis sees them as lobs. is this an issue with hadoop, the odbc driver or ssis? what steps can we take to make a determination? Help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You're our last hope.
Hi if you can identify the columns that you need to convert add a data conversion step to those columns and then point those to the destination columns
and then set Validate External Data to False.
if this step also not working go into the advanced properties of the ODBC source and change the types back to something like DT_WSTR.
The answer you will get!!!

Oracle SQL Developer - Array Fetch Size

I thought for sure this would be an easy issue, but I haven't been able to find anything. In SQL Server SSMS, if I run a SQL Statement, I get back all the records of that query, but in Oracle SQL Developer, I apparently can get back at most, 200 records, so I cannot really test the speed or look at the data. How can I increase this limit to be as much as I need to match how SSMS works in that regard?
I thought this would be a quick Google search to find it, but it seems very difficult to find, if it is even possible. I found one aricle on Stack Overflow that states:
You can also edit the preferences file by hand to set the Array Fetch Size to any value.
Mine is found at C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\SQL
Developer\system4.\o.sqldeveloper.\product-preferences.xml on Win 7 (x64).
The value is on line 372 for me and reads
I have changed it to 2000 and it works for me.
But I cannot find that location. I can find the SQL Developer folder, but my system is 19.xxxx and there is no corresponding file in that location. I did a search for "product-preferences.xml" and couldn't find it in the SQL Developer folder. Not sure if Windows 10 has a different location.
As such, is there anyway I can edit a config file of some sort to change this setting or any other way?
If you're testing execution times you're already good. Adding more rows to the result screen is just adding fetch time.
If you want to add fetch time to your testing, execute the query as a script (F5). However, this still has a max number of rows you can print to the screen, also set in preferences.
Your best bet I think is the AutoTrace feature. You can tell it to fetch all the rows, you'll also get a ton of performance metrics and the actual execution plan.
Check that last box
Then use this button to run the scenario

Oracle Bind Query is very slow

I have an Oracle bind query that is extremely slow (about 2 minutes) when it executes in my C# program but runs very quickly in SQL Developer. It has two parameters that hit the tables index:
select t.Field1, t.Field2
from theTable t
where t.key1=:key1
and t.key2=:key2
Also, if I remove the bind variables and create dynamic sql, it runs just like it does in SQL Developer.
Any suggestion?
BTW, I'm using ODP.
If you are replacing the bind variables with static varibles in sql developer, then you're not really running the same test. Make sure you use the bind varibles, and if it's also slow you're just getting bit by a bad cached execution plan. Updating the stats on that table should resolve it.
However if you are actually using bind variables in sql developers then keep reading. The TLDR version is that parameters that run under sometimes cause a slightly more pessimistic approach. Start with updating the stats, but have your dba capture the execution plan under both scenarios and compare to confirm.
I'm reposting my answer from here:
I considered flagging yours as a duplicate but your title is a little more concise since it identifies the query does run fast in sql developer. I'll welcome advice on handling in another manner.
Adding the following to your config will send tracing info to a log file:
This will probably only be helpful if you can find a large gap in time. Chances are rows are actually coming in, just at a slower pace.
Try adding "enlist=false" to your connection string. I don't consider this a solution since it effecitively disables distributed transactions but it should help you isolate the issue. You can get a little bit more information from an oracle forumns post:
From an ODP perspective, all we can really point out is that the
are set on the underlying OCI connection (which is what happens when
distrib tx support is enabled).
I'd guess what you're not seeing is that the execution plan is actually different (meaning the actual performance hit is actually occuring on the server) between the call and the sql developer call. Have your dba trace the connection and obtain execution plans from both the call and the call straight from SQL Developer (or with the enlist=false parameter).
If you confirm different execution plans or if you want to take a preemptive shot in the dark, update the statistics on the related tables. In my case this corrected the issue, indicating that execution plan generation doesn't really follow different rules for the different types of connections but that the cost analysis is just slighly more pesimistic when a distributed transaction might be involved. Query hints to force an execution plan are also an option but only as a last resort.
Finally, it could be a network issue. If your install is using a fresh oracle home (which I would expect unless you did some post-install configuring) then the tnsnames.ora could be different. Host names in tnsnams might not be fully qualified, creating more delays resolving the server. I'd only expect the first attempt (and not subsequent attempts) to be slow in this case so I don't think it's the issue but I thought it should be mentioned.
Are the parameters bound to the correct data type in C#? Are the columns key1 and key2 numbers, but the parameters :key1 and :key2 are strings? If so, the query may return the correct results but will require implicit conversion. That implicit conversion is like using a function to_char(key1), which prevents an index from being used.
Please also check what is the number of rows returned by the query. If the number is big then possibly C# is fetching all rows and the other tool first pocket only. Fetching all rows may require many more disk reads in that case, which is slower. To check this try to run in SQL Developer:
select t.Field1, t.Field2
from theTable t
where t.key1=:key1
and t.key2=:key2
The above query should fetch the maximum number of database blocks.
Nice tool in such cases is tkprof utility which shows SQL execution plan which may be different in cases above (however it should not be).
It is also possible that you have accidentally connected to different databases. In such cases it is nice to compare results of queries.
Since you are raising "Bind is slow" I assume you have checked the SQL without binds and it was fast. In 99% using binds makes things better. Please check if query with constants will run fast. If yes than problem may be implicit conversion of key1 or key2 column (ex. t.key1 is a number and :key1 is a string).

