How to Configure Jmeter for after Login process in an Application? - jmeter

How to Configure Jmeter for after Login process in an Application?
I am able to configure the login request for 100 users from the CSV file with the help of Jmeter's "CSV Data set Config", but after the successful login of all I want to know how to configure the jmeter to go to the "Offers" page of there(100 user) accounts.Means 1 User can login & View his/her "Offer" page.Please Help.

There are two ways to achieve this scenario:
add another HTTP sampler & fill the details like Server IP, Path of Offers URL (you will have already done the same for Login), HTTP Header data etc. and pass correlation parameters from the response of Login if required to view the offers specific to 1 user.
make sure you use right method (GET/POST) in HTTP Sampler.
record the whole scenario (ref:
You will still have to do the correlation of parameters (using regular expression extractor or Xpath extractor) wherever required. This entirely depends on the parameters required for the offer page HTTP request.
hope this will help.

You'll need a cookie manager to store the session and cookie for all logged in users.


Redirect Jmeter to the home page after successful login with multiple users

I created a script multiple user logins and redirected to the home page. For multiple user logins fetching data from CSV file but after logged in, home page redirection is not working.
There are multiple possible explanations:
Your login fails somewhere somehow so you're still at the login page, check the server response using View Results Tree listener and if this is the case - fix your script. It might be sufficient to add a HTTP Cookie Manager to represent user session
You might need to play with Redirect automatically / Follow redirects checkboxes on HTTP Request sampler level
Your redirect is being managed by JavaScript and JMeter is not capable of executing JavaScript so you need to extract the desired redirect location using a suitable JMeter Post-Processor (basically implement correlation of the redirect URL) and add another HTTP Request sampler to open the redirect target.
More information: Redirections in HTTP
In general make sure that JMeter sends the same requests as the real browser does, given this simple rule is met you should be able to properly simulate real user actions

Recorded user authentication then run same script with another user id and password but Jmeter displaying previous user's dashboard

Recorded user authentication for one user then run script in Jmeter and successfully logged-in. Now change user id and password for another user but displaying previous user information not changed user information
Check out if there are any headers being sent via HTTP Header Manager. It might be the case your application under test identifies user via header
Check if recorded URLs contain dynamic postfix which can act as user session identifier
If there is a HTTP Authorization Manager in your Test Plan - update username and password there
Consider adding HTTP Cookie Manager to our Test Plan - it should be sufficient to automatically handle user sessions
Generic troubleshooting step: capture the requests sent by JMeter and the real browser using a sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler and compare them. Amend JMeter configuration to eliminate differences.

How to login to an email Address using jmeter?

I am testing some api for our product using jmeter. To test the api to verify the user's email address I need to login to the mail account. I have the email and password of a test user. How can I login using an api or any other way in jmeter?
Is it possible at all?
Yes that is possible. You'll have to create a test plan with multiple steps but these depend on the concrete implementation of the login.
First you must identify the following two locations:
The GET request that gets the initial login form (if this is required).
The POST request that posts the login credentials.
If your service has a stateless login form you can even skip the first step.
Otherwise the response of the GET request will contain stuff which needs to be extracted (e.g. the JSESSIONID if you are using JSF) and sent as a parameters in the POST request. You can use the Regular Expression Extractor of JMeter to extract these values and provide them as variables for use in the subsequent requests.
Here is an example screenshot of a HTTP Request element configured to POST login data to the url /common/j_security_check
You might also need to intercept an authentication token from the server response and then pass that into following requests.
Here is a blog entry with a couple of video tutorials on logins with JMeter:
You can use jmeter to login,
two ways:
parameterization using csv file(for more users)/user defined variables(UDV)
Login config elements(for single user)
Now that I understand you want to automatically click on a confirmation link from an email using JMeter, here is a blog entry that explains exactly how to do that:

JMeter login and authentication sampler

Could anyone please help to test the login / authentication with the following scenario?
User access the site "" home page. In that page, there is a button "login with oauth".
Upon clicking the "login with oauth" button, "" redirects to "" in which the user is able to key in username and passowrd and sign in. It authenticates (oauth) the user and returns back to "". will send the client id and call back url when redirects to
How to achieve this using JMeter?
Thanks in advance
OAuth is a basically a way of getting a token. If you're load-testing OAuth-enabled application you need to do the following:
Request temporary access token
Authorize access token
Change temporary access token to something permanent
You can do steps above manually, capture permanent access token via sniffer and add it to your requests as a separate HTTP Request parameter. If you have limited number of user logins to reuse in test it may do the trick for you.
However if you need to test end-to-end flow which assumes obtaining token process via JMeter you need to consider OAuth Sampler Plugin
So basically you need to do one of the following:
Manual 3-stepped OAuth login and capture token process followed by adding token as a parameter of HTTP Requests for each virtual user
Automated OAuth login process by means of JMeter OAuth sampler
If you have limited number of logins/users option 1 may be better
P.S. There is also an option for advanced JMeter users and/or Java developers to add OAuth java client libraries to JMeter lib/ext folder and use Beanshell Samplers to authenticate with OAuth. It's also likely that you'll have to use Selenium with JMeterto navigate to OAuth callback page and confirm authorized login from there.

Load Testing with JMeter - will it log into my site at load?

I wish to use JMeter to login to my site, run some reports and log out again as a load test.
Is JMeter the best tool for this? I'm concerned it doesn't maintain the browser session between requests.
You can do this very easily in JMeter. You need to create a HTTP Request Sampler (action type needs to be post), then add all the form fields as parameters (username, password etc) and have the path set to the form target. You'll also need to ensure that you have a HTTP cookie manager set to stay logged in. It's even possible to log in as different users, I wrote a blog on it here for full details on how to load test with multiple user logins in JMeter.
Yes you can use jmeter for this. It supports maintaining session across requests and the scenario you want to test is pretty common one.
