Second min cost spanning tree - algorithm

I'm writing an algorithm for finding the second min cost spanning tree. my idea was as follows:
Use kruskals to find lowest MST.
Delete the lowest cost edge of the MST.
Run kruskals again on the entire graph.
return the new MST.
My question is: Will this work? Is there a better way perhaps to do this?

You can do it in O(V2). First compute the MST using Prim's algorithm (can be done in O(V2)).
Compute max[u, v] = the cost of the maximum cost edge on the (unique) path from u to v in the MST. Can be done in O(V2).
Find an edge (u, v) that's NOT part of the MST that minimizes abs(max[u, v] - weight(u, v)). Can be done in O(E) == O(V2).
Return MST' = MST - {the edge that has max[u, v] weight} + {(u, v)}, which will give you the second best MST.
Here's a link to pseudocode and more detailed explanations.

Consider this case:
| |
| |
| 3
| |
The MST consists of A-B-D-C (cost 6). The second min cost is A-B-C-D (cost 7). If you delete the lowest cost edge, you will get A-C-B-D (cost 105) instead.
So your idea will not work. I have no better idea though...

You can do this -- try removing the edges of the MST, one at a time from the graph, and run the MST, taking the min from it. So this is similar to yours, except for iterative:
Use Kruskals to find MST.
For each edge in MST:
Remove edge from graph
Calculate MST' on MST
Keep track of smallest MST
Add edge back to graph
Return the smallest MST.

This is similar to Larry's answer.
After finding MST,
For each new_edge =not a edge in MST
Add new_edge to MST.
Find the cycle that is formed.
Find the edge with maximum weight in
cycle that is not the non-MST edge
you added.
Record the weight increase as W_Inc
= w(new_edge) - w(max_weight_edge_in_cycle).
If W_Inc < Min_W_Inc_Seen_So_Far Then
Min_W_Inc_Seen_So_Far = W_Inc
edge_to_add = new_edge
edge_to_remove = max_weight_edge_in_cycle
Solution from following link.

slight edit to your algo.
Use kruskals to find lowest MST.
for all edges i of MST
Delete edge i of the MST.
Run kruskals again on the entire graph.
loss=cost new edge introduced - cost of edge i
return MST for which loss is minimum

Here is an algorithm which compute the 2nd minimum spanning tree in O(n^2)
First find out the mimimum spanning tree (T). It will take O(n^2) without using heap.
Repeat for every edge e in T. =O(n^2)
Lets say current tree edge is e. This tree edge will divide the tree into two trees, lets say T1 and T-T1. e=(u,v) where u is in T1 and v is in T-T1. =O(n^2)
Repeat for every vertex v in T-T1. =O(n^2)
Select edge e'=(u,v) for all v in T-T1 and e' is in G (original graph) and it is minimum
Calculate the weight of newly formed tree. Lets say W=weight(T)-weight(e)+weight(e')
Select the one T1 which has a minimum weight

Your approach will not work, as it might be the case that min. weight edge in the MST is a bridge (only one edge connecting 2 parts of graph) so deleting this edge from the set will result in 2 new MST as compared to one MST.

based on #IVlad's answer
Detailed explanation of the O(V² log V) algorithm
Find the minimum spanning tree (MST) using Kruskal's (or Prim's) algorithm, save its total weight, and for every node in the MST store its tree neighbors (i.e. the parent and all children) -> O(V² log V)
Compute the maximum edge weight between any two vertices in the minimum spanning tree. Starting from every vertex in the MST, traverse the entire tree with a depth- or breadth-first search by using the tree node neighbor lists computed earlier and store the maximum edge weight encountered so far at every new vertex visited. -> O(V²)
Find the second minimum spanning tree and its total weight. For every edge not belonging to the original MST, try disconnecting the two vertices it connects by removing the tree edge with the maximum weight in between the two vertices, and then reconnecting them with the currently considered vertex (note: the MST should be restored to its original state after every iteration). The total weight can be calculated by subtracting the weight of the removed edge and adding that of the added one. Store the minimum of the total weights obtained.
To practice you could try the competitive programming problem UVa 10600 - ACM Contest and Blackout, which involves finding the second minimum spanning tree in a weighted graph, as asked by the OP. My implementation (in modern C++) can be found here.

