I have create a game in cocos2dx and integrate google admob for iOS and Android.
now I want to integrate google admob in this cocos2dx game for Windows Phone 8.
How I can do this?
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Your game needs to be built from the WP8-xaml template rather than wp8.
Do you want banner ads or interstitial? For banner ads, once you've created a template it's straight forward, just follow the instructions on the admob site once you've got your WP8-XAML template app up and running.
I'm using ms teams ios app with my colleagues.
we found out that in teams app, we can make our custom app.
I'm ios mobile developer and some of colleagues are android.
we want to make custom app which shows an our company logo during using teams.
(which means until we quit the app, our logo overlay teams app)
Is it possible? or any idea would be good!
It's not possible to overlay Teams logo with our custom Teams app logo.
I'm a Rails developer and I'm discovering now NativeScript. I know Vue, and looks like NativeScript support Vue.js
As you know Huawei device cannot accesso anymore to Google Play Services, but the web version of the Google Apps, like Youtube, Gmail, Drive still works.
Instead of having a lot of web shortcut on my home screen I think to write a simple NativeScript App where i list on the homescreen some Google Services I need and clicking on an icon, Google Drive for example, I launch drive.google.com inside the WebView.
Do you think is possibile? Do you see any issue with login?
I use third party SDKs in my game. Google Admob to show ads in my game and Microsoft App Center Push so that the user can receive push notifications.
How should I mention Google Admob and Microsoft App Center in my game? Is it necessary to mention the licenses? Under what license can I use Google Admob And Microsoft App Center in my game?
App Center
when the Game is starting call the admob and the AppCenter Init Function.
it's necessary to mention the Key so you can see use the services.
you need an AppCenter Key + Admob Key
I have a free windows phone app and I want to generate revenue from advertising. I choose google admob to do this task, but when I add my app to admob system, there is no choice for windows phone app. There is only choice for android and iOS. I know that the google admob has the sdk for windows phone 8 but how can I register my app to get Ad ID?
You can use the "unit ID" in your application as a Ad ID.
// "MY_AD_UNIT_ID" with your interstitial Ad unit id.
private InterstitialAd objInterstitialAd;
objInterstitialAd= new objInterstitialAd("MY_AD_UNIT_ID");
Here is the useful links for the same:
Register your app
Create an ad unit
Hope it helps
Admob doesnot support ad units for Windows phone in some countries. Thats why, it is not showing that option.
PS: not in India as well.
I'm trying to integrate the "inneractive SDK" in an XNA game for WP7.
It should be simple:
InneractiveAd.DisplayAd("MY_APP_ID", InneractiveAd.IaAdType.IaAdType_Banner, ??? , 120);
but i don't know what to put in the "rootGrid" field of type: System.Windows.Control.Grid
someone can help me?
System.Windows.Control.Grid is a Silverlight control, and the ad service you are trying to use is meant for Silverlight Windows Phone apps, not XNA. You can either
Create a Silverlight/XNA project, move your current XNA game into a frame of that project, and place the Ad in another frame; or
Use a more universal Ad control such as this one.
My name is Nirit and I'm a support manager at inneractive.
Our WP7 SDK currently supports Silverlight, the XNA version is not ready yet, but it's indeed on our roadmap.
On Mango, XNA can be combined with Silverlight so in this case, you can use our SDK.
For further information regarding combining XNA and Silverlight projects please check out this link.
In case Silverlight is not an option for you, please try our Server API (M2M protocol).
Our Server API can be found here.
If you have any further questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me via the "Contact Support" link on your Dashboard.