SystemConfiguration.framework missing? - xcode

I have gone to add the SystemConfiguration frame work to a project(in the process of setting up admob in an app) in the build phases tab of Xcode to discover it isn't there. I have tryed trashing xcode and then reinstalling from the App Store and it's still not there. I have xcode 5.1. Any help would be great and if I have missed any details please let me but I think I have included everything I know.

So i copied the framework file from a friend and stuck it in /Applications/
which worked for me


XCode 9.1 - Location simulation went missing

I just updated my XCode to 9.1 today, and surprisingly I can't find "Allow location simulation" in scheme setting, please refer to the screenshot below:
Has any one got the same problem? And any suggestion that I can fix it?
Apple's getting worse and worse lately.
I had this issue as well and the fix was to run the application in the Simulator and then go to Edit Scheme while the Simulator was running and the Core Location option magically reappears.
I just tried restarting XCode and running/stopping the app several times, then the checkbox magically appeared.
I've also fired a radar to Apple anyway.

Items in Root.plist are not display in settings. iOS9/Xcode7-beta5

None of my settings options are appearing for my project in iOS9. This happens not only with my project that has been converted to swift 2.0 but also the app from TestFlight which is Swift 1.2 compiled from Xcode 6. Is this an iOS 9 issue?
My problem is similar to this one. However, my setting never appear, even on the first launch.
Any ideas? Has anyone else come across this problem? Any input is welcome.
I found a solution to my problem here in the apple dev forums.
"My settings were blank, too, even though they were fine in the simulator. I ended up having to reset ALL settings and performing a full restore. This was a PITA, since it required re-entering passwords and my thumbprints. I sure don't want my users to have to go through this after the ios9 GM release"

Workaround for adding localization to new file in Beta Xcode 6.3

does anyone know of a work around for this issue?
When trying to localize the 'Localizable.strings' file after choosing for which language the file should be set, nothing happens :(.
I tried it a few times with no success.
But when I close my project, reopen it in Xcode 6.2 and do the same action in there... Xcode adds the localization for the selected languages without any problem.
I know it is a bug for the Beta release of Xcode, but I would appreciate a working workaround for this.
Seems to be fixed in version 6.3 of Xcode

Missing Cocoa Application Template in Xcode 5

The 'Cocoa Application' template is missing from Xcode 5. Has anyone else encountered this?
The only options are SpriteKit Game, Cocoa-AppleScript Application, and Command Line Tool. I tried to post a screenshot, but I don't have the reputation.
According to Apple's documentation it should be an option:
I've googled, but to no avail. I tried reinstalling Xcode but it's still missing. I'm on Mavericks and using Xcode 5.1.1. Any ideas?
After trying various things including reinstalling xCode, and repairing permissions I created another user account and it did indeed have the cocoa app template in xCode. In the end I reinstalled OS X and xCode and all the templates are there. I'm not sure what the issue with the original user account was but it's all working now. Apologies for not being able to provide a more insightful answer.

iPhone App crashes (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) on editing any textfield in main

I am a bit new to the iPhone, but I have done some work on the Mac before. In my App there is a text field. And if I´m editing this text field, the App crashes after a few types, and there is an an EXC_BAD_ACCESS sign in main. I have added an other textfield, right in the standart view. It crashes, too, although I have not done anything with it. I have no idea, and I killed every release, so that nothing is overreleased, bit it does not help. Has anyone an idea? thanks
I found the answer. It´s a bug in iPhone Simulator. I had to turn off autocorrecting. Then it worked.
Are you working with XCode 4.1? This is a problem related to that version, I just downloaded the Xcode 4.1.1 from the App Store and the problem went away completely.
