Does WAMP messaging have to route messages through a broker? - websocket

I've been reviewing Websockets messaging protocols. Looking at WAMP, it has the basic features I want. But in reading the docs, it appears that it requires a messages to route through the broker. Is this correct?
I am looking for real time messaging. While the broker role may be useful as a means of bringing together the publishers and subscribers, I would want the broker to only negotiate the connection, then hand-off sockets/IPs to the parties - allowing direct routing between the involved parties without requiring the broker to manage all the real time messaging. Can WAMP do this?

Two WebSocket clients (e.g. browsers) cannot talk directly to each other. So there will be an intermediary involved in any case.
WAMP is for real-time messaging. To be precise, WebSocket is for soft real-time. There are no hard real-time guarantees in any TCP based protocol running over networks.
Regarding publish & subscribe: a broker is always required, since it is exactly this part which decouples publishers and subscribers. If publisher would be directly connected to subscribers (not possible with 2 WebSocket client anyway, but ..), then you would introduce coupling. But decoupling a main point of doing PubSub anyway.
What exactly is your concern with having a broker (PubSub) or a dealer (RPC) being involved? Latency?


How to use Pusher API for bi-directional communication?

When taking a look at the Pusher Servcer and their Client / Server API I am having some problems trying to figure out how Pusher will help me allow bi-directional communication between devices / apps.
I am having multiple smaller devices / apps in the field that should return their status to a server or another client, which acts as a dashboard to browse all those devices and monitor status, etc.
In my understanding this can be done using traditional WebSockets and a cloud-server in between which manages all connections between those clients - something I though Pusher would be.
But after reading through the docs I can't really see a concept of bi-directional data communication. Here's why:
To push data to the clients I have to use one of Pushers Server Libraries
To receive that Data I have to use one of Pusher Client Libraries
This concept however does not fit into what I need. I want to:
Broadcast to Clients.
Clients can send Data directly to Clients (Server acting as Gateway / Routing).
Clients can send Data to Server.
Server can send / response to unique Client.
When reading about Pusher, they state: "Bi-Directional Communication" which I currently cannot see. So how to implement that advertised Bi-Directional Communication?
Pusher does PubSub only. Using this, you can simulate bi-directional communication: Both sides of the conversation each need to have a topic dedicated to the conversation, and you then publish to this.
This is not ideal. For something which is probably closer to what you seem to want, take a look at WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol), which has more than just PubSub. There is a list of implementations at For a router I would recommend (, which has the most documentation to help you get started. Full disclosure: I am involved both with WAMP and - but it's all open source and may just be what you need.

Messaging library safe for client/server crashes?

I'm evaluating some messaging libraries and protocols (e.g. ZeroMQ, WAMP). One of my main requirements is that sending messages from client to server and vice verse (two way communication) must be absolute safe with respect to client/server crashes. This means to me that e.g. the client must continue sending all not delivered messages after a spontaneous reboot. So the library should implement some kind of file based buffering. Is there anything there I can use out of the box?
Some note on my use case:
In my scenario there are around 1000 clients communicating with one server. There is no direct client to client communication required. But I need a two-way communication, so both, the clients can push some data to the server and vice versa. The clients are connected via 3G mobile network. Both, client and server are written in C#. I focused on using ZeroMQ, Apache Thrift or WAMP. But one of the main requirements is to ensure asynchronous but safe messaging with respect to system crashes. So when the client starts an asynchronous data push to the server, and it will crash before the message can be delivered to the server, it is required that the client will continue sending the message after a reboot.
You might look into the's Kafka project.
The problem is harder than it looks, and most people don't want to pay the price to make it happen.
Also, there is a UX issue with old queued up messages replaying without the user's understanding.