informix query performance problem

The following SQL takes 62 seconds to return:
select getCreditBalance(Customerid)
from business_apply
where serialno = '20101013000005'
How to tune it?
Please tell me in detail.
I just want to know the steps I should do to tune it .
we use IDS 9.04 .
As in JDBC I cant see output with SET Explain ON
shall I execute query in dbaccess (with SET Explain on)?
My problem is I cant get execution plan ...If I can get it ,I will post it here.
You've not given us very much to work on.
Basic questions
What is the type of the column 'SerialNo'?
If it is a numeric column, don't quote the value you are searching for.
Is there an index on 'SerialNo'?
The index is important; the type is not so important.
Crucial question
What does the getCreditBalance() procedure do?
Auxilliary questions
Which version of Informix are you using? Is it IDS or SE or something else?
When did you last run UPDATE STATISTICS?
Is there a problem connecting to the database, or is it definitely just this query that is slow?
What language are you using to submit the query?
Are there any networks with huge latencies involved?
Which isolation level are you running at?
How big is the Business_Apply table?
What is the size of each row?
How many rows?
Which other tables are accessed by the getCreditBalance() procedure?
How big are they?
Do they have appropriate indexes?
What sort of machine is the Informix server running on?
What does the query plan tell you when you run with SET EXPLAIN on?
Is there any chance you've got a failing disk and the o/s is taking forever to read it?
Make sure there is an index on serialno and tune the code in the getCreditBalance function. Without knowing what that does, it's hard to give you any additional help.

Slow in filling .NET DataSet from Oracle 9i

This is a problem that my friend asked over the phone. The C# 3.5 program he has written is filling a Dataset from a Patient Master table which has 350,000 records. It uses the Microsoft ADO.NET driver for Oracle. The ExecuteQuery method takes over 30 seconds to fill the dataset. However, the same query (fetching about 20K records) takes less than 3 second in Toad . He is not using any Transactions within the program. It has an index on the column (Name) which is being used to search.
These are some alternatives i suggested :-
1) Try to use a Data Reader and then populate a Data table and pass it to the form to bind it to the Combo box (which is not a good idea since it is likely to take same time)
2) Try Oracles' ADO.NET Driver
3) Use Ants profiler to see if you can identify any particular ADO.NET line.
Has anyone faced similar problems and what are some ways of resolving this.
You really need to do an extended SQL trace to see where the slowness is coming from. Here is a paper from Cary Millsap (of Method R and formerly of Hotsos) that details doing this:
Toad would typically only fetch the first x rows (500 in my setup). So double check if the comparison is valid.
Then you should try to seperate the db stuff from the form stuff if possible to see if the db is taking up the time.
If that's the case, try the Oracle libraries if that is any faster, we've seen 50% improvements between the latest Oracle driver and the standard Microsoft driver.
Without knowing the actual code he uses to accomplish his tasks and not knowing the number of rows he's actually fetching (I'm hoping he doesn't read all 350K of them?) it's impossible to say anything that's gonna help him.
Have him add a code snippet to the question for clarity.