MST is a tree which has the minimum weight total of all edges of the graph. Thus, 2nd minimum mst will have the 2nd minimum total weight of all edges in the graph.
let T -> BEST_MST ( sort the edges in the graph , then find MST using kruskal algorithm)
T ' -> 2nd best MST
let's say T has 7 edges , now to find T ' we will one by one remove one of those 7 edges and find a replacement for that edge ( cost of that edge definitely will be greater than the edge we just removed from T ).
let's say original graph has 15 edges
our best MST ( T ) has 7 edges
and 2nd best MST ( T ' ) will also going to have 7 edges only
How to find T '
there are 7 edges in T , now for all those 7 edges remove them one by one and find replacement for those edges .
let's say edges in MST ( T ) --> { a,b,c,d,e,f,g }
let's say our answer will be 2nd_BEST_MST and initially it has infinte value ( i know it doesn't sounds good , let's just assume it for now ).
for all edges in BEST_MST :
current_edge = i
find replacement for that edge, replacement for that edge will definitely going to have have weight more than the ith edge ( one of 7 edges )
how we will going to find the replacement for that edge , using Kruskul algorithm ( we are finding the MST again , so we will use kruskal algorithm only , but this we don't have to sort edges again , because we did it when we were finding the BEST_MST ( T ).
NEW_MST will be generated
2nd_best_MST = min( NEW_MST , 2nd_best_MST )
return 2nd_best_MST
let' say orignal graph has 10 edges
find the BEST_MST ( using kruskal algo) and assume BEST_MST has only 6 edges
bow there are 4 edges remaining which is not in the BEST_MST ( because their weight value is large and one of those edges will give us our 2nd_Best_MST
for each edge 'X' not present in the BEST_MST ( i.e. 4 edges left ) add that edge in out BEST_MST which will create the cycle
find the edge 'K' with the maximum weight in the cycle ( other than newly_added_edge 'X' )
remove edge 'K' temporarily which will form a new spanning tree
calculate the difference in weight and map the weight_difference with the edge 'X' .
repeat step 4 for all those 4 edges and return the spanning tree with the smallest weight difference to the BEST_MST.


How can I find a Minimum spanning tree containing a given edge?

In a weighted undirected graph I need to find a minimum spanning tree containing a given edge 'e', if it's possible. How can I do it? Kruskal starting from 'e' ?
I would not use Kruskal algorithm because if the edge e is part of cycle and e has maximum weight in that cycle, then the algorithm will not include 'e'. I believe with modification it could work. But with Prim's algorithm modification required is minimal.
Prim's algorithm is best suited for this problem, if we recall Prim algorithm goes like this:
STEP 1: Begin with set S containing a vertex picked randomly.
STEP 2: From all the edges with one vertex in set S and other vertex in set V - S,pick the one with minimum weight. Let it be (x,y), x belongs to S and y belongs to V - S.
STEP 3: Add y to set S.
STEP 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 till S contains all vertices.
Modification required:
For your problem just change step 1 to:
STEP 1: Begin with set S containing a vertex u and v where edge 'e' = (u,v).
Here is a possible "lazy solution" that requires no modification of an MST algorithm
Run any MST algorithm.
The MST algorithm will output an MST T = (V,E,w)
If edge e is already in T then you're done
If edge e is not in T then add edge e and you will have a cycle σ
Iterate over cycle σ, if there is an edge with the same weight as e then remove that edge and your'e done
If none of the edges have the same weight as e then a MST with e is not possible
Whats good about this approach is that is fairly easy to prove formally hence you have a proof for a MST algorithm and the other steps are based on known theorems.
For a lazy solution, make the cost of that edge less than the cost of all other edges and run any MST algorithm on it.

