Jmeter posting on UI and capturing header values - jmeter

I want to post my username and password details on the login screen of a UI application and get the header values from it post authentication.

Use Beanshell preprocessor to set your username and password as variables. To post your login details add the values in webservice or in post parameters as ${username} (eg: http://url?user=?${username})
Use Regular expression extractor to extract values from post authentication response.


How to resolve unauthenticated issue in Postman GET Request

I used Laravel-8 for rest api. The route is shown below:
It is a GET Request.
When I send it on POSTMAN, I got this error:
"message": "Unauthenticated."
In my route I have:
'middleware' => ['auth:api']]
The reason is because I don't know how to add the Login details. email:, password: mypass
How do I achieve this?
This person walks you through the process nicely and should get you setup.
Basically you need to:
Get to your login api, probably something like: localhost:8888/myapp/server/api/v1/login
Create a POST request to the login API, select the Body tab and define key values for you Email and Password
Then run the request and copy the AccessToken value from the results
Now with your API above, select the Authorization tab, choose Bearer Token as the Type and paste in your AccessToken value for the Token field
You should also go to your Headers table and define Accept and Content-Type keys, both with values of: application/json
Of course you'll want to then change all this to use variables after you get it right, so you don't have to keep repeating this with all your new API calls.
To fetch data behind protected routes you need to provide a token that will verify that the user who made the call is authenticated.
Then you have to provide the token in Authorization section of postman.
I assume you know the difference between Post and Get. Laravel works a little different then regular PHP, let me tell you how.
In order to access the protected routes you'll have to first access the token from login route. By sending the required data in .
Once that's done it'll return the token which can be used to access the protected routes under admin or auth middleware.
In your case you're accessing localhost:8888/myapp/server/api/v1/admin/role which is a protected route under admin middleware. You'll have to first access token and then send token with the get request to fetch the required data.

In Jmeter ,Header manager don't add the jwt authorization token for testing Spring boot Rest API's

I have extracted the JWT token from the User login controller Rest API(taken endpoints from swagger) and my test plan looks like this
As you can see in the images in login request it takes the header of Breakdown Configuration and it doesn't take authorization token value pass as a JSON object in Bearer ${token} although I have extracted it in JSON extractor and debug sampler shows it.
I have also used the once only controller but it doesn't solve the issue. Please help in the nested Header Manager and how to use it correctly. Even I have used Bean Shell processor under my GETALL Bd-config request and pass the command:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Header;
sampler.getHeaderManager().add(new Header("Authorization","Bearer " + vars.get("token")));
But it doesnt solve the issue. Please guide. My jwt token expiration time is 1 hour
Your test configuration is wrong, JMeter's Post-Processors obey JMeter Scoping Rules therefore your Extract token post-processor is being sequentially applied to:
Debug Sampler - (ka-boom, here the token gets replaced by blank value)
GetAll bd-config
The solution will be putting these Extract id and Extract token as the children of the Login request
This way the token and the id will be extracted from the Login and remain until next iteration not being overwritten by the Debug Sampler

How to Configure Jmeter for after Login process in an Application?

How to Configure Jmeter for after Login process in an Application?
I am able to configure the login request for 100 users from the CSV file with the help of Jmeter's "CSV Data set Config", but after the successful login of all I want to know how to configure the jmeter to go to the "Offers" page of there(100 user) accounts.Means 1 User can login & View his/her "Offer" page.Please Help.
There are two ways to achieve this scenario:
add another HTTP sampler & fill the details like Server IP, Path of Offers URL (you will have already done the same for Login), HTTP Header data etc. and pass correlation parameters from the response of Login if required to view the offers specific to 1 user.
make sure you use right method (GET/POST) in HTTP Sampler.
record the whole scenario (ref:
You will still have to do the correlation of parameters (using regular expression extractor or Xpath extractor) wherever required. This entirely depends on the parameters required for the offer page HTTP request.
hope this will help.
You'll need a cookie manager to store the session and cookie for all logged in users.

How to login to an email Address using jmeter?

I am testing some api for our product using jmeter. To test the api to verify the user's email address I need to login to the mail account. I have the email and password of a test user. How can I login using an api or any other way in jmeter?
Is it possible at all?
Yes that is possible. You'll have to create a test plan with multiple steps but these depend on the concrete implementation of the login.
First you must identify the following two locations:
The GET request that gets the initial login form (if this is required).
The POST request that posts the login credentials.
If your service has a stateless login form you can even skip the first step.
Otherwise the response of the GET request will contain stuff which needs to be extracted (e.g. the JSESSIONID if you are using JSF) and sent as a parameters in the POST request. You can use the Regular Expression Extractor of JMeter to extract these values and provide them as variables for use in the subsequent requests.
Here is an example screenshot of a HTTP Request element configured to POST login data to the url /common/j_security_check
You might also need to intercept an authentication token from the server response and then pass that into following requests.
Here is a blog entry with a couple of video tutorials on logins with JMeter:
You can use jmeter to login,
two ways:
parameterization using csv file(for more users)/user defined variables(UDV)
Login config elements(for single user)
Now that I understand you want to automatically click on a confirmation link from an email using JMeter, here is a blog entry that explains exactly how to do that:

Does anyone know how to access the username and password from the Login Config Element in jMeter inside of a BeanShell?

Does anyone know how to access the username and password from the Login Config Element in jMeter inside of a BeanShell?
I am trying to access the Login Config Element from and HTTPRequest also. I need to have the password saved with the dot overlay so that it is secure for my companies use. I want to access them from an HTTPRequest so that I don't have to put the username and password in cleartext. Then I want to access it in a BeanShell Post script so that I can change the password before the Simple Data Writer writes the HTTP request output to a file.
Thus far I have been unable to find any useful information on how to do this.
I have tried this script so far which does replace the password written in the Simple Data Listener file but I still have to put it in clear text and I would prefer to put a variable or use a function to access the variable.
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSampleResult;
import java.lang.String;
Have you checked out the Jmeter API to see if it lists how the username/password are being stored? (it may not)
If the API can't help you, you may be able to do a debug sampler and see if the username/password are being stored as variables/properties.
Beanshell samplers can access both variables and properties.
