Prim's algorithm for weighted directed graph - algorithm

I am learning minimum spanning tree. I go through Prim's algorithm for weighted directed graph.
Algorithm is simple
you have two set of vertices, visited and non-visited
set distance for all edges to infinity
start with any vertex in non-visited set and explore its edges
In all edges, update distance of the destination vertex with the weight of the edge if destination vertex it is not visited and if weight of the edge is less than the distance of destination vertex
pick the non-visited vertex with smallest distance and do it again until all vertex are visited
I believe with above algorithm, I will be able to find the spanning tree having minimum cost among all spanning trees, i.e. Minimum spanning tree.
But I applied it to the following example and I think it is failed.
Consider following example
Vertices are {v1,v2,v3,v4,v5} and edges with weight (x,y) : w =>
(v1,v2) : 8
(v1,v3) : 15
(v1,v4) : 7
(v2,v5) : 4
(v4,v5) : 7
First I explore v1, it has edges to v2,v3,v4 so graph become
Vertex v1 is visited and (vertex, distance) =>
Now v4 has the least distance i.e. 7 so I explore v4, it has edge to v5 so following modification occur
Vertex v4 is visited and (vertex, distance) => (v5,7)
Now among all v5 is having the least distance , i.e. 7 , so I explore v5 and it does not have any edge so I just mark it visited
Vertex v5 is visited
Now, confusion starts from here
The vertex with the least distance is now v2, it has edge to v5 with the weight 4 and currently v5 having distance is 7, previously assigned by the edge (v4,v5) : 7 , so, I believe that to make minimum spanning tree, distance for v5 should be updated from 7 to 4 as 4 < 7 but it will not because v5 has already been visited and Prim's Algorithm do not update the distance of the vertex that already been visited and distance for v5 will remain 7 instead of 4 and this tree will not have minimum cost
Do I get it right ? or am I doing any mistake ?

First I should mention that Prim's algorithm is just applicable to undirected graphs so if we consider the graph is undirected, this is the step by step progress of the algorithm on your case:
And you should consider that finding a minimum spanning tree is not even possible many times in the directed graphs, nevertheless the closest notion to MST for directed graphs is minimum cost arborescence.


Can BFS be used to identify the furthest vertex?

Can we use BFS algo to identify the furthest vertex from staring vertex v in any graph, in terms of number of edges.
Yes. Let's call the distance from A node to B node the number of edges from A to B.
BFS is finding all the nodes of distance 1, then all nodes of distance 2 and so on. For finding the furthest vertex just retain the last node searched, because he has certain the longest distance.

Computing path with highest score in a directed graph

I have a directed graph where each node has a score. Starting from a node, I need to find the highest score that can be achieved by following a path. Not all nodes can be final nodes. Also it is possible to revisit a node, but only the first visit counts for the score. How can I compute the highest achievable score?
First you may find a strongly connected components of the graph. Then you may build a condensation of the graph.
Each vertex in condensation may have a score equal to the sum of the scores of vertices in initial graph.
Blue numbers show the score of each vertex in initial graph. Yellow - in graph condensation.
Also mark some of the vertices of the condensation as terminal if they contain a final node. You will also have a mapping of each graph vertex to a vertex in condensation.
The notion of connected component is important because if you find yourself in one vertex of a component you may easily visit all the other vertices of the component to maximise the score. You are free to revisit each vertex any number of times.
Condensation itself is a directed acyclic graph. You can now traverse a condensation graph with depth first search maintaining the function
Fv = 0 - if V does not have reachable termination vertex (bottom-right vertex on the picture below)
Fv = MAXi(Fchildv,i) + scorev - otherwise
Red circles show what vertices in initial graph and condensation considered terminal.
Numbers in green show what F-value each vertex in condensation graph has.
The answer to your problem would be F-value of the vertex in condensation that corresponds to a starting vertex in initial graph. Overall time complexity would be O(N + M) wher N is a number of vertices and M - a number of edges in initial graph.

