Missing Cocoa Application Template in Xcode 5 - xcode

The 'Cocoa Application' template is missing from Xcode 5. Has anyone else encountered this?
The only options are SpriteKit Game, Cocoa-AppleScript Application, and Command Line Tool. I tried to post a screenshot, but I don't have the reputation.
According to Apple's documentation it should be an option:
I've googled, but to no avail. I tried reinstalling Xcode but it's still missing. I'm on Mavericks and using Xcode 5.1.1. Any ideas?

After trying various things including reinstalling xCode, and repairing permissions I created another user account and it did indeed have the cocoa app template in xCode. In the end I reinstalled OS X and xCode and all the templates are there. I'm not sure what the issue with the original user account was but it's all working now. Apologies for not being able to provide a more insightful answer.


Unable to open xcode. Shows error "Required content for platform tvOS Simulator is missing."

I'm unable to open my Xcode after accidentally deleting my Xcode from the applications folder to the trash and putting it back in my applications. Every time I try to open Xcode it shows the following error.
I tried googling this error and found this post on the Apple's forum page which asks me to just re-install from the official mac app store which I feel is a lazy answer and I do have enough storage for doing that on my old MacBook air with just 256GB.
I did find another post on SO that shows deleting a folder for a similar issue fixed the problem. Is there a similar solution or any other solution which doesn't require me to re-install Xcode once again?
My versions:-
MacBook Air (Intel)
macOS - 12.6.2
Xcode - 13.2.1

Xcode 10 storyboard UI components are not visible and painfully slow?

My code was working fine (showing UI properly) when I had Xcode 9 and I removed it from the application folder (could not update as it had installed using another apple id) and reinstall the Xcode 10 from the Appstore.
Now Xcode storyboard not showing any added UI elements colors or anything and I removed Xcode 10 and installed Xcode 9 again but problem remains same.
UI screen shot of storyboard.
I tried removing Xcode in this way:
~/Library/Application Support/Xcode
Then I tried installing macOs Mojave and install XCode 10 again from the Appstore. Issue still remains. I tried cleaning derived data, xuserdata and everything.
Try cleaning your project using "Command + K"
and run your project again!
Hope it works!
I encountered the same issue that you are facing in my case i had xCode 10.0 installed and everything was working fine. As soon as I installed version 10.1 I faced the same issue that you're facing but the good thing was i had xCode 10.0 installed at the same time so I switched back and everything was working fine.
From my point of view my system(Mac-mini mid 2011) was lacking hardware specification that was required for xCode 10.1 also had very low graphic processor in my mac mini. If you install the same version in a MacBook or any other system having higher specification you'll face the issue. I hope that helps.
I was stuck on this all day. One of my coworkers suggested removing occurrences of IB_DESIGNABLE & #IBDesignable. This fixed the issue for me. It still lags sometimes but doesn’t go invisible anymore.
If you have multiple xib files then just try to switch between or Try moving to launchScreen storyboard and then switch to main storyboard. I think this is just loading issue.
Reinstall Xcode. That worked for me.
Click on library button(Circular Button) which is left to hamburger sign(Top Bar Right Side). Elements will be popup on your screen then you can choose elements.
xcrun simctl erase all
it helped me with the same problem

Xcode storyboard showing osX object library. I want IOS object library

I develop mainly IOS apps but, recently, I worked on an OSX app. Both are possible with Xcode (I use 8, with swift).
Unfortunately, when I switched back to my already-existing IOS project (after restarting Xcode), the storyboard selection menu for the object library shows only OSX objects, not IOS (e.g. UIImageView).
I have googled without success and tried restarting Xcode, also without success. Can anyone help me fix this?
I did a lot more searching and came up with:
Xcode is loading in OS X objects instead of iOS objects
There there are other solutions proposed but the one that worked for me was to close the assistant editor and then, in the file list ( leftmost window in Xcode 8), I double clicked on the storyboard file. Problem solved. I am surprised that this bug still exists in this latest version...it is very troublesome.

SystemConfiguration.framework missing?

I have gone to add the SystemConfiguration frame work to a project(in the process of setting up admob in an app) in the build phases tab of Xcode to discover it isn't there. I have tryed trashing xcode and then reinstalling from the App Store and it's still not there. I have xcode 5.1. Any help would be great and if I have missed any details please let me but I think I have included everything I know.
So i copied the framework file from a friend and stuck it in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks
which worked for me

