Jenkins Update Issues - windows

So, I think I might broken our Jenkins Windows Server or instance.
I ran a update, to the latest version as it was due and after the update all the repo's, jobs and configurations are missing. On a side note, all the config. etc are still in the windows jeknins folder.
Happened to anybody before and what can I do to fix this.
Any help would be awesome.


Jenkins 1.5x to 2.6x Upgrade UI Layout Issue

We have around 3000 jobs on a 3 year old Jenkins instance(1.564). As part of the upgrade, we are trying to move these jobs to Jenkins 2.60.1. I tried copying the jobs folder on the new instance. Everything looks good and works fine except the UI alignment in the job configure page. Its completely messed up. Please see attached.
Tried googling on the a fix. No luck. Anyone saw the same issue?
This is not an answer to your question but you may want to consider using a theme to upgrade the usability of Jenkins. is a theme that you can either build and include in your jenkins or alternatively you can use their cdn and add to your external css listed in https://your.jenkins/manage
For reference, with the above theme installed, this is what a maven project looks like.

Rules ignored when restore quality profile in SonarQube

I saw many posts with this question, but I didn't find the answer so I ask. I upgraded Sonarqube from 4.5 to 5.6 and it works fine, but the quality profiles are empty. I tried to restore one with the backup/restore option but the rules are ignored:
image. Can you help me?
It sounds like you started up your new instance without the code analyzers.
Unfortunately, installing the analyzers now won't restore your profile customizations. You allude to having backup profile files, so you may be able to get them back that way, but you should be aware that you'll lose some rule customizations.
Assuming you backed up your database before the upgrade like the docs tell you to, your best bet is to restore your DB backup to the pre-upgrade state, install the missing code analyzers, then run the database upgrade.
I also faced the same issue with SonarQube 6.4. I was trying to Reload findbugs rules whereas the plugin was not installed. I first installed the plugin for findbug from Admin login - Update screen. After this if we use Create - Reload Profiles option, it works fine.

TeamCity - Behind Proxy causing build failure

Below is an error message I am getting trying to build a current project,
I am behind an enterprise proxy but this has only happened this morning after building fine for the past couple of months.
the current installed version of nuget is 2.8.3 and nuspec is 3.0.0.
I see it says it needs credentials but this has never happened before and i am not sure how to get around this in Teamcity.
Also all my other solutions are building fine so it makes it even more confusing as they are all built on the same template.
Okay, if I were less impatient and did some back tracking on my check-ins, I would have noticed that I had checked in .nuget/packages.config. which had dependencies on these packages above.
I removed these from the .nuget/packages.config and this resolved the issue.
Hope if anyone in the future is having the similar issues that this will help you too.

Grails 2.3.7 repository issues

I am having multiple issues trying to use grails 2.3.7 on a windows machine. It seems that many of the jars present in the dependencies for the grails plugins are not present.
The application is trying to access files from locations which are not valid.
If anyone has any idea, where am I going wrong please reply back.
Thanks a lot in advance
I was trying to do it from my office, where I have internet restrictions. It worked out when I tried it from home. Thanks anyway

Why does the Hudson Integration Game plugin does not work after update?

Recently I updated the cigame-plugin for Hudson to version 1.12. Now I recognized, that no build get points at the moment. The builds are SCM-triggered and the CI-game is activated for the project and the user. What is going wrong? How can I fix it?
EDIT: I have to correct, the update to the new version of the plugin isn't the problem. Looking through the build-history I can see, that after this update builds got a score. But at some point the builds are not longer scored. Nothing happened to hudson at this time, no restart, no reconfiguration etc. Simply SCM-changes came in and triggered builds.
EDIT 2: The ci-game-plugin counts a score for builds started manually, but not for builds started by changes in version-control. I have no idea why it behaves this way.
EDIT 3: Further investigation shows that I have this bug with the same stacktrace produced.
This is so specific to the current state of the Hudson plugin ecosystem, I suggest you go directly to the users mailing list with the question, where the plugin developers can help you directly.
