Microsoft Framework Update (KB4054981) Causing Issues With Crystal Reports 13 Not Displaying - windows

Per the title, I am having issues getting a Crystal Report to display on my website. Here are the necessary details:
Microsoft security and quality update for framework 4.6/4.7 was applied to a server the night prior. We know that this is the culprit because once the update was rolled back, with no other solutions applied to the server code, the website was displaying Crystal Report pages correctly.
Team verified that the aspnet_client/system_web folder that the server was looking for was present in the website directory and had the necessary files within. Also checked user computers to see if their computers were looking for similar files.
Team restarted IIS and verified that necessary permissions were granted for users to the crystal report files.
Team was receiving the "bobj is undefined" error when locally debugging until the specific aspnet_client/system_web folder was added to the solution.
Team was receiving errors surrounding the crv.js and style.css files not being found until the specific aspnet_client/system_web folder was added to the solution.
Team has tried to add specific < SectionGroup > and < Section > code for Crystal Reports in the webconfig file as detailed by several Stack Overflow answers--none of which worked to resolve the problem.
How, and in what way, does the Microsoft update interfere with Crystal Reports 13 on the server? My knowledge of the way updates interact with one another is limited, so I am not sure how I can fix Crystal Reports while keeping this update installed.


SSIS Package stuck "Validating Excel Source" in Visual Studio 2010

I have a quarterly update package that I run from the backend of our system that uses an Excel (2007 format) document as a data source. The package stages the data from the Excel document to a table within the database, where it is processed and loaded in the production system.
Today, I received the Q2 update for April 2015, and attempted to run the new file into the staging system through Visual Studio as I have in the past. But for some reason today, VS / SSIS appears to be stuck "Validating Excel Source". I've let it sit for up to 10 minutes, before having to kill my Visual Studio instance through Task Manager.
The source document is small and relatively uncomplicated on 6 columns and less that 300 Kb in size, so I can't understand the validation issue all of a sudden. It appears to be the same excel version and format as my previous runs.
This package has been untouched for the better part of year, only having to change a series of parameters for each quarterly run.
I've deleted the connection managers and excel components from the package and recreated them but still appear to have the same issue. I've also recreated the source document.
I attempted tp disabled the DelayValidation and ValidateExternalMetaData properties, in hopes that it might give me a meaningful error dialogue, but have yet to get past the "Validating Excel Source" message.
Any input would be appreciated, Thank you.
I appear to have found a resolution to the issue.
It appears that a recent update to my installed Office suite altered the driver for Excel on my machine.
The following articles helped me resolve the issue, but as it turned out I needed to reinstall the Office 2007 System Driver: Data Connectivity Components...(linked in the 2nd article)
Once installed I was able to reopen my solution and view the Excel document.
Thank you for the assistance.
Using Excel 2012 file in Excel Connection Manager
How to fix errors: "the 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine"
Remove the excel file that the connection manager is looking for from the directory that it is pointing to. Once you do that the Validation of the Excel source should fail when it can not find the file it is looking for. This should allow you to get into the package and set Delay Validation = True in the properties.
The package validates the excel connection manager the same as it would any other OLE DB connection manager. It confirms connection and then runs your statement to validate the return of data. If you take away its source it should flame out quickly.
I have found that background processing on your machine can block this validation or processing of the request the same as a priority query might in SQL. If you machine is in a state with a number of priority tasks running this validation is put on the back burner and can and will take forever. In cases like this the connection used to the source being used to validate with either disconnect or timeout and it is not handled in the UI so it just hangs and locks up.

I get blank report after publish. Using Crystal Reports 13 ( Visual Studio 2012 IIS 7)

My reports are working perfectly on local machine. I mean when run from The reports are not working even i deploy it to the same system. I tried different solutions but with no luck. I have checked multiple stack-overflow questions and their solutions but still i am stuck. Any help would be really appreciated.
Just after posting my question here at stack-overflow i found a blog which solve my problem. So this may help other people having trouble to view crystal report after publishing. As I wasted two days searching for a fix to this issue. At last I found the solution on the following Site Link
All the credit goes to the Original Author who made that blog. I just copy/past his/her steps
This issue does not occur in local but happens when you host the site on server in IIS. Actually the cause of the issue is that Crystal Report is unable to find the required JavaScript (JS) files to render the report in browser
Below are the steps to resolve the issue
Downloading and installing runtime for Crystal Reports 13 for Visual Studio 2010. (You might want to skip this step if you already did this before and your application is working locally).
Once the runtime is installed. Crystal Reports will install the required support files in the location of your local computer:
Copy the entire Crystal Report Support folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319\crystalreportviewers13 to your Website's SITE_ROOT\aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319 folder.
4) If you do not have a \aspnet_client\system_web\4_0_30319 folders in your website's root. Please create them manually and then copy the crystalreportviewers13 into it.
NOTE: You can just copy the entire aspnet_client folder and past it to the site's root. It will work
The solution is to work on IIS this way:
Copy aspnet_client folder from c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder to the new website root folder.
or (first one is easier, second one is better fro maintenance)
Create a virtual directory called aspnet_client that points to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client inside the new website
Problem analysis
It's possible to analyze the problem
using client tools (debug window of browser)
GET http://someserver:20080/aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/crv.js 403 (Forbidden)
http://someserver:20080/aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/images/style.css 403 (Forbidden)
or server tool (IIS log , on WIN2003 is placed in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\LogFiles\W3SVC###\ on WIN2008 C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC###).
2011-03-28 13:00:49 W3SVC701536 GET /aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/images/style.css - 20080 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0) 403 6 64 Errore!
2011-03-28 13:00:49 W3SVC701536 GET /aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/js/crviewer/crv.js - 20080 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0) 403 6 64 Errore!
Cause the problem
Crystal Reports runtime is installed, but your application is not running under default web site.
In both cases i found that crv.js and style.css some files were not served;
these files are placed by CR installer in wwwroot\aspnet_client folder, but for some reasons they cannot be reached;
In my case the reason is that i create a different website (port 20080) and aspnet_client folder is not placed inside that website
I can see that you use different versions of software and different configurations, but i think you have the same problem.
I just copied the app_client folder to the published code folder's root then it started working fine.

