Change view after make ajax call AngularJS - ajax

I am developing a single page application, with help of AngularJS and I'm new to it
maybe my question is so primitive but at the moment I don't know how to handle it
what I need to do id to open up a pop-up menu after user enters his/her username and password then make a ajax call to Server and if the user is authenticated another view(profile) is displayed.
This is my ajax call
formApp.controller('mainController',function FormCtrl($scope,$http){
$scope.processForm = function() {
method : 'POST',
url : 'login',
data : $.param($scope.formData),
headers : { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
And this is the routers and views config :
var formApp = angular.module('formApp', ['ngRoute']);
formApp.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/', {
templateUrl : 'main',
controller : 'mainController'
.when('/profile', {
templateUrl : 'profile',
controller : 'profileController'
Thanks in advance,

So now in success method call route-change: return $location.path('/profile');
Also, I guess, you need some service where you will keep user's data.
Also, consider to use ngResource (or similar things) to work with REST backend (and don't keep this logic in controller).

Use modal window and inject controller into it and in resolve make the service call which contains your $http request.
see the link for modal window.


How to pass variables from Controller to View without refreshing the Web Page in Laravel?

Whenever there is a call to Controller inside View, I want the Controller to return some variables to the View and do not refresh the View.
Already know:
return view("webpage" , compact('variable1', 'variable2') );
What I expect to achieve:
return compact('variable1', 'variable2');
This will not return the Webpage but only some of the variables.
Thinking it from a complete different perspective, The question maybe rephrased as such
Is there a way to manipulate REQUEST variables of a web page from the controller? This way, i would be able to get new variables from the Controller without the web page being Refreshed.
With out much to work with, here is an example:
Ajax call:
url: '/your/route/',
type: 'GET',
data: {getVariable: formInputValue},
.done(function (data) {
.fail(function () {
Controller Function:
public function getVariable(Request $request){
$resault = $request->getVariable;
return response()->json($results);
Update: as per comments on this answer try this and see if it works for you.
In your controller where you fetch records instead of using a ->get();
change it to paginate(5); this will return 5 records per page. and on your view at the bottom of your </table> add {{ $variable->links() }}

Do I sent two requests to the ActionResult?

I have an MVC project and depending on the filter options chosen by the user I am sending different ajax requests to the same actionresult, for example:
$(document).on("click", "#filter_reset_button", function () {
var url = "/Admin/Index";
url: url,
type: "get",
data: { reset: true },
successCallback: function () {
window.location.href = url;
Other listeners sent different data, something like:
data: { page: 2, filterUpdate: true }
and so on. The Index ActionResult returns different lists of items, depending on different options chosen in the data and the code works completely fine.
A colleage of mine told me, that my code is actually sending two get requests to the AR everytime, so its not efficient. Is that true? And if its the case, how can I refactor it. to make it just one request? If I let window.location.href = url part out, the site actually doesnt load the server response.
Yes you are doing 2 request in button click. First in Ajax Get, Second in Success Call Back.
But Why are you calling window.location.href = url; success call back. ?
If you want update the page after click, you can do partial updates to page. Check this post.
That is correct 2 request called.
First request when you call AJAX get to Action Index in Admin Controller.
Second request when you set window.location.href = url, it will same as you enter /Admin/Index in browser.
In this case you only need window.location.href = '/admin/index?reset=true' in click function
You can see the post here at this post
Actually on success callback you must change your code accordingly to the above post