Graph Algorithms

What is the maximum and minimum number of edges to be considered in krushkal's algorithm with an example for both cases.
What I thought was since the Krushkal's algorithm is for finding minimum spanning tree the maximum number of edges is (V-1) where V is the number of vertices. Adding one more edge would result in a cycle in the graph. How can we obtain at a minimum value ?
Kruskal's algorithm stops when you've added V - 1 edges to your MST, so this is the minimum that have to be considered. This happens when the lowest value V - 1 edges of your graph do not form a cycle, and they will be added one after the other by the algorithm, after which it will stop.
For example, consider a complete graph with edges with cost 1, which is minimum in the graph, between node 1 and every other node. Make all the other edges have cost 2.
The worst case is when you must inspect every edge (of which there are O(V^2)) until you finally select V - 1. This means that you have to force a lot of cycles to be created before the last edge is added.
Consider a complete graph again. Have the V - 2 edges between node 1 and V - 2 nodes have cost 1, which is minimum in the graph. These will be selected first. Now let node k be the one that is not part of a selected edge, so that is left out of the graph. Have the edge between node k and node 1 have the largest cost. This will cause it to be inspected and added to the MST last, forcing the algorithm to inspect all O(V^2) edges before building the MST.
Remember the Kruskal's algorithm processes edges in increasing order of their cost, rejecting edges that would form a cycle if added to the MST we are building.
A tree of N vertices always has N-1 edges. Consequently you have to consider at least N-1 edges during Kruskal's algorithm. An example may be a graph which is a tree.

Finding spanning tree with maximum minimum degree

Given a connected undirected graph, the problem of finding the spanning tree with the minimum max degree has been well-studied (M. F¨urer, B. Raghvachari, "Approximating the minimum degree spanning tree to within one from the optimal degree", ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 1992). The problem is NP-hard and an approximation algorithm has been described in the reference.
I am interested in the following problem - given a connected undirected graph G = (V1,V2,E), find the spanning tree with the maximum min degree over all internal nodes (non-leaf nodes). Can someone please tell me if this problem has been studied; is it NP-hard or does there exist a polynomial-time algorithm for solving it? Also, the graph can be considered to be bipartite for convenience.
As noted in Evgeny Kluev's comment, the leaves of a (finite) tree have degree 1. (Else, cycles would exist and the structure would not be a tree.)
If instead you mean to find a spanning tree with a node of maximum degree, from among all possible spanning trees on a connected undirected graph G, then just form a spanning tree whose root R is a node M of G with maximal degree among all the nodes of G, and all neighbors of M are children of R.
It looks like exact cover by 3-sets can be reduced to this problem. Represent the 3-sets by vertices of degree 4, each with 3 edges connecting it to 3 nodes representing its elements in the original problem instance. The additional 4th edge connects all the "3-set" nodes to a single vertex V.
This graph is biparite - every edge is between a "3-set" node and an "element" node (or V). Now this graph has a spanning tree of max min degree = 4 if and only if the original problem has a solution.
Obviously there need to be enough of the 3-sets so that the node V doesn't lower the max min degree of the tree, but this limit doesn't change the NP-hardness of the problem.