My project get disturbed oftenly when i get latest version in tfs 2010

I am newbie in TFS 2010.
I have installed TFS 2010 on server and successfully connected.
I am doing check in for comitting my changed file and get latest version from other computer. Most of the time it works fine but oftenly js or style file gets corrupt.
Suppose i have two systems connected to TFS on server.
System A
1- I do change in abc.aspx.
2- I check in.
3- I keep on working on system and edit 4 files.
4- I check in.
System B
1- I get latest version.
2- I get abc.aspx changed.
3- I am doing work on some other files.
4- I get latest version, from System A i receive change in 3 files where as 4th file remain same.
Some times the project gets corrupt in a way the design gets bad and aspx page disturbs.
I tried to find help on websites but there is not much tfs help available. Please guide me where i am wrong.
You may try to clean client and server caches. See

Azure Publish giving "The Type or Namespace {x} cannot be resolved" error

I have a MVC 4 web project that I have been working on for about a year. It is currently published and running on azure in production, and has been working there for about a year. My dev machine malfunctioned and I had to replace it. After setting up my dev environment and retrieving my codebase from my repository, I made a very minor change to one of my pages (I corrected a typo, changing "teh" to "the" in the text of one of my .cshtml pages. I downloaded and imported my azure publish profile settings from:
which seemed to correctly populate my publish dialog and I attempted to publish my correction to staging. However, when it builds prior to publish, the output window starts to show a series of "the type or namespace {x} cannot be resolved" errors. It accumulates 72 such errors for various referenced assemblies, and then it exits with "build failed".
A few seconds later all those errors disappear and if I rebuild the solution, it does not give me those errors, which ONLY appear on a pre-publish build. I can run the project in testing environment and it works fine there.
I have tried everything I can think of. Has anyone ran into this before?
After a week of frustration, I finally figured out what was happening. I had a email library, rebex, that I had purchased that the project used. It was installed on my original development machine, where the application was publishing correctly. The .dll file for the rebex library was incorporated into my source code so that when my new dev machine was configured and the source code restored, the .dll file was present, and worked in development mode.
However, it would not publish to production until the installation file was re-downloaded and the rebex assemblies were registered to VS2012 and the GAC.
If anyone else has this issue, check to see if you have purchased or licensed libraries that need to be properly registered.

Mass migration of Crystal Reports from v10 to Visual Studio 2010

I have been tasked with reviewing "SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010" and the "SAP Crystal Reports 2011" standalone as potential upgrade paths from Crystal Reports v10.
I've installed the extension to Visual Studio 2010 (and went through the common troubles of updating the runtime to get the viewer working) and can open report files and save them. Consequently, I get the "this report was saved in a previous version of CR, saving will upgrade the report file format" dialog. I've tested on a couple of reports and the conversion goes ahead smoothly and the resultant file remains compatible with our server software.
My problem is I have over 1,500 reports. I'd like to avoid opening each one in turn and saving/converting individually. Is there a way to convert all the report files in one fell swoop? Some means of scripting Visual Studio to do it, maybe?
I've added every report file to a project and attempted to Save All... no dice.
I must convert every single report now. It's not an option to just convert those that need changes when they need changes.
My work network access is locked down pretty tight. The bureaucratic process to get any utilities or tools installed on my machine is INTENSE and must be justified.
We don't use any features of CR standalone that aren't shipped with VS.
P.S. It's worth re-iterating that I'm also reviewing CR2011. I'll need to do the same thing with the standalone designer too.
Why not use Windows PowerShell? I've written a PowerShell wrapper around the Crystal Reports SDK named PsCrystal. My goal is to make it easier to script the mundane tasks that I encounter each day.
You should be able to adapt the (sole) example to suit your needs. I will add more examples in the near future. Feel free to help the project, if you want.
Check if this tool will work for you:
It is actually replacing the connection, but will upgrade the reports too.
Thanks to Craig and Lan for their input (you get an upvote), but Ryan addressed my problem within the comments of my question (and even did so after I gave him sass!).
For those with broken scroll-wheels and/or extraordinarily short screens:
For VS2010, you could easily create a simple program to open each .rpt
file in a directory and then re-save it (The web is full of examples
in the language of your choice). Doing this in CR2011 is a little
trickier... I'd try a script in something like AutoIT.
Thanks, Ryan, for reminding me that I'm working with an API. Not just a dev environment.
