I started to read about building a new plugin and found this guide:
I noticed that this guide is for linux, my question is if there is another guide for windows? or it's the same..
I also found this template (for windows):
but it I can't compile it, I get build errors- on Visual Studio.
so my questios is-
if there is some kind of working template which I could start working on (on windows..)
how to make the new plugin after the code will be compiled, how the "gst-launch" will recognize it?
I will be happy for some kick starter on that issue.
I am trying to write my very first ROS Porgram (Hello world) using Visual Studio 2022.
I am using my Windows 10 computer. I managed to install ROS (noetic) on my computer and create a terminal window for it on windows terminal.
I saw this tutorial and try to give it a shot, however I have doubts if I am on the right track.
I managed to create my catkin ws and direct it to src like so:
However I was not able to run devel\setup.bat .
This is what it look like in my documents:
Can you please help me. I don't think I am far away.
Kind regards
Assuming hello_world is a package I think it must be kept inside of the src folder. See this Catkin_Workspace for more details on the recommended layout for workspace.
Try building the workspace again and I hope it helps.
I'm newbie in Opendaylight. I'm trying the very first example of ODL controller application by following this tutorial:
Controller Core Functionality Tutorials
Of course it was not updated so I had to modify something for the newest version (Carbon SR3, on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). However, when I executed the program, I couldn't find the message
HelloProvider Session Initiated
by typing
log:display | grep Hello
It means my application was not started. On the other hand, I verified features but there was only odl-hello-api by default (no restconf, dlux, etc.). I had to modified karaf/pom.xml (karaf4-parent version 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT, adding dependencies for dlux-core and dluxapps) to install these features but of course I coudln't find my application in ODL graphic application.
Anyone has the same issues? Thanks in advance.
The core tutorials project is no longer maintained. I would suggest looking at the toaster sample documented at https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL:Toaster_Step-By-Step. To try your own project, use the startup archetype documented at https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL:Startup_Project_Archetype.
I have followed the google's installation guide here.
The build fails because gtest/gtest.h is not found.
After debugging his problem with him, we decided to go old fashioned with cmake instead of using a framework bundle, and now all is working well.
I am a new OpenCV and XCode user and I have looked on the internet for a tutorial to setup a sample project in XCode 4 using OpenCV and couldnt find any. Does someone know of one?
check out the above link.It worked for me.Download the pdf.I'm seeing some weird fonts in the program from my browser.
NOTE: #include& . Don't just use this header directly.Cross check where the following header 'opencv.hpp' is stored and include it.
Has anyone successfully installed and run the Blackberry Eclipse plugin for MacOS?
Apparently, BB has not improved their Mac support much in the last year, since there was a question here about it last year.
I've followed their instructions to the letter, but they seem to assume that all you'll ever do in Eclipse is use their plugin. I want to move their plugin into an existing Eclipse installation.
I've copied the net.rim.* files from their Eclipse installation in to my /plugins folder, restarted, they show up in the list of installed plugins, but building an app always yields this error:
"Failed importing native project for BlackBerry. Missing Blackberry plugin. For more details see http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/javaappdev/javaupdate.jsp"
Here's the secret:
point Eclipse 3.6 Hellios to the following plug-in URL: http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseUpdate/3.6/web
Eclipse/Help/Install New Software... Add, enter some name and the URL above, and it works.