Functional GUI programming [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The question "Is Functional GUI programming possible?" was asked three years ago, a lot has changed since then. Things like the RX framework must have changed the way functional GUI programming can be done (in .NET at least). Clearly it is possible to do functional GUI programming; what would be the current best practice for it?
Edit to address the On Hold status:
What are the ways that you can do GUI programming in F#? Particularly are there any new approaches that did not exist when the question "Is Functional GUI programming possible?" was asked. What have been peoples experiences with these approaches? Positive and negative. Examples of what works and what doesn't would be great.

maybe check into FsXaml and FsViewModule and watch the related video presentation from Reed Copsey


Data structure and algorithms: Should one use OOP to program algorithms? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have seen people code for example, say a quicksort algorithm without using OOP. I have also seen the identical algorithm in Robert Lafore's data structure and algorithm textbook written under OOP framework.
Is it better to do it using OOP ? What are the advantages or disadvantages?
Suppose I know how to write an algorithm in both ways, should I always do it the OOP way ? Or does it depend on the algorithm itself ? If yes, then what algorithms would using OOP be beneficial ?

Algorithm reference [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is a trivial question - but something I always miss in the day-to-day programming.
Is there a gook lookup reference available for the common algorithms that we usually face in our everyday programming - sorting,sequences,graphs.
The emphasis is more on the applicability and pseudocode ,rather than the mathematical proofs(which I find is what books tend to stress on).
The idea is to keep a ready reference,as and when we need to resort to one of these algorithms into our respective development project and languages.
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
How about this?
List of algorithms#Wikipedia

How does the algorithm for the "report abuse" feature on a website work? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was just wondering- is there an automated way that the "report abuse" (for profane or inappropriate posts) feature works for a large website like, say, Amazon? Is it just a simple game of numbers (e.g. 100 ppl report the link so it should be taken down) or something more sophisticated?
It is a link on a website that the website-owner implemented? I don't think there is a some sort of top-down regulated method of implementing this, everyone does it's own thing. Some will be 'just simple numbers', some will be more sophisticated.
SO does both I guess: the more flags, the more a problem (spam for instance) gets attention of people who can lock, and flags of some users way heavier then others...

Wizard pattern and other GUI patterns for infrequent, complicated task [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
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We are thinking of using a Wizard pattern to help a user complete a task.
The Wizard pattern seems to solve our problem. We are also interested in what human factors research might have to say about the basic problem of a non-expert user needing to accomplish an infrequent and complicated task-–-are there other, possibly better paradigms for doing this than a wizard?
You posted this question over two years ago and no one has offered a better interaction design pattern than the wizard.
That looks like an answer to me.

diplomacy game judge algorithm [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am writing a server for playing the great diplomacy game online. Does anyone know an algorithm for the judge, that will calculate all moves/supports/convoys on the map at the end at each round?
For implementing the protocol I use twisted, for db-access django
Yes. DPjudge Adjudication Algorithm. Also see the DPJudge FAQ answer to the question about convoy paradoxes.
A check the njudge page that links to source code.
You might also want to look into the DAIDE project. They have a full comm protocol for create dip bot players against special servers. It's not open source (unfortunately) but there is a small community who use it to play real-time Dip games when 7 humans aren't available to play.
