FHIR - XmlComposer and JsonComposer not found - hl7-fhir

I downloaded the Java build fhir-0.4.0-Java-0.9 today. I am wondering if anyone knows what happened to the XmlComposer and the JsonComposer that was there before. Has it been deprecated or where has it been moved to?

I took over this project over this project from the previous owner. I am trying to do an upgrade from DSTU1 to the latest DSTU2 and ran into some build issue where these two classes are missing.


How can I clone, edit & use a 3rd party Laravel plugin

I have scoured the web for hours but I can not seem to wrap my head around this. I am developing a Laravel project where I am using the dependency UniSharp/laravel-settings. However, I have noticed that after upgrading my Laravel version to 6.0, the package breaks. I have figured out what I need to do to make the package work with Laravel 6.0 and now I wish to make the required changes and then use the modified package.
So far, I have cloned the original repository into my own (i.e realnsleo/laravel-settings) and I have cloned it onto my development machine. The trouble is, I don't know how to test whether my changes work. Do I need to setup a fresh Laravel installation to test the package? I noticed the package has it's own composer.json file, should I install those dependencies separate from the installed Laravel project? I am highly confused.
Can someone assist me with a step by step on what I need to do to achieve this? I will highly appreciate it. Thank you.

TeamCity - Behind Proxy causing build failure

Below is an error message I am getting trying to build a current project,
I am behind an enterprise proxy but this has only happened this morning after building fine for the past couple of months.
the current installed version of nuget is 2.8.3 and nuspec is 3.0.0.
I see it says it needs credentials but this has never happened before and i am not sure how to get around this in Teamcity.
Also all my other solutions are building fine so it makes it even more confusing as they are all built on the same template.
Okay, if I were less impatient and did some back tracking on my check-ins, I would have noticed that I had checked in .nuget/packages.config. which had dependencies on these packages above.
I removed these from the .nuget/packages.config and this resolved the issue.
Hope if anyone in the future is having the similar issues that this will help you too.

WebObjects Unsupported major.minor version 49.0 error

I have been asked to update some old code I worked on years ago. All in xCode no eclipse and the change is needed urgently so do not have time to migrate away from xCode ATM.
I got my hands on a OS 10.5.8 box installed xcode 3.1.4 and the code compiled fine locally.
Tried to deploy never worked " Unsupported major.minor version 49.0 error" seems the server is running JVM 1.4.2 I have 1.6 locally. I followed some instructions on how to downgrade my local machine to java 1.4.2 without success.
So I gave up and put an old copy of the site back on the server. But now ALL the sites on the server get that same error message and none of them will start even though they have not been touched in 3-4 years. Not sure what happened? my only logically explanation is i accidentally did one action on the server instead of locally? Either way I have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it?
Where do I start trying to debug this?
Can I install a new version of java 1.5 or 1.6 on the server (OS 10.3.9) and have it work ok with webobjects?
Was this project a framework or an Application? If it is a framework that is depended-on by the other WebObjects projects, that would explain why everything started failing when you updated this project.
By default, Xcode did not include (or "embed") any depended-upon libraries or frameworks in the Project.woa bundle. Apps built this way depend upon any required resources being available in a few specific locations and then load them at launch. If they all now link to a framework or library that is incompatible, then they'll all stop working.
As far as the actual "Unsupported major.minor version" error goes, you do not need to downgrade the version of Java on your Mac, you can simply tell the compiler to target an older version of Java.
I can't remember if Xcode used Ant to do its Java compiling, but if it did and you are using Ant 1.7 or later, you can force Ant to compile 1.4-compatible binaries with Java 1.6 by editing the build.xml file so the javac tag includes a "target" parameter such as: <javac target="1.4" ... /> or by passing in the ant.build.javac.target property when you call Ant, either via command line or by modifying a properties file that Ant will load. I believe build.properties still existed in Xcode-based WebObjects projects. If it does this would be a good place for the property.
The basics are covered by this stackoverflow question: How to compile classes to JDK1.5 when ant is running in JDK1.6

Why does the Hudson Integration Game plugin does not work after update?

Recently I updated the cigame-plugin for Hudson to version 1.12. Now I recognized, that no build get points at the moment. The builds are SCM-triggered and the CI-game is activated for the project and the user. What is going wrong? How can I fix it?
EDIT: I have to correct, the update to the new version of the plugin isn't the problem. Looking through the build-history I can see, that after this update builds got a score. But at some point the builds are not longer scored. Nothing happened to hudson at this time, no restart, no reconfiguration etc. Simply SCM-changes came in and triggered builds.
EDIT 2: The ci-game-plugin counts a score for builds started manually, but not for builds started by changes in version-control. I have no idea why it behaves this way.
EDIT 3: Further investigation shows that I have this bug with the same stacktrace produced.
This is so specific to the current state of the Hudson plugin ecosystem, I suggest you go directly to the users mailing list with the question, where the plugin developers can help you directly.

Android Studio 2.1 does not show local variables when debugging

My AS stopped showing local variables. Currently I'm using AS 2.1, but tried AS 2.0 and AS 1.5.1. It started some time ago, I guess with the update to 2.0. I've moved to the older version but it did not help. I'm using build tools 23.0.3, and gradle 2.1.0. I've also added
testCoverageEnabled false
to build.gradle.
There are very little info about that issue around the internet, one I've found: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?can=2&start=0&num=100&q=&colspec=ID%20Status%20Priority%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars%20Reporter%20Opened&groupby=&sort=&id=123771
If anybody had that issue, please share some info.
