Fast Folding Algorithm Implementation [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have some times series data and I would like to use an algorithm to detect periodic events in this time series.
I read that Fast Folding Algorithm is used to detect pulsars stars, but I didnt find any example code of how it is done. Where can I find it?


Best links to start up with Linq [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to know when exactly we need to use Linq, Why it is used for and complete knowledge on it.
Please suggest me links/books for it.
Thank you.
Try starting with LINQ 101. You would find lots of examples if you just google with "LINQ".

How to find unused variables? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How to scan a bash script (or a list of scripts), and detect which variables were defined but never read?

Discover a priodic pattern in a signal [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a large sequence of numbers c.a 10000 and I want to find a priodic pattern in this sequence of numbers. Could you please point me some references or hints to do this job?
First You should determine the length of the periodic pattern. This can be easily made with a Fourier-transformation. Look for frequences with high amplitude. This are candidates for the length of the periodic pattern.
There is a bunch of possible algorithms. Wikipedia lists some here. Although the field is very wide, I hope that will give you a starting point.

Suggest a book on spatial data structures [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Please advice a book on spatial data structures. I'm interested in Quadtrees and Octrees.
This one has good credentials.
Handbook of data structures and applications

Software for creating data structure diagrams? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What's a good (preferably free) software tool for creating data structure diagrams? For example, something like this:
GraphViz may suit you.
Inkscape takes a bit of learning, but is quite good for this.
A simpler program is Dia
