Having one FTP account with multiple concurrent logins? - ftp

I am having deep thoughts about how to use a FTP server. I am having an application, where I want some user files to be stored on a FTP server. So what I am doing is when user save his/her file on the server side I am opening a connection to the FTP and saves the file. After the file is saved the connection is closed. Because I will have many users using my system simultaniously, so the question is what is the best way to do that- to set the FTP server settings, for example, to allow 1000 simultanious logins and to use a different FTP account for every file upload or to set max-threads to 1000 and to use one ftp account for all user uploads? In my oppinion because the connection is live only for the time the file is uploading it won't be a problem to use one account with multiple threds, but I want to hear someone else oppinion what is the best practise to do that kind of functionality? Thanks.


How FTP Server is Secure?

I am quite new in learning Networking and stuff related to Servers.
I have a question about FTP server security. Please forgive me if it is too simple.
I have signed up for FTP server and I uploaded a file. The URL of the file is
zanubvideos.ezyro.com/Shortest.mp4. And anyone, who have this URL can access my file anytime anywhere. And I think this has made my file insecure, Isn't it? Then how can we say that FTP is secure?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
install a Secure FTP Server on Windows using IIS. or
you can make FTP secure by using following methods :
1.Disable Anonymous Access
2.Enable Logging
3. Harden your ACLS.
4. Setup your FTP site as Blind Put
5.Enable Disk Quotas.
6.Use Logon Time Restrictions
7.Restrict Access by IP
8.Audit Logon Events
9.Enable Strong Password Requirement
10.Enable Account Lockout and Account Lockout Threshold
for more details visit Steps to a Secure FTP Server

Ubuntu 14.10 - Create an FTP Account

I've searched a lot of websites and have found no answers. How can I create just a normal FTP account (which can be used on Port 22 for Filezilla aswell as the SSH) that is in the folder "/home/hisname"? I want it to only be able to make files in that directory and run them, and make it so he can't mess with any other parts of the system.
I've really been searching all morning. Please help.
As long as you have an FTP server installed, a regular user should be able to use it in authenticated mode - no special qualities needed.
This depends on which ftp daemon you use. Normally, FTP accounts are just the normal accounts you use to log in to your machine. You can change a standard user's login directory by modifying /etc/passwd, for example, or when creating the new user.

Require a login and password for writing in the FileZilla server, but not in the reading

I'm working on a android application that writes, in some parts, in a FileZilla server. In my code, I provide the login and password for the FileZilla so that the client could send some pictures and videos to it.
The client later on needs to read the FTP content (Display it), but for that purpose, he needs to enter the login and password, which I can't provide him otherwise he could write whatever he wants in my server.
Is there any way to require a login and password for writing in the FTP server, but not in the reading ??
You can setup two accounts on the server. One with read-only access, and one with write access. Provide the client with password to read-only account. Or you can allow even anonymous read-only access to the server.
EDIT: Also, be aware that it would not be a problem for a hacker to retrieve the hard-coded password from your Android application binary. Make sure you restrict the area, where the account can write to, ideally to a single folder only. You should also set disk quota for the account, so that the hacker cannot fill your server's disk. And you should definitelly monitor the writable folder for an unusual activity.

HOW? web hosting one FTP account with multiple user account?

My webhosting service provide me one FTP account. and user/client connect with their own id and password and access to the file on ftp on its own directories?
or simple word. how do i create multiple user for accessing thier directories on ftp?
The site is coded on php.
server apache
do the users only go though the web interface? if so create a directory for then and sanitize the inputs with php so they cannot browse under the base tree you give them.

DirectAdmin FTP for all domains

I was searching for an option to show all
domains with your FTP client using DirectAdmin.
So I can make a user called user for example, it will make the domain user.nl
But I'm getting tired of searching the passwords for the FTP accounts day after day, so is their te possibility to do this with the admin account to get a level higher in the FTP?
So I have a structured view of all domains?