Insert Data Using Ajax

I am using Laravel 5.3. I want to insert the data using blade template.But my when i press submit button it gets refreshed every time. what to do? and please anyone tell me how to use ajax url,type,data
If you try to submit via Javascript make sure prevent form default action with e.preventDefault(). This code prevent the form submitted in a regular way. Just add this code to wrap your AJAX call:
I just assume you are using jquery if you are talking about ajax. It's really simple. Your laravel routes listen to "post", "get", "patch", "delete" methods.
Everything of these can be created with a ajax request - example:
method: "POST",
url: "/posts",
data: { title: "Hello World", text: "..." }
.done(function( post ) {
// assuming you return the post
alert(post.title + " created");
Now that you use ajax you will not want to return a view to the ajax call. You have different options here (create a new route, helper functions etc.) I will give the most easy example
Controller function:
public function store(Request $request) {
$post = App\Post::create($request->all());
if($request->ajax()) {
return $post;
} else {
return redirect('/posts');
now you controller will return data on ajax calls and will redirect you on default calls without ajax.
Finally you have a last thing to keep in mind. If you have web middleware applied ( done by default ) you need to handle the csrf token. The most easy way to handle this is by adding a meta tag to your html head
and then (before doing all your calls etc.) add this to configure your ajax
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="_token"]').attr('content')
this will add the valid csrf token which is in your head to every ajax call and will ensure you not run into token missmatch exceptions.
Things to keep in mind:
- if you stay very long on one page tokens might expire ( laravel-caffeine will help here )
- you need to handle validation for ajax calls

angularjs changes in data not affected in views ajax

I am developing an application with angular js
Question: When I have an ajax call to server and I need to change the views based on the result of ajax call, the views don't get affected by this call, I think it the page renders before ajax call is finished but I don't know how to resolve it
For example the following piece of code
$scope.addItem = function() {
method :'GET',
url : 'addItem',
headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
}).success( function(data) {
$scope.allItems = data;
the allItems changed after the ajax call but the view is not changed
how should I solve this?

Prestashop: How to submit data from adminpanel template to Admin Controller?

I'm trying to make a custom page in the adminpanel of Prestashop where the shopowner can fill in his upcoming events that will appear in a column in the header.tpl page. The templates and controller are working so far, with a structure based on an answer here at Stack Overflow:
How to create a new page in prestashop admin panel?
Now I have made in the content.tpl (with the added custom JavaScript and CSS files) the form with the input fields. The next step is to send it to the controller to save it in the database. But I'm stuck this part. I can't find how I can nicely submit the form to the controller. First I tried it with an Ajax function but I couldn't find the right way. Also without Ajax no success.
type: 'POST',
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
async: true,
cache: false,
dataType : "json",
processEvents: true,
ajax: 'true',
controller: 'AdminEvents',
token: static_token
//success: function(jsonData){
This is an example of an Ajax function that I tried. My questions:
How does other tpl or js files receive the baseUri, where is that
variable set?
What is the function of the ?rand date and time in that line? A kind
of security token?
What is the url of the controller? Also the url when I use
I guess the processEvents : true and Ajax : true is for security
reasons and to check if the form is submitted by Ajax or not?
Why is it necessary to send the controller name?
Where does the token come from?
Questions about the controller:
Which (Prestashop default functions) can or do need to use? For
if (Tools::isSubmit('name')){
if (Tools::getValue('create_account')){
Can I use that functions anywhere or maybe only in an Init function?
A lot of questions, feel free to answer only a part of it, I just need a good push in the right direction, searching and reading in the online documentation and on the internet doesn't brought me the solution and brainwashed me a little.
I made a little progress by myself:
Where does the token come from?
What is the url of the controller? Also the url when I use
With the tools getAdminTokenLite and the controller name I generated the controller url:
$token = '?controller=AdminEvents&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminEvents');
The url to post to is the token plus the domain, admin directory and index.php.
With the tool getValue I get the POST data like in PHP with $_POST["name"].
So its working but I guess it can be better with other Presta default tools.
I know that it's very late to answer you, but for sure it will help other mates with same problem.
Here is an example about how to implement ajax calls in Prestashop 1.6 on Admin panel using ANY Controller from BackOffice (if you want also, you can use ajax.php controller, but I'm using for this AdminImportController() )
tpl part:
$('#mybtn').click(function(e) {
var data = $('#datalist').val();
// Ajax call with secure token
$.post( "{$current|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&token= {$token|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}",
{ ajax: true, action: "MyFunction", mydata: data } );
And in admin controller side:
public function ajaxProcessMyFunction()
// Get param
$mydata = (int)Tools::getValue('mydata');
$answer = 0;
if( $mydata > 0 ) {
$this->importProfList = Db::getInstance()->executeS(
$answer = $someOperationResult;
// Response
'answer' => htmlspecialchars($answer)
Tested and working like a charm.
