Fast Implementation of Prim aLgorithm [closed] - performance

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was using geeksforgeeks C++ implementation of Prim's Algorithm but I am getting Time Limit Exceeded in few testcases. So is there any faster implementation? Here is implementation I am currently using. To make question general, which is fastest implementation of Prim Algo in C++?

This implementation of Prim is very inefficient. On each iteration it looks for the smallest edge doing an iteration over all edges. If you use a binary heap for instance you will have an implementation that is asymptotically faster(m*log(n) vs m*n for your current implementation). Also you are supposed to write your own code not to use something someone's already written for you.


Fast Folding Algorithm Implementation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have some times series data and I would like to use an algorithm to detect periodic events in this time series.
I read that Fast Folding Algorithm is used to detect pulsars stars, but I didnt find any example code of how it is done. Where can I find it?

Libraries in any programming language to implement Round-Robin, First come first serve and Shortest Job first [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need libraries in java or C or C++ or python or perl or pascal that implements Round-Robin, First come first serve and Shortest Job first scheduling algorithms??
This is not reasonably factored out into a library. Instead, it can be trivially be implemented inline.
FIFO is a linked list. Round-Robin is an array of linked lists + an iterator. Shorted Job needs additional information not commonly available in a uniform manner; but then boils down to a priority queue.
All data structures should be available already in basic libraries in most programming languages. You just need to use them as desired.

Concurrent algorithm for strongly connected components (SCCs) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is anybody aware of a concurrent version of Tarjan's SCCs algorithm, Kosaraju's algorithm or any other fast, O(|V| + |E|) algorithm for finding SCCs? Neither of those algorithms seem to be very hard to multithread, but I'd be happy for somebody else to have done this job.
What I'm trying to handle here is an 8 GB directed graph, which I keep in RAM using a big AWS instance, and I'd like to make a good use of all 16 cores.
That's possibly the best paper I have found so far, I'll have a go at the implementation.

Discover a priodic pattern in a signal [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a large sequence of numbers c.a 10000 and I want to find a priodic pattern in this sequence of numbers. Could you please point me some references or hints to do this job?
First You should determine the length of the periodic pattern. This can be easily made with a Fourier-transformation. Look for frequences with high amplitude. This are candidates for the length of the periodic pattern.
There is a bunch of possible algorithms. Wikipedia lists some here. Although the field is very wide, I hope that will give you a starting point.

alternative to in regarding to computer science algorithms [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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On the context is mainly related to mathematics.
Is there a website for practising (and solving) common issues of algorithms, which are non-mathematical?
I am talking about issues e.g. NP-hard problems or good strategies for efficient data handling (divide+conquer, dictionaries..).
Thanks for every helpful answer in advance.
Kind regards
Project Rosalind has a good selection of problems relating to bioinformatics algorithms.
Hackerrank has a choice of problems in categories including NP-complete, Dynamic programming, Graph theory.
you can find problems on topcoder
and there