Second min cost spanning tree

I'm writing an algorithm for finding the second min cost spanning tree. my idea was as follows:
Use kruskals to find lowest MST.
Delete the lowest cost edge of the MST.
Run kruskals again on the entire graph.
return the new MST.
My question is: Will this work? Is there a better way perhaps to do this?
You can do it in O(V2). First compute the MST using Prim's algorithm (can be done in O(V2)).
Compute max[u, v] = the cost of the maximum cost edge on the (unique) path from u to v in the MST. Can be done in O(V2).
Find an edge (u, v) that's NOT part of the MST that minimizes abs(max[u, v] - weight(u, v)). Can be done in O(E) == O(V2).
Return MST' = MST - {the edge that has max[u, v] weight} + {(u, v)}, which will give you the second best MST.
Here's a link to pseudocode and more detailed explanations.
Consider this case:
| |
| |
| 3
| |
The MST consists of A-B-D-C (cost 6). The second min cost is A-B-C-D (cost 7). If you delete the lowest cost edge, you will get A-C-B-D (cost 105) instead.
So your idea will not work. I have no better idea though...
You can do this -- try removing the edges of the MST, one at a time from the graph, and run the MST, taking the min from it. So this is similar to yours, except for iterative:
Use Kruskals to find MST.
For each edge in MST:
Remove edge from graph
Calculate MST' on MST
Keep track of smallest MST
Add edge back to graph
Return the smallest MST.
This is similar to Larry's answer.
After finding MST,
For each new_edge =not a edge in MST
Add new_edge to MST.
Find the cycle that is formed.
Find the edge with maximum weight in
cycle that is not the non-MST edge
you added.
Record the weight increase as W_Inc
= w(new_edge) - w(max_weight_edge_in_cycle).
If W_Inc < Min_W_Inc_Seen_So_Far Then
Min_W_Inc_Seen_So_Far = W_Inc
edge_to_add = new_edge
edge_to_remove = max_weight_edge_in_cycle
Solution from following link.
slight edit to your algo.
Use kruskals to find lowest MST.
for all edges i of MST
Delete edge i of the MST.
Run kruskals again on the entire graph.
loss=cost new edge introduced - cost of edge i
return MST for which loss is minimum
Here is an algorithm which compute the 2nd minimum spanning tree in O(n^2)
First find out the mimimum spanning tree (T). It will take O(n^2) without using heap.
Repeat for every edge e in T. =O(n^2)
Lets say current tree edge is e. This tree edge will divide the tree into two trees, lets say T1 and T-T1. e=(u,v) where u is in T1 and v is in T-T1. =O(n^2)
Repeat for every vertex v in T-T1. =O(n^2)
Select edge e'=(u,v) for all v in T-T1 and e' is in G (original graph) and it is minimum
Calculate the weight of newly formed tree. Lets say W=weight(T)-weight(e)+weight(e')
Select the one T1 which has a minimum weight
Your approach will not work, as it might be the case that min. weight edge in the MST is a bridge (only one edge connecting 2 parts of graph) so deleting this edge from the set will result in 2 new MST as compared to one MST.
based on #IVlad's answer
Detailed explanation of the O(V² log V) algorithm
Find the minimum spanning tree (MST) using Kruskal's (or Prim's) algorithm, save its total weight, and for every node in the MST store its tree neighbors (i.e. the parent and all children) -> O(V² log V)
Compute the maximum edge weight between any two vertices in the minimum spanning tree. Starting from every vertex in the MST, traverse the entire tree with a depth- or breadth-first search by using the tree node neighbor lists computed earlier and store the maximum edge weight encountered so far at every new vertex visited. -> O(V²)
Find the second minimum spanning tree and its total weight. For every edge not belonging to the original MST, try disconnecting the two vertices it connects by removing the tree edge with the maximum weight in between the two vertices, and then reconnecting them with the currently considered vertex (note: the MST should be restored to its original state after every iteration). The total weight can be calculated by subtracting the weight of the removed edge and adding that of the added one. Store the minimum of the total weights obtained.
To practice you could try the competitive programming problem UVa 10600 - ACM Contest and Blackout, which involves finding the second minimum spanning tree in a weighted graph, as asked by the OP. My implementation (in modern C++) can be found here.
MST is a tree which has the minimum weight total of all edges of the graph. Thus, 2nd minimum mst will have the 2nd minimum total weight of all edges in the graph.
let T -> BEST_MST ( sort the edges in the graph , then find MST using kruskal algorithm)
T ' -> 2nd best MST
let's say T has 7 edges , now to find T ' we will one by one remove one of those 7 edges and find a replacement for that edge ( cost of that edge definitely will be greater than the edge we just removed from T ).
let's say original graph has 15 edges
our best MST ( T ) has 7 edges
and 2nd best MST ( T ' ) will also going to have 7 edges only
How to find T '
there are 7 edges in T , now for all those 7 edges remove them one by one and find replacement for those edges .
let's say edges in MST ( T ) --> { a,b,c,d,e,f,g }
let's say our answer will be 2nd_BEST_MST and initially it has infinte value ( i know it doesn't sounds good , let's just assume it for now ).
for all edges in BEST_MST :
current_edge = i
find replacement for that edge, replacement for that edge will definitely going to have have weight more than the ith edge ( one of 7 edges )
how we will going to find the replacement for that edge , using Kruskul algorithm ( we are finding the MST again , so we will use kruskal algorithm only , but this we don't have to sort edges again , because we did it when we were finding the BEST_MST ( T ).
NEW_MST will be generated
2nd_best_MST = min( NEW_MST , 2nd_best_MST )
return 2nd_best_MST
let' say orignal graph has 10 edges
find the BEST_MST ( using kruskal algo) and assume BEST_MST has only 6 edges
bow there are 4 edges remaining which is not in the BEST_MST ( because their weight value is large and one of those edges will give us our 2nd_Best_MST
for each edge 'X' not present in the BEST_MST ( i.e. 4 edges left ) add that edge in out BEST_MST which will create the cycle
find the edge 'K' with the maximum weight in the cycle ( other than newly_added_edge 'X' )
remove edge 'K' temporarily which will form a new spanning tree
calculate the difference in weight and map the weight_difference with the edge 'X' .
repeat step 4 for all those 4 edges and return the spanning tree with the smallest weight difference to the BEST_MST.