Minimum spanning tree. unique min edge vs non unique proof

So I have an exercise that I should prove or disprove that:
1) if e is a minimum weight edge in the connected graph G such that not all edges are necessarily distinct, then every minimum spanning tree of G contains e
2) Same as 1) but now all edge weights are distinct.
Ok so intuitively, I understand that for 1) since not all edge weights are distinct, then it's possible that a vertex has the path with edge e but also another edge e_1 such that if weight(e) = weight (e_1) then there is a spanning tree which does not contain the edge e since the graph is connected. Otherwise if both e_1 and e are in the minimum spanning tree, then there is a cycle
and for 2) since all edge weights are distinct, then of course the minimum spanning tree will contain the edge e since any algorithm will always choose the smaller path.
Any suggestions on how to prove these two though? induction? Not sure how to approach.
Actually in your first proof when you say that if both e and e_1 are in G, then there's a cycle, that's not true, because they're minimal edges, so there doesn't have to be a cycle, and you do need to include them both into the MST, because if |E| > 1 and |V| > 2 then they both have to be there.
Anyways, a counter example for the first one is a complete graph with all edges of the same weight as e, the MST will contain only |V|-1 edges, but you didn't include all the other edges of that same weight, hence you have a contradiction.
As for the second one, if all edges are distinct, then if you remove the minimum edge and want to reconstruct the MST, the only way to go about this is to add a an edge connecting the 2 disjoint sets that were broken up by that minimum-weight edge.
Now suppose that you didn't remove that minimum-weight edge, and added that other edge, now you've created a cycle, and since all edges are distinct the cycle-creating edge will be greater than all of them, hence if you remove any former MST edge from that cycle, it will only increase the size of the MST. Which means that pretty much all former MST edges are critical when all edges have distinct weights.

Graph Algorithms

What is the maximum and minimum number of edges to be considered in krushkal's algorithm with an example for both cases.
What I thought was since the Krushkal's algorithm is for finding minimum spanning tree the maximum number of edges is (V-1) where V is the number of vertices. Adding one more edge would result in a cycle in the graph. How can we obtain at a minimum value ?
Kruskal's algorithm stops when you've added V - 1 edges to your MST, so this is the minimum that have to be considered. This happens when the lowest value V - 1 edges of your graph do not form a cycle, and they will be added one after the other by the algorithm, after which it will stop.
For example, consider a complete graph with edges with cost 1, which is minimum in the graph, between node 1 and every other node. Make all the other edges have cost 2.
The worst case is when you must inspect every edge (of which there are O(V^2)) until you finally select V - 1. This means that you have to force a lot of cycles to be created before the last edge is added.
Consider a complete graph again. Have the V - 2 edges between node 1 and V - 2 nodes have cost 1, which is minimum in the graph. These will be selected first. Now let node k be the one that is not part of a selected edge, so that is left out of the graph. Have the edge between node k and node 1 have the largest cost. This will cause it to be inspected and added to the MST last, forcing the algorithm to inspect all O(V^2) edges before building the MST.
Remember the Kruskal's algorithm processes edges in increasing order of their cost, rejecting edges that would form a cycle if added to the MST we are building.
A tree of N vertices always has N-1 edges. Consequently you have to consider at least N-1 edges during Kruskal's algorithm. An example may be a graph which is a tree.

How to find maximum spanning tree?