Difference between MQTT over WebSocket and SSE(Server Send Event)

When publish/subscribe to messages directly from a web server to a web browser or vice versa we can use MQTT over WebSockets. At the same time, SSE(half duplex) can be used to push data from web server to web browser. What are the other major differences? Especially related security and consistency of the application.
WebSocket is a low-level (framing) transport standardized by the IETF and a JavaScript API standardized by the W3C. It is not publish/subscribe. You can have publish/subscribe protocols that sit "on top" of WebSocket. For example, AMQP is a pub/sub protocol that can be implemented with WebSocket. Another example is Java Message Service (JMS); while JMS is an API and not a bit protocol, it can be implemented over a pub/sub protocol that, in turn, is implemented with WS. I mention both AMQP and JMS because both the AMQP protocol and the JMS API provide for "acknowledgements", which will give you a high degree of reliability unlike other mechanisms.
MQTT is a publish/subscribe protocol that can be implemented over a low-level transport. MQTT can run over TCP/IP or WebSocket for example. MQTT has QoS levels which also give you acknowledgements (ie, for reliability). MQTT is not normally native to a browser, so MQTT messages have to be made web-friendly before connecting to a browser... usually WebSocket, since WS is a 'fat pipe' and similar to TCP in a way.
Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a HTML5 formalization of "Comet" (or "reverse AJAX) techniques. "Comet" was a loose collection of informal techniques; different implementations did not work together. SSE is not publish/subscribe. It is an HTTP mechanism to broadcast data from a server to the browser client(s). Essentially its a fire-and-forget technique.
Most modern browsers understand SSE and WS (IE/EDGE does not currently support SSE); they usually all understand Secure WebSocket (WSS) too. Practically all webservers and appservers understand SSE and WS/WSS. If you use WSS, your data will be encrypted in transit. The particular encryption cipher is setup on the connection; you'll have to investigate what ciphers your browser clients and web/app-servers understand.
MQTT offers 3 different QOS levels that control delivery of messages
QOS 0 - Best effort
QOS 1 - At least once
QOS 2 - Once only
MQTT supports User authentication and topic level ACL so you can ensure users only see what they need to see even when using wildcard subscriptions
MQTT also allows for direct connection to the backend systems without the need for bridging in the WebApp

Why is HTTP + Web Sockets not suitable as a messaging protocal?

I've read that HTTP is not suitable as a messaging protocol in several places such as here in reference to RabbitMQ.
I assume that there's a technical reason for this and that it's not a mere opinion. I've looked through the AMQP spec for example and can't see any reason why HTTP + Web Sockets can't work. In fact, something seems to be in the works for AMQP over Web Sockets. Furthermore, I've looked at the STOMP protocol which does use HTTP + Web Sockets and can't see any significant limitations (other than a small performance hit).
What technical characteristic does HTTP + Web Sockets lack that makes it unsuitable as a messaging protocol?
This is what I was looking for: Crossbar.IO - a WAMP message broker. I needed a message broker that I can easily connect to from a browser and have not been satisfied with RabbitMQ (over STOMP) or HiveMQ (MQTT).
HTTP is request/response based, what makes it difficult to work in a publisher/subscriber fashion. Basically, you can either poll the source of messages for new ones, or create another local endpoint where the other end push messages to you.
WebSocket is different. Despite of starting as a HTTP request, it switches straightaway to a persistent, full-duplex connection, where both end can push data. Basically, in this case HTTP is only used as protocol to negotiate the connection, once negotiated WebSocket uses its own protocol to transfer data.
UPDATE: We are clear that HTTP is not a messaging protocol, since it is request/response. WebSockets, although it allows pushing data from both ends, it is not a messaging protocol neither. It defines a way of framing data, but there are not defined semantic or grammar to subscribe to topics or any operation about messaging. For example WAMP is an actual messaging protocol for websockets.

WebSocket guaranteed delivery free framework

I have some kind of system that send messages from Java back-end to Web front-end constantly. I use Openfire with XMPP protocol as a transport system. But XMPP is just a transport protocol, it do not guaranty delivery in case when Internet connection is down. So firstly I decided to switch to more light transport protocol - WebSocket. And again WebSocket is just a transport protocol. Is there any production ready and free message delivery framework based on WebSockets that support message guaranteed delivery. You just send message with clientId and that framework will do the rest. If user is offline or Internet connection is down. I mean that framework will care about delivery.
I would shift responsibility of assuring message delivery away from your transport choice and onto some message queueing system like rabbitMQ or similar - here is a blip from their feature set :
"Queues can be mirrored across several machines in a cluster, ensuring that even in the event of hardware failure your messages are safe"