Cannot find executable for CFBundle CertUIFramework.axbundle

Just updated to Xcode 5 and this is the first error its throwing on the logger for all my apps. Can't seem to understand why this is happening.
2013-09-19 10:46:54.341 MyApp[1156:a0b] Cannot find executable
for CFBundle 0x8a7c7a0 </Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/
System/Library/AccessibilityBundles/CertUIFramework.axbundle> (not loaded)
Edit (11-11-2013): To everyone reading, once I waiting for a solid working solution to accept and close. The highest voted answer works until you re-open the project only.
Edit (30-09-2014): I can see this has been sorted since XCode 6 has been released! Finally
Final Edit-
Temporary workaround: click iOS Simulator > Reset Content and
Settings... and run again.
This error message may reappear at random. For me, it happens when I
launch a different application. There are several threads in Apple dev
forums and in StackOverflow about this problem, but none have a
definitive answer. This seems to be a SDK error to be fixed in the
next Xcode version.
Updated: October 3.
CREDIT - Please check this answer - Xcode 5 Error CertUIFramework.axbundle
Further Edit
Although this was potentially the issue resolution at the time. I believe some of the newer answers below relating to the better touch tool are in fact the correct resolutions.
After reading Kirill's answer I did some digging as I didn't want to disable BetterTouchTool for everything just the "iOS Simulator" and you can.
Open the "iOS Simulator" and will it as the active app go to the BTT drop-down menu from the top bar (of that screen if you have more than one) and select "Disable BTT for Current App". It will turn to a play icon when it's disabled.
Make sure the app name on the bar is still "iOS Simulator" as mine jumped to "Finder" a few times when I clicked the top bar!
Now re-set the simulator (if it doesn't work) and rebuild. You shouldn't get the error! :)
Don't forget to clear the error if it's still there. ;)
BTT seems to remember what apps it's disabled for (or at least it does when you close and re-open the app that's disabled I haven't tried a system re-boot yet).
Its easy. Go iOS simulator and reset content and setting.
If you are using XCode-5 then just reset the simulator "Reset Content and Settings" and run once again
So I was having this error too in Xcode 5 and 5.1. I wanted to figure out if it's Xcode bug or something else, so I did a fresh install of Mavericks 10.9.2 and Xcode 5.1. Everything seemed fine after multiple tests.
Here is where the problem began. I put the apps and settings that I mostly use and the error came back. So I deleted everything and started adding everything one by one. After couple days I had bingo! The problem is with BetterSnapTool and BetterTouchTool
Update 12.12.2014
Just started using Xcode 6.1 and noticed that this bug seems to be gone at least with Xcode 6.1 simulators and BTT 0.9985 versions.
As GasB pointed out, it is possible to disable BTT for certain apps. So just disable it for iOS Simulator. You just have to remember not to use gestures while using the simulator as that triggers the error message.
Simple solution:
Remove the ticks in preference pane, reset simulator and do clean build. The error message will disappear.
I had the same problem and solved it setting the 'Localization native development region' to match my systems region. In my case from 'en' to 'de'. The referenced files are stored in localized versions in your filesystem. So this setting is used to identify the needed version.
You can find that setting in your project settings at 'Info' -> 'Custom iOS Target Properties'.
Resetting the simulator ‘fixes’ it because it turns the accessibility support off. You can normally achieve the same by simply disabling the ‘Accessibility Inspector’ in the ‘Settings’ app.
If, however, you need it enabled, particularly hate this error message, and are feeling adventurous then you can use the following monkey patches to silence the error: https://gist.github.com/alloy/9277316. (Be sure to NOT include this in your release builds.)
Resetting the simulator is a PITA, I found a way to get rid of these messages without having to to this:
go to Settings > Accessibility
turn on Accessibility Inspector
turn off Accessibility Inspector
quit Simulator
I had this problem with Xcode 5 in ML 10.8.5
I re-installed Mountain Lion (in a Parallels' VM), then update ML to 10.8.5.
Then installrd Xcode 5, and it's worked fine.
I think that the error is caused by a third SW installed in ML.
The application Moom is also causing this issue, and I couldn't find a way to disable it for just the iOS Simulator. So for now I disabled it's accessibility features.
I'm on Mavericks (10.9.3) and encountered the same error in xCode(5.1.1).
I tried anything - reinstalling xCode from both AppStore and dmg. Resetting the emulator resulted in the same error and deleting the Simulator SDK folder gave no results too.
The issue on my end was indeed Moom as mentioned by #aorcsik! Disabling it's accessibility, followed by clean (cmd+shift+k) in xCode cleared the error.
Open Disk Utility and apply Repair Disk Permissions in Macintosh HD.
After doing above step, apply Reset Contents and Settings in iOS Simulator.
This above solution can definitely fix your problem.
I had this problem, and none of the answers in this thread could fix it. Mine was simple UI with a UIDatePicker. I resolved it by removing the UIDatePicker and the associated code, then added them in again. Problem solved!
For me it was Keyboard Maestro, adding the simulator to Maestro's exclude list silenced the warnings
