How FTP Server is Secure? - ftp

I am quite new in learning Networking and stuff related to Servers.
I have a question about FTP server security. Please forgive me if it is too simple.
I have signed up for FTP server and I uploaded a file. The URL of the file is And anyone, who have this URL can access my file anytime anywhere. And I think this has made my file insecure, Isn't it? Then how can we say that FTP is secure?
Please correct me if I am wrong.

install a Secure FTP Server on Windows using IIS. or
you can make FTP secure by using following methods :
1.Disable Anonymous Access
2.Enable Logging
3. Harden your ACLS.
4. Setup your FTP site as Blind Put
5.Enable Disk Quotas.
6.Use Logon Time Restrictions
7.Restrict Access by IP
8.Audit Logon Events
9.Enable Strong Password Requirement
10.Enable Account Lockout and Account Lockout Threshold
for more details visit Steps to a Secure FTP Server


I get 530 access denied in ftp connection after some upgrade in my internet connection

I have a ftp connection profile save in ftp site manager, It is still working before I have my internet connection upgraded. But after, i got 530 FTP Access denied and there are some websites that whenever I visit I always get Security Check. When I check the site's cpanel I can't see my ip add being block. Can someone tell me what to do, please.
Who is your hosting company? have you tried to contact them first, Do you or the server have a firewall in place that is prohibiting the connection? Reply with more information or give your hosting company a call.

FTP server Windows 8.1 error: 530 Login or password incorrect

I follow this video steps by steps to create a local FTP Server on Windows 8.1. They use IIS to make FTP sites and add a Windows local user to login. But at the end, when I go to the server's IP address and login (using FireFox), I got this error: 530 Login or password incorrect!.
Can anyone help me?
Try it:
Select your FTP Site from IIS dashboard. than select FTP Authentications. Inside the FTP Authentications set the Basic Authentications Enabled.
I'm not too familiar with IIS but have used other FTP servers. Couple of things to check:
Are you logging in from the same machine / remote machine?
If you are on the same machine, do you need the DOMAIN/Computer Name in there
Does the user you are trying to login as set up in IIS as being able to access the FTP Server?
Try checking the following,
User exists
User can access the FTP site
User you are entering into the FTP client has the right username and password.

Securing Credentials with set http_proxy in cmd

I was trying to install Rubygems on my Windows 7 machine and had to authenticate myself with a corporate proxy server. I saw several people on various forums with the same problem, and the common solution seemed to be
set http_proxy=
While this did work for me and allowed me to download the Rubygems that I needed, I spoke with a security professional about the security of typing the password in plaintext like that, and he did a packet capture with Wireshark and was able to see my credentials. Is there a way to pass credentials in securely through the command line? I know that a lot of other Ruby developers at my company would like to download gems and need a way to authenticate themselves, but I'd prefer to find a secure solution before I help anyone else out.
No, because you connect with http to your proxy, the crendials will be send in cleartext by design.
If your company cares about security, you should connect via https:// to your http proxy.

Require a login and password for writing in the FileZilla server, but not in the reading

I'm working on a android application that writes, in some parts, in a FileZilla server. In my code, I provide the login and password for the FileZilla so that the client could send some pictures and videos to it.
The client later on needs to read the FTP content (Display it), but for that purpose, he needs to enter the login and password, which I can't provide him otherwise he could write whatever he wants in my server.
Is there any way to require a login and password for writing in the FTP server, but not in the reading ??
You can setup two accounts on the server. One with read-only access, and one with write access. Provide the client with password to read-only account. Or you can allow even anonymous read-only access to the server.
EDIT: Also, be aware that it would not be a problem for a hacker to retrieve the hard-coded password from your Android application binary. Make sure you restrict the area, where the account can write to, ideally to a single folder only. You should also set disk quota for the account, so that the hacker cannot fill your server's disk. And you should definitelly monitor the writable folder for an unusual activity.

Securely transmit password information

I work as a student web developer for my computer science department and I've been asked to look into a modification of our password reset procedure for linux accounts. Currently users will log in with their university credentials (via Active Directory) and after being authenticated they get a temporary password through email which they are forced to change as soon as they log in. This way eben if the temporary password it intercepted there is a very short time span in which it could even be used.
Now the idea has been posed that instead of using a temporary password that we might allow the user to pick a new permanent password and set it directly through the web utility. It is my understanding that https is more of "the best we have" than "a great way to secure information". Are there any other avenues I can explore for securing the new password so that we can feel comfortable implementing such a system?
Basically, if you communicate with a server over HTTPS and the private key of the server isn't exposed to someone else, you can be sure that anything you transfer (e.g. the new password) can only be decrypted by the server. Additionally the server certificate assures, that the server you are communicating with, really is the server you want to communicate with.
So, using HTTPS provides authentication and prevents eavesdropping.
If you are working with Active Directory, it is my understanding that the Password Modify Extended Operation (which requires the existing password) is not supported. Therefore, the password must be changed with the LDAP modify request. One solution would be to use the UnboundID LDAP SDK with a web application to execute the LDAP modify with the new password. The modify request should be transmitted over a secure connection, or a non-secure connection promoted to a secure connection using the StartTLS extended operation.
see also
AD password change
Using ldapmodify - this article is about the command line utility ldapmodify but the concepts are useful.
