DirectAdmin FTP for all domains - ftp

I was searching for an option to show all
domains with your FTP client using DirectAdmin.
So I can make a user called user for example, it will make the domain
But I'm getting tired of searching the passwords for the FTP accounts day after day, so is their te possibility to do this with the admin account to get a level higher in the FTP?
So I have a structured view of all domains?


Having one FTP account with multiple concurrent logins?

I am having deep thoughts about how to use a FTP server. I am having an application, where I want some user files to be stored on a FTP server. So what I am doing is when user save his/her file on the server side I am opening a connection to the FTP and saves the file. After the file is saved the connection is closed. Because I will have many users using my system simultaniously, so the question is what is the best way to do that- to set the FTP server settings, for example, to allow 1000 simultanious logins and to use a different FTP account for every file upload or to set max-threads to 1000 and to use one ftp account for all user uploads? In my oppinion because the connection is live only for the time the file is uploading it won't be a problem to use one account with multiple threds, but I want to hear someone else oppinion what is the best practise to do that kind of functionality? Thanks.

Hosting my website with a different hosting service

Here is what I'm sure is a dumb question but I cannot find an answer for.
I purchased a domain name from 1and1 WITHOUT any hosting. I was intending to set it up on my own server which fell through, so I decided that I was just gonna do traditional hosting.
I found a great deal and promotion at Dreamhost for a year of hosting, so I signed up for the hosting service.
Through the 1and1 control panel, I have redirected to the Dreamhost name servers, but I'm not really sure what to do next.
How do I now upload my website files to Dreamhost and load them when visiting the domain that I purchased from 1and1?
I understand this may be vague, and I apologize if so, just want some guidance. Let me know if there is any information I can give to help.
Purchasing your domain through 1and1 is no problem. I'm not extremely familiar with either company or their infrastructure but I can give you a general guideline with an attempt to tailor it to your needs. Hopefully you'll find this helpful.
First step I would personally take would be to update your nameservers at 1and1 to use Dreamhost's. If they are using cpanel, this may be a requirement. Regardless of their control panel, this will likely be the easiest way to manage any updates you need to make. After this you will only need to login to 1and1 to renew your domain or transfer it.
To change your name servers:
1) Log in to the 1&1 Control Panel using your Customer ID OR domain name and your password.
2) Click the Domains link from the Domains & Webspace panel.
3) Check the box next to the domain to select it and click Show DNS Settings from the DNS drop-down box above the list of domains.
4) Click the Edit button next to Name Server Settings.
5) If you are currently using a CNAME with the domain, you will not be able to set which name servers should be used with the domain unless you select DNS from General settings.
Select My name server from the Name server drop-down box.
6) Enter the first name server address into the Primary name server text box.
Select My secondary name server from the Secondary name server drop-down box to add a second address.
Enter the second name server address into the 1st secondary name server text box.
You may add a third and fourth name server address if necessary, but only two are required.
Click the OK button to save your settings.
For step 6, you should be entering the following name servers (unless Dreamhost has provided different servers when you opened your account):,,
Note: you may only be able to enter two of the three listed.
Next you need to login to your Dreamhost control panel for hosting. Ensure you have your domain added. If not, go to Manage Domains and add your domain. It should provide instructions for adding your domain. If you plan to have everything hosted at Dreamhost (as it sounds to me like you do) but sure to selected "Fully Hosted." You can manager your DNS through their domain manager once you are using their nameservers. You can add A records if needed to point to your IP but generally in shared hosting environments, the control panel will perform the basic configuration of the A records for your site.
As always with DNS, it may take some time for your changes to propagate. You may want to flush your dns as well (on your local machine).
edit: Sorry I just re-read your question and realized you accomplished what I answered. Here's some additional steps to get your website up and running:
Are you using a static HTML website? If you are using Wordpress or another CMS/Application, please let me know as the instructions will vary for those types of installs.
If it is a static website, download an FTP Client, if you do not have one already. My personal recommendation is FileZilla, simply because it is free and easy to use but any FTP Client will work. Log back into your DreamHost control panel and look for your server information under "Account Status." It will say "Your Web Server:" followed by the name of the server your account is on. Enter that server name into FileZilla for the IP/Host. Try using your controlpanel login and password and the port would be 21 for standard FTP. If your login does not work, go back to your control panel and look for an option called "FTP Accounts." Go into this section and create a new FTP account. Now use that account for your user and password in FileZilla. This should normally drop you into your website's home folder. If not, look for anything such as "html", "public_html", "www" and upload your files there. Ensure you have an index.html or index.php file.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know and I can update my response to address them.
In order for your site to show up from the Dreamhost hosting, you will need to set the A-record in your DNS at 1and1 to resolve to the IP address that is provided by Dreamhost. Making changes to your 1and1 DNS is not part of my expertise (I work at Dyn), but if you have any trouble, their support team should be able to assist.
Good luck!

Require a login and password for writing in the FileZilla server, but not in the reading

I'm working on a android application that writes, in some parts, in a FileZilla server. In my code, I provide the login and password for the FileZilla so that the client could send some pictures and videos to it.
The client later on needs to read the FTP content (Display it), but for that purpose, he needs to enter the login and password, which I can't provide him otherwise he could write whatever he wants in my server.
Is there any way to require a login and password for writing in the FTP server, but not in the reading ??
You can setup two accounts on the server. One with read-only access, and one with write access. Provide the client with password to read-only account. Or you can allow even anonymous read-only access to the server.
EDIT: Also, be aware that it would not be a problem for a hacker to retrieve the hard-coded password from your Android application binary. Make sure you restrict the area, where the account can write to, ideally to a single folder only. You should also set disk quota for the account, so that the hacker cannot fill your server's disk. And you should definitelly monitor the writable folder for an unusual activity.

Allowing non domain user to query Active Directory

Our developers have recently built a new internal 'image viewer' application for our staff to use. The image viewer runs as a website and uses Active Directory to authenticate the user and control what type of images that user is allowed to view.
I have this setup and working fine by running the website as an impersonated domain user. The problem I now face is that all the images are held on a non-domain share. How can I access this share using the domain user? The share is on a Novell Netware 6.5 server.
Alternatively I can run the website as a non-domain user and connect to the Netware server to retrieve the images, but then I am unable to query Active Directory.
Can I allow a non-domain user access to query AD? I don't wish to allow anonymous queries on my domain controllers.
No, a non-domain user cannot query Active Directory unless you configure your domain to allow anonymous queries.
Depending on how everything is setup in the web application, you may be able to insert some code to switch security contexts and impersonate a domain user at the point where the query happens.

HOW? web hosting one FTP account with multiple user account?

My webhosting service provide me one FTP account. and user/client connect with their own id and password and access to the file on ftp on its own directories?
or simple word. how do i create multiple user for accessing thier directories on ftp?
The site is coded on php.
server apache
do the users only go though the web interface? if so create a directory for then and sanitize the inputs with php so they cannot browse under the base tree you give them.
