WebSocket guaranteed delivery free framework - websocket

I have some kind of system that send messages from Java back-end to Web front-end constantly. I use Openfire with XMPP protocol as a transport system. But XMPP is just a transport protocol, it do not guaranty delivery in case when Internet connection is down. So firstly I decided to switch to more light transport protocol - WebSocket. And again WebSocket is just a transport protocol. Is there any production ready and free message delivery framework based on WebSockets that support message guaranteed delivery. You just send message with clientId and that framework will do the rest. If user is offline or Internet connection is down. I mean that framework will care about delivery.

I would shift responsibility of assuring message delivery away from your transport choice and onto some message queueing system like rabbitMQ or similar - here is a blip from their feature set :
"Queues can be mirrored across several machines in a cluster, ensuring that even in the event of hardware failure your messages are safe"


How to use Strimzi Kafka Bridge as a streaming service

Using CNCF's Strimzi Kafka Bridge I have created a small API that can interact with Kafka server using a HTTP/1.1 protocol. This is all good for a request-response scenario. However, my requirement is to stream events received on the Kafka topic to the subscribed client(s) (through the Strimzi bridge) as soon as I receive them preferably on a long lived HTTP connection (as per my understanding). It's a waste of client resources to continuously poll the bridge for messages and come back empty handed. I would like the Kafka server stream these events to the client directly.
I am a little unsure about SSE or Websockets or long polling. I did quite a bit of reading on these methodologies to stream data to the client. However, I am unable to figure out if these changes are at the communication or the application layer or both.
Do you just build an API (irrespective of the technology) using a traditional HTTP communication protocol and somehow upgrade it to use Websockets OR use of Websockets should be embedded in your application libraries ground up?
I can provide more information if needed. The Strimzi Kafka bridge website does not mention anything about "server side streaming" OR maybe I am misunderstanding the real purpose of the tool.
The Strimzi Kafka HTTP bridge is meant as a "translator" for HTTP to Kafka native protocol and vice versa. It means that the HTTP client has to have the same behavior as a native Kafka client so, in the case of a consumer, doing a poll for getting messages which is how Kafka works natively. Imho HTTP 1.1 is not for streaming at all.
Websockets is a completely different protocol to which you can upgrade of course starting from an HTTP connection but it's not supported by the Strimzi bridge.
Actually, the AMQP 1.0 protocol which is in the bridge (as a POC) can support this kind of scenario so establishing a connection and having the bridge pushing on that connection instead of polling from the client side.
#Nick thinking more, actually you can do "long polling". The GET on the /records endpoint for getting messages has a timeout parameter on the query string. Its value is used as timeout for the internal native Kafka poll in the bridge. It somehow provides you the long polling behaviour because the poll doesn't return until there are available records or the timeout expires. If you set a high timeout, you can have the behavior you want avoiding polling more times with opening/closing more HTTP connections for that.
More details on the timeout parameter here:

Difference between MQTT over WebSocket and SSE(Server Send Event)

When publish/subscribe to messages directly from a web server to a web browser or vice versa we can use MQTT over WebSockets. At the same time, SSE(half duplex) can be used to push data from web server to web browser. What are the other major differences? Especially related security and consistency of the application.
WebSocket is a low-level (framing) transport standardized by the IETF and a JavaScript API standardized by the W3C. It is not publish/subscribe. You can have publish/subscribe protocols that sit "on top" of WebSocket. For example, AMQP is a pub/sub protocol that can be implemented with WebSocket. Another example is Java Message Service (JMS); while JMS is an API and not a bit protocol, it can be implemented over a pub/sub protocol that, in turn, is implemented with WS. I mention both AMQP and JMS because both the AMQP protocol and the JMS API provide for "acknowledgements", which will give you a high degree of reliability unlike other mechanisms.
MQTT is a publish/subscribe protocol that can be implemented over a low-level transport. MQTT can run over TCP/IP or WebSocket for example. MQTT has QoS levels which also give you acknowledgements (ie, for reliability). MQTT is not normally native to a browser, so MQTT messages have to be made web-friendly before connecting to a browser... usually WebSocket, since WS is a 'fat pipe' and similar to TCP in a way.
Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a HTML5 formalization of "Comet" (or "reverse AJAX) techniques. "Comet" was a loose collection of informal techniques; different implementations did not work together. SSE is not publish/subscribe. It is an HTTP mechanism to broadcast data from a server to the browser client(s). Essentially its a fire-and-forget technique.
Most modern browsers understand SSE and WS (IE/EDGE does not currently support SSE); they usually all understand Secure WebSocket (WSS) too. Practically all webservers and appservers understand SSE and WS/WSS. If you use WSS, your data will be encrypted in transit. The particular encryption cipher is setup on the connection; you'll have to investigate what ciphers your browser clients and web/app-servers understand.
MQTT offers 3 different QOS levels that control delivery of messages
QOS 0 - Best effort
QOS 1 - At least once
QOS 2 - Once only
MQTT supports User authentication and topic level ACL so you can ensure users only see what they need to see even when using wildcard subscriptions
MQTT also allows for direct connection to the backend systems without the need for bridging in the WebApp

