I get blank report after publish. Using Crystal Reports 13 ( Visual Studio 2012 IIS 7) - visual-studio

My reports are working perfectly on local machine. I mean when run from vs.net. The reports are not working even i deploy it to the same system. I tried different solutions but with no luck. I have checked multiple stack-overflow questions and their solutions but still i am stuck. Any help would be really appreciated.

Just after posting my question here at stack-overflow i found a blog which solve my problem. So this may help other people having trouble to view crystal report after publishing. As I wasted two days searching for a fix to this issue. At last I found the solution on the following Site Link
All the credit goes to the Original Author who made that blog. I just copy/past his/her steps
This issue does not occur in local but happens when you host the site on server in IIS. Actually the cause of the issue is that Crystal Report is unable to find the required JavaScript (JS) files to render the report in browser
Below are the steps to resolve the issue
Downloading and installing runtime for Crystal Reports 13 for Visual Studio 2010. (You might want to skip this step if you already did this before and your application is working locally).
Once the runtime is installed. Crystal Reports will install the required support files in the location of your local computer:
Copy the entire Crystal Report Support folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319\crystalreportviewers13 to your Website's SITE_ROOT\aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319 folder.
4) If you do not have a \aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319 folders in your website's root. Please create them manually and then copy the crystalreportviewers13 into it.
NOTE: You can just copy the entire aspnet_client folder and past it to the site's root. It will work

The solution is to work on IIS this way:
Copy aspnet_client folder from c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder to the new website root folder.
or (first one is easier, second one is better fro maintenance)
Create a virtual directory called aspnet_client that points to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client inside the new website
Problem analysis
It's possible to analyze the problem
using client tools (debug window of browser)
GET http://someserver:20080/aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/crv.js 403 (Forbidden)
http://someserver:20080/aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/images/style.css 403 (Forbidden)
or server tool (IIS log , on WIN2003 is placed in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\LogFiles\W3SVC###\ on WIN2008 C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC###).
2011-03-28 13:00:49 W3SVC701536 GET /aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/images/style.css - 20080 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0) 403 6 64 Errore!
2011-03-28 13:00:49 W3SVC701536 GET /aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/crv.js - 20080 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0) 403 6 64 Errore!
Cause the problem
Crystal Reports runtime is installed, but your application is not running under default web site.
In both cases i found that crv.js and style.css some files were not served;
these files are placed by CR installer in wwwroot\aspnet_client folder, but for some reasons they cannot be reached;
In my case the reason is that i create a different website (port 20080) and aspnet_client folder is not placed inside that website
I can see that you use different versions of software and different configurations, but i think you have the same problem.

I just copied the app_client folder to the published code folder's root then it started working fine.


Visual Studio Project within the solution not loading (load failed) and appearing with errors

I have cloned code from our company ADO area (someone else's code files) and when loading it in visual studio 2022 I cannot load one of the projects in the solution (unloaded). I get the following two errors:
Error 1: The Web Application Project is configured to use IIS. Could not find the server on the local machine. Make sure the local IIS server has been configured to support secure communications.
Error 2: A project with that name is already opened in the solution.
My colleague who originally wrote the code can clone the code and doesn't get the same issue.
I am also getting a lot of dbl files and debug files automatically populating in the changes and every time I make a change to the code it generates more changes for these kinds of files which is quite hard to then see in git changes what changes are mine and what have been autogenerated.
Can anyone help?! I am new to the Development world, and this is really stumping me!
I have tried going into the user file and setting use IISExpress to false. Was expecting that to resolve the error 1 message but it hasn't.
I have tried putting a gitignore file into my project but it isn't ignoring the files in the changes being auto generated in git changes.

Microsoft Framework Update (KB4054981) Causing Issues With Crystal Reports 13 Not Displaying

Per the title, I am having issues getting a Crystal Report to display on my website. Here are the necessary details:
Microsoft security and quality update for framework 4.6/4.7 was applied to a server the night prior. We know that this is the culprit because once the update was rolled back, with no other solutions applied to the server code, the website was displaying Crystal Report pages correctly.
Team verified that the aspnet_client/system_web folder that the server was looking for was present in the website directory and had the necessary files within. Also checked user computers to see if their computers were looking for similar files.
Team restarted IIS and verified that necessary permissions were granted for users to the crystal report files.
Team was receiving the "bobj is undefined" error when locally debugging until the specific aspnet_client/system_web folder was added to the solution.
Team was receiving errors surrounding the crv.js and style.css files not being found until the specific aspnet_client/system_web folder was added to the solution.
Team has tried to add specific < SectionGroup > and < Section > code for Crystal Reports in the webconfig file as detailed by several Stack Overflow answers--none of which worked to resolve the problem.
How, and in what way, does the Microsoft update interfere with Crystal Reports 13 on the server? My knowledge of the way updates interact with one another is limited, so I am not sure how I can fix Crystal Reports while keeping this update installed.

My project get disturbed oftenly when i get latest version in tfs 2010

I am newbie in TFS 2010.
I have installed TFS 2010 on server and successfully connected.
I am doing check in for comitting my changed file and get latest version from other computer. Most of the time it works fine but oftenly js or style file gets corrupt.
Suppose i have two systems connected to TFS on server.
System A
1- I do change in abc.aspx.
2- I check in.
3- I keep on working on system and edit 4 files.
4- I check in.
System B
1- I get latest version.
2- I get abc.aspx changed.
3- I am doing work on some other files.
4- I get latest version, from System A i receive change in 3 files where as 4th file remain same.
Some times the project gets corrupt in a way the design gets bad and aspx page disturbs.
I tried to find help on websites but there is not much tfs help available. Please guide me where i am wrong.
You may try to clean client and server caches. See http://www.ewaldhofman.nl/post/2009/07/06/Clear-the-cache-of-TFS.aspx

Unable to write to subfolder in website

I have a webservice that I need to be able to write some logs for. The service is installed in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservice. The log files should be written to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myservice\logging.
When I try running it in debug mode in Visual Studio, log files are created successfully. When I publish the site and try it, log files are not created.
I have tried giving write access for the logging folder to: NETWORK Service, IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, DefaultAppPool, ASP .NET 4.0 Classic but it made no difference. I also added Everyone with Full Control, but it made no difference.
Any ideas why I cannot get write access to this folder????
I have no idea what caused the issue, but IIS had somehow got corrupted. It would no longer display pages either by using localhost or
Removed and re-installed IIS, all working now.

Webmatrix error when creating new site from folder "MACHINE/REDIRECTION"

I'm experiencing an error when creating a new site from a folder with Webmatrix.
I've used it for months now and i never had a problem with it, but yesterday when i went for create a new site i got this error with no other explanation:
Cannot find configuration file 'MACHINE/REDIRECTION'.
I actually have no idea what caused it and what it is about, i tried looking in the configuration file of IIS Express installed with it but couldn't find anything related to it, even searching with google gave me no useful answer.
It seems redirection.config file that is supposed to be present in the %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\ folder is either doesn't exist or it is corrupted. You have two options.
1.Copy redirection.config file from %programfiles%\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer (or %programfiles(x86)\iis express\config\templates\personalwebserver) to %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\
2.Restart webmatrix
1.Rename iisexpress folder located in %userprofile%\documents\
2.Restart WebMatrix
Note: If you follow option-2 steps you may not see websites that were created recently.