Does the opposite of Kruskal's algorithm for minimum spanning tree work for it? I mean, choosing the max weight (edge) every step?
Any other idea to find maximum spanning tree?
Yes, it does.
One method for computing the maximum weight spanning tree of a network G –
due to Kruskal – can be summarized as follows.
Sort the edges of G into decreasing order by weight. Let T be the set of edges comprising the maximum weight spanning tree. Set T = ∅.
Add the first edge to T.
Add the next edge to T if and only if it does not form a cycle in T. If
there are no remaining edges exit and report G to be disconnected.
If T has n−1 edges (where n is the number of vertices in G) stop and
output T . Otherwise go to step 3.
From Maximum Spanning Tree at Wolfram MathWorld:
"A maximum spanning tree is a spanning tree of a weighted graph having maximum weight. It can be computed by negating the weights for each edge and applying Kruskal's algorithm (Pemmaraju and Skiena, 2003, p. 336)."
If you invert the weight on every edge and minimize, do you get the maximum spanning tree? If that works you can use the same algorithm. Zero weights will be a problem, of course.
Although this thread is too old, I have another approach for finding the maximum spanning tree (MST) in a graph G=(V,E)
We can apply some sort Prim's algorithm for finding the MST. For that I have to define Cut Property for the maximum weighted edge.
Cut property: Let say at any point we have a set S which contains the vertices that are in MST( for now assume it is calculated somehow ). Now consider the set S/V ( vertices not in MST ):
Claim: The edge from S to S/V which has the maximum weight will always be in every MST.
Proof: Let's say that at a point when we are adding the vertices to our set S the maximum weighted edge from S to S/V is e=(u,v) where u is in S and v is in S/V. Now consider an MST which does not contain e. Add the edge e to the MST. It will create a cycle in the original MST. Traverse the cycle and find the vertices u' in S and v' in S/V such that u' is the last vertex in S after which we enter S/V and v' is the first vertex in S/V on the path in cycle from u to v.
Remove the edge e'=(u',v') and the resultant graph is still connected but the weight of e is greater than e' [ as e is the maximum weighted edge from S to S/V at this point] so this results in an MST which has sum of weights greater than original MST. So this is a contradiction. This means that edge e must be in every MST.
Algorithm to find MST:
Start from S={s} //s is the start vertex
while S does not contain all vertices
for each vertex s in S
add a vertex v from S/V such that weight of edge e=(s,v) is maximum
end while
we can implement using Max Heap/Priority Queue where the key is the maximum weight of the edge from a vertex in S to a vertex in S/V and value is the vertex itself. Adding a vertex in S is equal to Extract_Max from the Heap and at every Extract_Max change the key of the vertices adjacent to the vertex just added.
So it takes m Change_Key operations and n Extract_Max operations.
Extract_Min and Change_Key both can be implemented in O(log n). n is the number of vertices.
So This takes O(m log n) time. m is the number of edges in the graph.
Let me provide an improvement algorithm:
first construct an arbitrary tree (using BFS or DFS)
then pick an edge outside the tree, add to the tree, it will form a cycle, drop the smallest weight edge in the cycle.
continue doing this util all the rest edges are considered
Thus, we'll get the maximum spanning tree.
This tree satisfies any edge outside the tree, if added will form a cycle and the edge outside <= any edge weights in the cycle
In fact, this is a necessary and sufficient condition for a spanning tree to be maximum spanning tree.
Necessary: It's obvious that this is necessary, or we could swap edge to make a tree with a larger sum of edge weights.
Sufficient: Suppose tree T1 satisfies this condition, and T2 is the maximum spanning tree.
Then for the edges T1 ∪ T2, there're T1-only edges, T2-only edges, T1 ∩ T2 edges, if we add a T1-only edge(x1, xk) to T2, we know it will form a cycle, and we claim, in this cycle there must exist one T2-only edge that has the same edge weights as (x1, xk). Then we can exchange these edges will produce a tree with one more edge in common with T2 and has the same sum of edge weights, repeating doing this we'll get T2. so T1 is also a maximum spanning tree.
Prove the claim:
suppose it's not true, in the cycle we must have a T2-only edge since T1 is a tree. If none of the T2-only edges has a value equal to that of (x1, xk), then each of T2-only edges makes a loop with tree T1, then T1 has a loop leads to a contradiction.
This algorithm taken from UTD professor R. Chandrasekaran's notes. You can refer here: Single Commodity Multi-terminal Flows
Negate the weight of original graph and compute minimum spanning tree on the negated graph will give the right answer. Here is why: For the same spanning tree in both graphs, the weighted sum of one graph is the negation of the other. So the minimum spanning tree of the negated graph should give the maximum spanning tree of the original one.
Only reversing the sorting order, and choosing a heavy edge in a vertex cut does not guarantee a Maximum Spanning Forest (Kruskal's algorithm generates forest, not tree). In case all edges have negative weights, the Max Spanning Forest obtained from reverse of kruskal, would still be a negative weight path. However the ideal answer is a forest of disconnected vertices. i.e. a forest of |V| singleton trees, or |V| components having total weight of 0 (not the least negative).
Change the weight in a reserved order(You can achieve this by taking a negative weight value and add a large number, whose purpose is to ensure non-negative) Then run your family geedy-based algorithm on the minimum spanning tree.