MQTT Broker as both Client and Broker

I have a regular cloud server set up, I have a mobile app talking to the server via HTTP requests. I also have a Wifi device that I need to send messages and I want to do that over MQTT. When some change happens on the mobile app, I want the cloud server to publish a topic via MQTT so that the wifi device can receive the message. Can a broker also be a client? Am I understanding it wrong?
I'm going to attempt an answer based on my understanding; sorry if I misunderstood your question.
The way I understand it, you will have three/four pieces of software:
HTTP Server / MQTT Broker (these two services could run in the
same application or in separate ones)
Mobile application (communicates over HTTP)
Wifi Device (communicates using MQTT protocol)
The Wifi device will open a connection to the MQTT Broker and subscribe to a well defined topic. You can use a subscription with a QoS of 1 if you cannot afford to lose the messages. Any messages published prior to adding the subscription will not be received by your client. It might also be useful to open an MQTT connection using a non-clean session if your wifi connection is unstable (again, if you don't want to lose any messages).
After a specific event, the mobile application which communicates with the HTTP server will send it information.
Upon reception of the information, the HTTP server will then send an MQTT message to the MQTT Broker on the predefined topic (a topic that will match the Wifi Device's subscription).
The MQTT broker will relay the message from the HTTP Server to the Wifi Device (and any other MQTT clients with a matching subscription).
I hope this clarifies, let me know if anything is unclear.
"Can a broker also be a client?" Not really, although I'm certain some specific brokers will publish messages to special subscriptions based on special events, it only acts as a broker. It receives messages from publishers and forwards messages to any client who has shown interest in that message using a subscription (the message could potentially be dropped by the broker if no subscriber (client) is interested in that message).

Does WAMP messaging have to route messages through a broker?

I've been reviewing Websockets messaging protocols. Looking at WAMP, it has the basic features I want. But in reading the docs, it appears that it requires a messages to route through the broker. Is this correct?
I am looking for real time messaging. While the broker role may be useful as a means of bringing together the publishers and subscribers, I would want the broker to only negotiate the connection, then hand-off sockets/IPs to the parties - allowing direct routing between the involved parties without requiring the broker to manage all the real time messaging. Can WAMP do this?
Two WebSocket clients (e.g. browsers) cannot talk directly to each other. So there will be an intermediary involved in any case.
WAMP is for real-time messaging. To be precise, WebSocket is for soft real-time. There are no hard real-time guarantees in any TCP based protocol running over networks.
Regarding publish & subscribe: a broker is always required, since it is exactly this part which decouples publishers and subscribers. If publisher would be directly connected to subscribers (not possible with 2 WebSocket client anyway, but ..), then you would introduce coupling. But decoupling a main point of doing PubSub anyway.
What exactly is your concern with having a broker (PubSub) or a dealer (RPC) being involved? Latency?

Build durable architecture with Websphere MQ clients

How can you create a durable architecture environment using MQ Client and server if the clients don't allow you to persist messages nor do they allow for assured delivery?
Just trying to figure out how you can build a salable / durable architecture if the clients don't appear to contain any of the necessary components required to persist data.
Middleware messaging was born of the need to persist data locally to mitigate the effects of failures of the remote node or of the network. The idea at the time was that the queue manager was installed locally on the box where the application lives and was treated as part of the transport stack. For instance you might install TCP and WMQ as a transport and some apps would use TCP while others used WMQ.
In the intervening 20 years, the original problems that led to the creation of MQSeries (Now WebSphere MQ) have largely been solved. The networks have improved by several nines of availability and high availability hardware and software clustering have provided options to keep the different components available 24x7.
So the practices in widespread use today to address your question follow two basic approaches. Either make the components highly available so that the client can always find a messaging server, or put a QMgr where the application lives in order to provide local queueing.
The default operation of MQ is that when a message is sent (MQPUT or in JMS terms producer.send), the application does not get a response back on the MQPUT call until the message has reached a queue on a queue manager. i.e. MQPUT is a synchronous call, and if you get a completion code of OK, that means that the queue manager to which the client application is connected has received the message successfully. It may not yet have reached its ultimate destination, but it has reached the protection of an MQ Server, and therefore you can rely on MQ to look after the message and forward it on to where it needs to get to.
Whether client connected, or locally bound to the queue manager, applications sending messages are responsible for their data until an MQPUT call returns successfully. Similarly, receiving applications are responsible for their data once they get it from a successful MQGET (or JMS consumer.receive) call.
There are multiple levels of message protection are available.
If you are using non-persistent messages and asynchronous PUTs, then you are effectively saying it doesn't matter too much whether the messages reach their destination (although they generally will).
If you want MQ to really look after your messages, use synchronous PUTs as described above, persistent messages, and perform your PUTs and GETs within transactions (aka syncpoint) so you have full application control over the commit points.
If you have very unreliable networks such that you expect to regularly fail to get the messages to a server, and expect to need regular retries such that you need client-side message protection, one option you could investigate is MQ Telemetry (e.g. in WebSphere MQ V7.1) which is designed for low bandwidth and/or unreliable network communications, as a route into the wider MQ.
