How to test performance of software AG - Web methods implementation? [closed] - performance

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a requirement to test the performance of an ESB implementation done using software SG - web methods 9.5.
Please let me know the tools that can be used and the approach to be followed for testing.

I used SoapUI to performance test webMethods Integration Server a couple of years ago.
I set up requests, number of clients etc in SoapUI that represented different scenarios of usage in the live system.
After the tests I exported data from SoapUI, wrote some scripts to analyze it and used Excel to present it in a pretty way.
Since you don't specify exactly what kind of performance test you want to run this may or may not work for you as well.

It's hard to provide any suggestions because little is known from your "ESB implementation" and little is known from the performance requirements. For example, from which point in your architecture do you want to test performance.
As suggested by ellak, using SOAPUI is an option if your "ESB implementation" exposes a web services and if you want to start load testing at the ESB level.
If you want better advice then you need to provide more information.


Static code analysis tool for terraform [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there any static code analysis tool for terraform? I tried tflint. But it doesn't support output of module or attributes of resources. any other suggestion please
Terrascan is another static analysis tool in addition to TFLint. Terrascan is more focused on security checks for AWS resources.
Checkov is another terraform static analysis tool. Scanning multi-cloud resources for security miss configurations and supports terraform>=0.12
There is also TFsec, which is pretty good.
I'm working on a product that allows you to try a bunch of these scanners pretty easily and help integrate with your CI/CD called Soluble to determine which scanner works best for your environment. Always appreciate feedback.
you may also checkout enterprise grade solutions (google you will find them) similar to aquasec solution.
I would create a comparison table, pros and cons and then consider the best.

Alternatives to SchemaSpy [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for a open source tool that can be used to generate ER diagram. Currently, this is done using SchemaSpy. Maven scripts are invoked during jenkins build to generate these data model diagrams. I have tried POCs using SchemaCrawler as well. However, the results are not much satisfactory. Would appreciate if I can get pointers to alternative tools that can be used along with the same setup (maven and jenkins).
If you would like to find out good alternatives to SchemaSpy try to use and test this tools:
Red-Gate SQL Doc (not FOSS)
Dataedo (not FOSS)
SchemaSpy 6.0
Each of them has different advantages and disadvantages SchemaCawler is also open source java based and free. SchemaSpy 6.0 this is new version of SchemaSpy that has better look and feel plus fix some major issue.
Dataedo is very interesting tool that has also possibility to generate documentation to pdf, html. With Dataedo you can write comments of tables and columns and after apply them on your database. As I remember on supplier page you can find also free version.
The last solution that I want to recommend is Red-Gate SQL Doc. This is also generate nice looking documentation and has many options. But as usually this solution is not free you need pay to use it.

Ontology Validator [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm currently doing a research on developing a web based ontology editor. I need to validate that the ontology edited by my tool is consistent and infer knowledge properly. Also, I would like to get some general statistics regarding the ontology. Is there an ontology validator tool available online which I can use for this requirement? OWL 2 Validator and OWL Metrics don't seem to be working anymore.
Both those tools are just simple web apps using OWLAPI code to carry out the validation. See Profiles in OWLAPI for how to validate an ontology against a profile, and OWLReasoner for ways to test that an ontology is consistent. The second step will also require an OWLReasoner implementation to provide the reasoning services. There are numerous Open Source reasoners, e.g., FaCT++, Pellet, Hermit, Konclude, JFact, and various others that can interface with OWLAPI. See ORE for the most recent competition comparing these reasoners for performance.

Web Performance Testing [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for software/app that is advanced for testing web applications. I need to be able to report on speeds, bottlenecks, server responses, and more. The one big part of the testing tool is that I need to be able to report on the load times and response times because we have a proxy in the middle that we think is causing a bottleneck between the app and the server. Windows software or Mac app would be appreciated to know about.
I'm not sure if you've heard of New Relic, but its a great tool for testing your application end-to-end. It gives you complete performance visibility throughout your application. Easy to install and quick to setup.
Other than that, if you are just looking at profiling your front end performance, there are some great free tools such as WebPageTest and PageSpeed Insights. I'm also a big fan of the Google Chrome Developer Tools for finding front-end bottlenecks.
I have used Visual Studio 2013 for the same purpose. In VS, you can create several Web Performance Tests and then using these tests you can create a Load Test. I have used these Load Tests to find deadlocks, internal server errors etc. It gives you a details analysis in terms of average time for each request, which requests failed etc. And like all other Microsoft products, VS is easy to use and a lot of help is available online.

GUI test for an app written mainly with Tcl/Tk [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Would really appreciate your help with Tcl/Tk testing framework. I am supposed to test a windows application written with Tcl/Tk, twapi, gdi Do you know a black-box and/or white-box test framework that will help me with GUI testing (generate mouse event, etc etc, and drive the application)? What I expect from the test framework is something like what WindowsLicker allows you to do for Swing.
Tk can generate events with the event generate command, but it will only send these events to itself. You can combine these with the tcltest package to do such testing as you require.
That said, I actually advise splitting up your code so that there is a clear separation between the GUI and the functionality that powers it (the “business logic layer”, to borrow a phrase from server architectures). You can then test your baseline functionality thoroughly without having to fiddle around with testing GUIs, which is enormously easier. Once your BLL is working robustly, testing your GUI then becomes a matter of ensuring that actions in the GUI manipulate the view correctly or translate into appropriate BLL calls (which you know will either work correctly or fail in a way that is clear).
