Computing path with highest score in a directed graph - algorithm

I have a directed graph where each node has a score. Starting from a node, I need to find the highest score that can be achieved by following a path. Not all nodes can be final nodes. Also it is possible to revisit a node, but only the first visit counts for the score. How can I compute the highest achievable score?

First you may find a strongly connected components of the graph. Then you may build a condensation of the graph.
Each vertex in condensation may have a score equal to the sum of the scores of vertices in initial graph.
Blue numbers show the score of each vertex in initial graph. Yellow - in graph condensation.
Also mark some of the vertices of the condensation as terminal if they contain a final node. You will also have a mapping of each graph vertex to a vertex in condensation.
The notion of connected component is important because if you find yourself in one vertex of a component you may easily visit all the other vertices of the component to maximise the score. You are free to revisit each vertex any number of times.
Condensation itself is a directed acyclic graph. You can now traverse a condensation graph with depth first search maintaining the function
Fv = 0 - if V does not have reachable termination vertex (bottom-right vertex on the picture below)
Fv = MAXi(Fchildv,i) + scorev - otherwise
Red circles show what vertices in initial graph and condensation considered terminal.
Numbers in green show what F-value each vertex in condensation graph has.
The answer to your problem would be F-value of the vertex in condensation that corresponds to a starting vertex in initial graph. Overall time complexity would be O(N + M) wher N is a number of vertices and M - a number of edges in initial graph.


Path with the minimum number of alterations in graph with colored edgest

I have a directed graph with colored edges (red & blue) that may contain cycles. The question is to write an algorithm given two vertices (s,t) that finds the path with the minimal number of color changes between s and t (if such path exists).
I have found a solution using a variation of Dijkstra (I created a new graph where each vertex correspond to an edge of the previous graph, and contains the color of the edge. For example: if (1,2) is an edge in the old graph, then (1/2) is a vertex in the new one. I connected "adjacent edges" vertices, and edges in the new graph that change color got a weight of 1, where same color transition is 0).
I am looking for a solution in linear time (of V and E). The above one uses VxE edges in the new graph.
Is there such solution to find the minimal path?
First phase: Reduction to the shortest path problem.
For every node i we create two nodes i_red and i_blue.
For every blue edge i->j we create two edges i_red->j_blue with weight 1 and i_blue->j_blue with weight 0.
We handle red edges in similar fashion.
We also need a start node which is connected with start_red and start_blue with connection weight of 0.
Similar to the target node, which is connected with target_red and target_blue with weight 0-connections.
Now, search for the shortest path from newly created start node to the newly created target node. There are twice as many nodes and twice as many edges as in the original graph, so the reduction is linear.
After you reduced the problem to the shortest path search, you could do the following:
Step: use only edges with weight 0, treat the graph as undirected one and with help of bfs you can find all components in this 0-edge-graph in linear time.
Step: run bfs on the graph where the components from the prior step are glued together as super-nodes, so all edges have weight 1 and bfs will find the shortest path.
Obviously all three parts of this algorithm (bfs in 0-edge-graph, glueing the components to super-nodes and the bfs in the resulting graph) run in linear time.

Minimum sum of distances from sensor nodes to all others

Is there a way to compute (accurate or hevristics) this problem on medium sized (up to 1000 nodes) weighted graph?
Place n (for example 5) sensors in nodes of the graph in such way that the sum of distances from every other node to the closest sensor will be minimal.
I'll show that this problem is NP-hard by reduction from Vertex Cover. This applies even if the graph is unweighted (you don't say whether it's weighted or not).
Given an unweighted graph G = (V, E) and an integer k, the question asked by Vertex Cover is "Does there exist a set of at most k vertices such that every edge has at least one endpoint in this set?" We will build a new graph G' = (V', E), which is the same as G except that all isolated vertices have been discarded, solve your problem on G', and then use it to answer the original question about Vertex Cover.
Suppose there does exist such a set S of k vertices. If we consider this set S to be the locations to put sensors in your problem, then every vertex in S has a distance of 0, and every other vertex is at a distance of exactly 1 away from a vertex that is in S (because if there was some vertex u for which this wasn't true, it would mean that none of u's neighbours are in S, so for each such neighbour u, the edge uv is not covered by the vertex cover, which would be a contradiction.)
This type of problem is called graph clustering. One of the popular methods to solve it is the Markov Cluster (MCL) Algorithm. A web search should provide some implementation examples. However it does not generally provide the optimal solution.

