Grails 2.3.7 repository issues - maven

I am having multiple issues trying to use grails 2.3.7 on a windows machine. It seems that many of the jars present in the dependencies for the grails plugins are not present.
The application is trying to access files from locations which are not valid.
If anyone has any idea, where am I going wrong please reply back.
Thanks a lot in advance

I was trying to do it from my office, where I have internet restrictions. It worked out when I tried it from home. Thanks anyway


Jenkins Update Issues

So, I think I might broken our Jenkins Windows Server or instance.
I ran a update, to the latest version as it was due and after the update all the repo's, jobs and configurations are missing. On a side note, all the config. etc are still in the windows jeknins folder.
Happened to anybody before and what can I do to fix this.
Any help would be awesome.

Having trouble using Spring with Java

I'm trying to use Spring with Intellij but I'm having major issues getting started. Here's what I've tried, and what's happened:
I used this documentation about getting started and enabling spring support:
It tells me to go to plugins and enable Spring Support, but spring support does not show up in the list of available downloads.
I uninstalled Intellij and started over from scratch. When I installed, I made sure to check the Spring plugins option, but that didn't actually do anything and Spring was not installed.
I tried several times again to troubleshoot the issue, and only ran into documentation that was kind of complex for my level of skill. I'm really frustrated at this point: any help would be greatly appreciated!

TeamCity - Behind Proxy causing build failure

Below is an error message I am getting trying to build a current project,
I am behind an enterprise proxy but this has only happened this morning after building fine for the past couple of months.
the current installed version of nuget is 2.8.3 and nuspec is 3.0.0.
I see it says it needs credentials but this has never happened before and i am not sure how to get around this in Teamcity.
Also all my other solutions are building fine so it makes it even more confusing as they are all built on the same template.
Okay, if I were less impatient and did some back tracking on my check-ins, I would have noticed that I had checked in .nuget/packages.config. which had dependencies on these packages above.
I removed these from the .nuget/packages.config and this resolved the issue.
Hope if anyone in the future is having the similar issues that this will help you too.

FHIR - XmlComposer and JsonComposer not found

I downloaded the Java build fhir-0.4.0-Java-0.9 today. I am wondering if anyone knows what happened to the XmlComposer and the JsonComposer that was there before. Has it been deprecated or where has it been moved to?
I took over this project over this project from the previous owner. I am trying to do an upgrade from DSTU1 to the latest DSTU2 and ran into some build issue where these two classes are missing.

compiling with maven and nexus stuck on downloading artifacts

we are using here nexus and maven 2.2.1 and on one pc (and only that one) when we try to compile our code using maven, it get stuck on downloading jars.
for example it'll be stuck on:
Downloading: http://mainserver:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/org/codehaus/mojo/javascript/javascript-maven-plugin/1.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT/javascript-maven-plugin-1.0-alpha-1-20090530.211438-7.jar
and won't continue at all. tried using maven 3.0.4, but with the same result.
the machine runs windows 7.
any advise will be appreciated
This appears to be a bug related to using Maven on Java 7 and 64bit Windows. I have been experiencing similar problems.
The maven bug report and some discussion can be found here:
Workaround documented here:
Maven really needs to have some kind of support for mirrors and failsafes for the qurkeyness of the internet. Really, not everyone is going to be able to have a peered connection with the Oracle and Apache repositories. Every internet connection is going to drop a packet here and there, the "get a new ISP" response from Maven fans wouldn't help even if it were an option.
I've been staring at a 400k download go nowhere for about 10 minutes. I've noticed it gets stuck on the same files every time I wipe my repo too (bad sector maybe?). Which is a complete pita since it doesn't seem I can specify mirrors for it (short of hacking a hosts file). If you're a Maven project leader, look to Aptitude for ideas on what Maven could be.
I found a solution to my Maven problem here.
Under Ubuntu 13.10 simply...
sudo gedit /etc/environment
Reload terminal.
