Magento : issue in shopping cart - magento

first I'm developping an extension for custom price so when i add a product to cart with 400$ and add again the same product with 500$ it gives me in total 1000$ like described in image bellow :
so this is not logic an d the total must be 900$ now i wanna solve that problem but i don't know where to start I've been confused i wanna do like this :

May i know the products are different. if the products having same sku it will take only one price.
For this u need to add two products with same name and different "SKU". I think it will work..


Access stock qty

The code below gets the product id at the store
$products = $this->getRequest()->getParam('super_group');
then I would like to get this product stock qty to add in a condition and choose between two phrases and show it in an ajax pop up.
The first frase is: product added correctly to your shipping cart, and the second one is: the stock qty is lower than you want to buy.
I already tried to use magento collection but it doen't work.
If it's necessary i can add more code.
You can find additionnal information about updating at :

Magento: Add multiple products to cart at once

I have a number of configurable products in Magento CE 1.9
I would like to give users the ability to view a product and add multiple sizes to their cart with one click .
Product Title
Small : Select Quantity
Medium: Select Quantity
Large: Select Quantity
Add to Cart
The cart would then need to show how many of each size has been selected and show the total cost for that product.
Is this doable, and what is the best approach?
Many thanks
You could do it but it would be a lot of information for your customer, so what in my experience solves best you problem is to use an ajax cart module, that can add products to cart without leaving the pages, so if the customer want many sizes or colors, he keep adding the one he want.
Here follow a module that is already developed, but if you want a custom development my company can do for you just get in contact with me. ( module: <---- not my company module but worked once with a customer)

Magento - Product Configurable As In

I am looking for solution or extension for my Magento store.
I need a feature that customer could add product with different product type more than one time. has it and it is really cool feature.
It is named "Add More at a Time"
For ex:
I tried to create Grouped, Configurable, Bundle in magento but it doesnt work the same.
Please could somebody to help ? :)
Thank you!
I am suggesting the logic which came in my mind.
I think you need to do customization in product details page. You need to fetch all configurable options like Color size , which will match the sku.
suppose , you have one product called , "thong-panty-allover-lace-from-cotton-lingerie".
If you have three colors , you need to add three products,
You have to do coding and logically and need to find sku like "thong-panty-allover-lace-from-cotton-lingerie".
Your customized code will be something like this
$sku = "some value";
fetch sku of product id " 187902 "and fetch other products which SKU is like $sku.
After this , in loop , create HTML and SIZE and Color dropdown of each product.
and on add button , add that product in cart separately.*/
Hope this will helpful for you.
I have just shared my thought , how you can proceed further , from my point of view.

Price in Cart is not correct Magento 1.8

Today I've run into a new problem and can´t find a solution.
I've added some simple products and configurable products via MagMI. Everything is fine. Products are shown in the front-end as I want it. But following happens:
simple product 1 has a price of 49€, simple product 2 has a price of 90€.
Both are part of the same configurable product which has a price of 49€. Now, in cart, the single-price of both simples is 49€. (If I print out $_item->getSku() I get the right skus of the simple products, so I think, the products in cart are the correct ones)
How can I fix this?
It would be also helpful if someone could tell me where the subtotal is built exactly - I can't find this.
I would be thankful for all help or hints.
If the simple products are not visible individually then the price shown will be the price of the configurable product. The pricing variations on the associated single products are managed in the Associated Products tab of the configurable item.
Pricing is managed here as a plus/minus relative to the price of the main configurable.

Custom price for product, displayed in cart; not showing custom price in Review order page- in Multiple Shipping Checkout

I am in a deep trouble, I want to add different categories of product in cart, For each product I have to bring additional 5$ for additional quantity. It may differ in different category.
For the above case I have successfully implemented. But issue is that the price is not showing as that in cart in review order while opting multiple address checkout option.
for E.g: there is two product 1 and 2. for product 1 , for
additional quantity i have to add $5/qty excluding its original price
, i.e; if cost of product 1 is $10 and i selected 2 quantity then
price will be $10*2+($5*1)=25 . for product 2 , for additional
quantity i have to add $10/qty excluding its original price , i.e; if
cost of product 1 is 15 and i selected 2 quantity then price will be
$15*2+($10*1)=40 .
I have implemented it.
while proceeding with checkout option this price is showing fine. *But when I opt multiple shipping its showing products original price,*
Is there anyway , to show the custom price in the review order also.
Please provide me help.
thanks in advance.
Atlast I figure out the solution for this. All price for product displaying in cart is being set in Subtotal.php in
[magento root]/app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Address/Total/Subtotal.php
in function _initItem($address, $item), there I edit the set price for product with the custom price.
Now its working fine.
Hope it helps if someone needed it...