Is there a minimum spanning tree that does not contain the min/max weighted edge?

If we have an (arbitrary) connected undirected graph G, whose edges have distinct weights,
does every MST of G contains the minimum weighted edge?
is there an MST of G that does not contain the maximum weighted edge?
Also, I'm more thankful if someone can give a hint of the key things one must keep in mind when dealing with such MST questions.
This is a homework problem. Thanks.
is there an MST of G that does not contain the maximum weighted edge?
There may be, but there doesn't have to be. Consider a 4-vertex graph as follows:
| |
| |
{1} {3}
| |
| |
The minimum spanning tree consists of the edge set {CA, AB, BD}. The maximum edge weight is 50, along {CD}, but it's not part of the MST. But if G were already equal to its own MST, then obviously it would contain its own maximum edge.
does every MST of G contains the minimum weighted edge?
Yes. MSTs have a cut property. A cut is simply a partition of the vertices of the graph into two disjoint sets. For any cut you can make, if the weight of an edge in that cut is smaller than the weights of the other edges in the cut, then this edge belongs to all MSTs in the graph. Because you guaranteed that the edge weights are distinct, you have also guaranteed that there is an edge which is smaller than all other edges.
Also, I'm more thankful if someone can give a hint of the key things one must keep in mind when dealing with such MST questions.
Your best bet is to reason about things using the properties of MSTs in general, and to try to construct specific counterexamples which you think will prove your case. I gave an instance of each line of reasoning above. Because of the cut and cycle properties, you can always determine exactly which edges are in an MST, so you can systematically test each edge to determine whether or not it's in the MST.
Does every MST of G contains the minimum weighted edge?
Yes. Lets assume we have a MST which does not contain the min weight edge. Now the inclusion of this edge to the MST will result in a cycle. Now there will always be another edge in the cycle which can be removed to remove the cycle and still maintain the graph(MST) connected.
Is there an MST of G that does not contain the maximum weighted edge?
Depends on the graph. If the graph itself is a tree then we need to include all of its n-1 edges in the MST, so the max weight edge cannot be excluded. Also if the max weight edge is a cut-edge so that its exclusion will never result in connectivity, then the max weight edge cannot be excluded. But if the max weight edge is a part of a cycle then it is possible to exclude from the MST.
For your first question the answer is no, and kruskal's algorithm proves it. It will always select the minimum cost edge.
For the second question the answer is yes, and it's trivial to find an example graph:
1 - 2 (cost 10)
2 - 3 (cost 100)
3 - 1 (cost 1000)
The third edge will never be selected as it introduces a cycle. So basically, if the edge with the maximum cost would create a cycle if inserted in the MST, it won't be inserted.
I see you too are studying for CSC263 through the 2009 test? (Same here!)
Another way to see that the minimum is always in the MST is to look simply at this minimum edge (call it e):
v1 ---------------- v2
(Assume this has connections to other verticies). Now, for e NOT to be included in the final MST means at one point we have, without loss of generality, v1 in the MST but not v2. However, the only way to add v2 without adding e would be to say that the addition of v1 didn't add e to the queue (because by definition, e would be at the top of the queue because it has lowest priority) but this contradicts the MST construction theorem.
So essentially, it is impossible to have an edge with minimum weight not get to the queue which means that any MST constructed would have it.