Prove that a graph is bipartite

Given a graph G in which every edge connects an even degree node with an odd degree node. How can i prove that the graph is bipartite?
Thanks in advance
This is the Welsh-Powell graph colouring algorithm:
All vertices are sorted according to the decreasing value of their degree in a list V
Colours are ordered in a list C
The first non-coloured vertex v in V is coloured with the first available colour in C. "Available" means a colour that has not previously used by this algorithm
The remaining part of the ordered list V is traversed and the same colour is allocated to every vertex for which no adjacent vertex has the same colour
Steps 3 and 4 are applied iteratively until all the vertices have been coloured
A graph is bipartite if it is 2-colourable. This intuitive fact is proven in Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 131.
This is, of course, the cannon with which to shoot a mosquito. A graph is bipartite iff its vertices can be divided into two sets, such that every edge connects a vertex from set 1 to one in set 2. You already have such a division: each edge connects a vertex from the set of odd-degree vertices, to a vertex in the set of even-degree vertices.
Because by definition you already have two disjoint sets of vertices such that the only edges go between a vertex in one set and a vertex in the other set.
The even degree nodes are one set, and the odd degree nodes are the other set.
Pick any node, put it in set A. Take all the nodes that link to it, put them in set B. Now for every node added, add all it's neighbors to the opposite set, and check for the ones that already belong to one of the sets that they are in the right set. If you get a contradiction then the graph is not bipartite.
If you run out of neighbors but there are still nodes left, pick again any node and continue the algorithm until you either have no nodes or you found a contradiction.
If by "prove", you mean "find out", the complete solution is here
It works by keeping two boolean arrays. A marked array to check if a node has been visited, and another colored array. It then does a depth first search, marking neighbors with alternate colors. If a neighbor is marked with same color, graph is not bipartite.

How to find shortest path in a directed graph that has edge weights either 0 or 1 in linear time?

I am looking for a way to augment the BFS method used to find the single source shortest paths in an unweighted directed graph and solve the above problem in O(N+M) time.
where N is the number of vertices, M is the number of edges
I have thought the following:
Contract the vertices of the graph that have an edge weight 0 between them. But this would definitely be wrong as then I would be changing the graph's properties and adding new edges to vertices that originally had none.
Changing the edge weights to 1 and 2. And then creating dummy vertices in the paths that are of length 2 to convert those edges to edges of weight 1. But this would give the wrong answer.
In more generality, how can I find single source shortest paths in a directed graph when the edge weights are between 0 and MAX in linear time. (MAX is the maximum edge weight)
You can use bfs with some modifications: maintain a deque instead of a queue and add a vertex to the front of the deque if 0 edge is used and to the back of the deque otherwise.(I mean 0-1 case now)
I think you can work this out with vertex contraction. Just a hint here:
First form connected components of vertices that are connected by 0-weight edges and select one representative member in every component. This will give you a contracted graph.
Then solve the unweighted problem.
The true path will be formed of "inter-edges" (weight 1) joining the representative members, and "intra-edges", joining vertices within the component, from the incoming inter-edge to the outgoing inter-edge. In other words, you need to be able to find the path from any representative to any other representative.

Deriving a weighted graph from groups of existing nodes - is there a smarter way?

I have an undirected weighted graph and derive a new graph based on groups of existing nodes: each group becomes a node in the new graph, connected to others based on the total weight of the edges between the original nodes.
In the current data structure, each node has a list of its neighbors and weights, and the algorithm takes each group / each node in group / each edge in node, and sums up the weights in order to determine the edges of the new graph.
This algorithm works fine, but it's slow - is there a way to avoid the 3-level iterations?
Keeping a single list of edges is an option, but when the new graph is built, the new list of edges would have to be scanned at each step to see if that edge already exists (and to increment its weight).
If O(E + Ngroups^2) is an option where E is the number of edges in the given graph and Ngroups is the number of groups, you can do it as follows.
You can create an adjacency matrix for the resulting graph. Then loop through all the edges in the given graph like
for each edge u in Graph
for v such that edge u->v exists
let w be the weight of u->v
A[group(u)][group(v)] := A[group(u)][group(v)] + w;
You can rebuild the new graph from adjacency matrix if you wish.
One possible optimization is to use a balanced tree to hold the edges starting in a particular node group instead of the whole adjacency matrix, this would lead to O(E*log(Ngroups)) time complexity.
